Chikara walked close behind the Mandalorian-dressed bounty hunter known as Boba Fett. Static and Hiss, the two death troopers followed at either side of the two. They walked down the sandy street of the city. Chikara's underlying jumpsuit kept him cool in the beating desert heat, his companions were just as fortunate, he couldn't imagine how it felt to be one of the poor citizens, fighting just to make a living. just five years before, he would've been here to kill Boba and all those loyal to him. Today though was different. Chikara followed quietly and soon they came to a large ship port. hundreds, if not thousands of pike stood there, some of them running, some of them standing with weapons. "You outfitted the twins like you said you would right?" chikara whispered to Fett. The green armored leader turned his head slightly and whispered back. "Yes. I suggest you find cover." Fett said standing still and looking the pike over. As if by silent command, Fenek and Chikara dived to the sides to avoid blaster fire. Boba, Static, and Hiss began opening fire. The death troopers ruthlessly mowed down the unprofessional spice traders. Chikara and Fenek came in from behind and began taking them out from behind. The Pike's shots did nothing against the twins and Boba. the beskar armor glancing the plasma bolts off. after the last pike was down they were all panting with exhaustion. "you fight well." Fett said looking up at Chikara. "thank you, sir." Chikara stood upright and saluted. all his years of Republic and imperial training wouldn't let him disrespect his superiors. "At ease soldier. you're not in the empire any more."
"Right sorry sir," Chikara said relaxing. "you two did a good job." Fett turned and looked at the death troopers, their black armor making them stick out amongst the sand. A procession of white and black noise came from both of them. "good to hear." Fett said and turned to Fenek. "Any news of the twins?" he asked. The deadly woman flipped up her mask, "None for now." Din D'jarin called in. "There's an Imperial transport in the system."
"Don't do anything stupid, keep an eye on them."