As the drunk man strutted through the dark alley, along with the clinking of the beer bottles in his hands, he heard a noise- the friction of cloth on road, as if someone wearing a long gown was following him. He turned and what he saw chilled his blood. A person was wearing a black robe which covered his whole body and a hood which hid almost all of his face.
The drunk man swayed and went closer. The more steps he took towards the hooded person, the more the atmosphere got colder, as if all the warmth of his blood was being sucked.
Now, he faced the unflinching person who hadn't stirred a bit. With one stroke of his finger he made the hood fall and what he saw was enough for him to make his away. But he didn't make it.
No sooner had he turned than his whole body got limp and he shuddered as his worst memories flashed by, eventually dissolving his vision into gloomy darkness.