"Okay Sydney, are you ready to make history?"
"Am I ever... I've been working my whole career for this. This little molecule here will revolutionize modern science."
"A whole career of 7 years."
"Just think, our names will go down in textbooks everywhere..."
"Alright, safety checks are finalized, we are good to go."
"Reading you loud and clear. Commencing in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... And we have made entry- Woah, wait a second, Jefferson are you reading this?"
"I can't really tell what I'm reading to be honest, my instruments are going crazy... What's going on at your end?"
"The molecule appears to have vaporized on entry point-"
"Shit. Is it contained?"
"No, it's expanded, somehow going through the containment shell! I'm getting solid readings outside the sealed area!"
"Well, how far does the span reach?"
"I don't know, I've sent a team out to take samples."
"Damn it, Sydney! This molecule alters DNA and can apparently go through sealed chambers, and we've just released it to the public!"
"Jefferson... What should I do?"
"There's nothing to do..."
International communications show the effects are world wide, chaos is spreading onto streets everywhere. Tests have shown the origin of these abilities come from a recently discovered type of molecule that latches onto DNA and changes its structure, giving ordinary people extraordinary and terrifying abilities. Nobody has come out with an official reason this molecule was released, but that really isn't the question anymore. Authorities are trying to quell the rising panic to no avail, many are in a state of panic themselves. At this point it's fair to say that barely 48 hours after its release, the molecule has wreaked havoc to society on a global scale...
People listen to the radio across the world, some on the streets, some hiding out in houses, some scouting them, all trying to comprehend this new world they find themselves in. Including Margie Eisenhower and her parent's, Bill and Jenifer.
Huddled together in the attic, with several men and a women downstairs looting their house, they sit with a gun to Bill's head. The gun is a threat yes, but it's mostly a show of power, considering the gun is hanging in the air while the man watches them from a corner. Margie listens to the radio, ever aware of the thick and potentially deadly tension hanging in the air. It's hard for her to wrap her head at what's going on, and how drastically the world has changed. It's apparent in every way, the way she can't touch her mother for fear of getting electrocuted, the way she sees her dad react to sounds she can't hear, and of course the gun floating in front of his face. She doesn't know what she can do yet, and she hates that she feels almost eager to find out. Something she hates even more is how she can feel when other people move. She feels the energy around them, but she doesn't know that yet. Just like she has no idea she'll be orphaned in the next few hours and that she will make a promise to her mother that will keep her awake at night and haunted by the ghosts of her parents.