I watch as I strangle the life out of my love, the betrayal of him hurt me so deep. He made me do this, it's his fault.
I watch as the life leaves and his body goes limp, why couldn't he just love me back. Why must they always make me hurt them.
It's the sixth time this has happened, they say I'm a monster. But they're the monsters, they cause me to do these things.
I climb off his body and I sit and watch his body un-moving while I finish my cup of tea. It's calming to my soul to know I now have justice for the wrongs his committed.
Watching his body lifeless brings me joy and pleasure, the feeling if taking his life with my hands still lingers. The look in his eyes burning into my soul, which fuled me to tighten my grip around his neck....
We was happy and in a beautiful place, a lovely log cabin with a beautiful view of a stunning lake. Yet he hurt me so I had to stop him, they always hurt me by flirting with others and lying to me.
I put my cup in the sink with some hot water and soap and wash it carefully, I grab some rope and tie his hands together and grab him out the sliding door and to the back of the storage shed next to the cabin where is lovers lifeless body lies...
She I caved in with a rock, with three strikes her brain was in view and blood gliding it's way effortlessly from your mouth, eyes and nose. The lovely view of her life poring into the soil, making it rich from her sins.
They can be together now, why cause so much pain to others. I pre-digged a hole for them both last night. Luckily her fiance left last night after there fight. There cabin was about five miles from mine.
I told him that they were going behind our backs, I found her underwear in my bed. They say it was a mistake, but I don't believe them.
I finish off digging the hole and pour lime as a lining of the grave. I then push her slutty body into it first then his, my love the betrayer. Once both body's thump into the ground I cover them with more lime and put the soil back on top.
They can rot for all I care, all my loves have betrayed me here, so they stay here burried with there affairs around the cabin and the shed.
I strip down of my clothes and burn them in my wood burner with all evidence of there presence. People may call me a murder, I call myself the law. I get justice for them that are cheated on and lied to. I make them face there consequences.
I watch as the flames dance while I'm in my sport shorts and bra, the flames free my soul as I watch anything related to them burn like her blood and his DNA.
I Just stand there calm and at ease knowing I'm surrounded by rotting body's.......