"Everything's in place, Brafilius?" An eagle flew down into a small cave, filled with hundreds of uniquely designed magic animals.
"Why of course dear sister." A humanoid dog stepped forward, holding a small elephant-like creature in its hands. "Faragonda set their protege to bring them to Alfea."
"Excellent." The creature then stepped forward, slowly changing its appearance to that of a mixture of a human and a big cat. "Soon, our revenge will be full circle."
Brafilius only watched as Kalshara grabbed the creature from his hands at threw it inside a small cage, leaving it completely helpless as a strange mist became surrounding it covering it completely as Kalshara transformed and flew off into the distance...
"Last stop, Alfea! Here we are!"
Stella and the Winx comes out from the bus and the Winx are carrying Stella's shopping bags.
"Ugh... Finally..." Bloom sighs.
"I'm worn out." Flora says.
"Ugh.." Aisha drops her bags.
"Our shopping day in Magix city was beyond magical!" Stella exclaims.
"Beyond exhausting, you mean..." Tecna began. "All we did was run after you from one shop to the other."
"In case you forgot, Stella." Aisha turned to her with the remaining bags in her hand. "all the shopping bags are yours."
"And they're really heavy." Musa is struggling to hold onto hers. Stella then uses her magic the shrink the shopping bags, causing Aisha, Musa and Tecna to growl.
"Why didn't you do this like four hours ago?" Bloom said, annoyed.
"I.." Stella tries to think of a good excuse. "Didn't want you to miss out on the thrill of helping me."
"Stella!" All the Winx stare at Stella, looking either really angry or really annoyed.
"Faragonda is going to give us so much grief about this." Flora groaned.
"Relax! I know a secret passage, that can get us inside, without being seen!" The Winx then follow Stella as she sneaks into Alfea. "Step only where I step, and don't make a sound..."
A loud scream suddenly filled the air causing the winx to fall onto the ground. Two Alfea students are seen running towards the school.
"Run away! Run away!"
"Get ready girls!" Bloom turns to the girls when a monster appears and attacks the students.
"Woah~" The winx were shocked.
"What is that thing?" Aisha asked.
"We'll find out later. First, we have to stop it. Tecna, Flora, get those girls to safety! You, with me!" The winx nod and follow Blooms directions. Stella looks confused for a second.
"Huh? Oh!" Flora and Tecna help out the students. Bloom, Aisha, Stella and Musa approach the monster but it jumps towards them. Stella and Aisha grunts. Then, Bloom grunts.
"Bloom!" Flora tries to warn Bloom of the monster's upcoming attack.
"Huh? Ahh!" A mysterious light comes out of nowhere and the monster returns to its normal self and Faragonda appears causing Bloom and the others to be confused. "Huh?"
"Come here, little one. Nobody is going to hurt you." Faragonda calls the creature towards her. Bloom is relieved.
"Principal Faragonda!" "Ah, did we wake you up?" Stella is playing with her hair, slightly nervous. Aisha and Musa just stare at Stella, making her feel even worse.
"We'll talk about that later." Faragonda then turns to the two students. "Ladies, what did you feed it?" The little creature takes out something from its poach.
"Just as I suspected. The Kangourmet must only eat fruit and vegetables. Because candy turns it into a rampaging nightmare." Faragonda then turns the candy into a leaf and the Kangourmet eats it. "You are the keepers of the Alfea Natural Park, don't forget that."
The gate then opens and everyone walks inside, Faragonda turns to the winxs.
"As for all of you... I'm sure you have an excellent reason for arriving so late?" The winx look at each other.
"Ah..." Stella brings out her shopping bags.
"In my office. Now."
The girls are all sitting down across from Faragonda, who was....not happy.
"I'm very disappointed, Winx. You are the best fairies at Alfea." Stella just yawns. "You should be setting an example for the students!"
"You're right, Principle Faragonda." Bloom spoke up. "It won't happen again." The other winxs nod in agreement.
"There's another reason why I asked you here." Faragonda uses her magic to make an image of the Alfea Natural Park appear. "What you see, is the Alfea Natural Park. Tomorrow morning, you're all going to accompany me to visit it. I'd like for you all to see it. Because you're going to plan Park's Grand Opening Party."
"Party?" Stella jumped wide awake after hearing the word party.
"Huh?" Bloom was confused.
"Did someone say party?" The winx just facepalmed in response Stella's question.
The winx arrive at their temporarily dorm, which Faragonda had set up for them. Stella, unironically, was over the moon.
"A grand opening party, can you imagine? It's so exciting! I don't know if I can get to sleep!" Musa frowns right fore Kiko appears.
"Oh, I know I can." Kiko then runs towards Bloom.
"Kiko! I'm sorry I'm so late. Is everything alright? Huh?" Kiko appears to be hungry and Bloom uses her magic conjure up a carrot. "Oh, you poor thing! Here you go!" Aisha leaves for her room.
"See you tomorrow, girls!" Bloom heads for her bedroom.
"Wear something sporty, it's gonna be a day in the open air." Aisha goes to close her door.
"Oh, leave it to me! I'll work all night on the perfect outfits. Huh?" The other winx look at Stella, smug.