N饾憥饾憵饾憭: Vacuum
饾惗饾憸饾憿饾憹饾憴饾憭: 饾懄饾憱饾懅饾拤饾憥饾憶
饾惡饾憭饾憶饾憻饾憭: Sad, Angst, Drama
One-Shot290Please respect copyright.锛帮讥锛肌锛肌9HKaX1ae3V
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His fingers were spinning fast on mobile numbers.
He did not know whose number he was dialing
Unknown number
The idea came to him after he repeatedly found no one to talk to among the familiar numbers of his phone audience
Everyone knew him as a painless and happy person.
One who did not know grief and has never seen turmoil in his life
From the point of view of others, perhaps his small concerns were fleeting and meaningless loves.
Yibo grinned and waited for the call. Nobody answered.
The next lucky number was the voice of a young woman: "Yes?"
He opened and closed his mouth slightly to find the right word to say. But the call was cut off. Disappointed, he sighed and stared at his phone screen.
Next random number. The contact was rejected.
He looked at the number. It is as if he is talking to her face to face: "Stupid, I want to kill myself ... you should not reject me ... cow ..."
Another number: "The shared device is off ..."
Yibo held the phone in his hand as he sat on the floor of his room, and laughed madly: "Okay, okay ... God ... you mean nothing's wool, no ?! I've known for a lifetime ... do something new before I die "Damn .. fuck you .. fuck ... it 's been three .. I'll take one last chance and then I'm dying"
He called again. The first trumpet. The second trumpet. The third trumpet.
He laughed and desperately tried to hang up, but a masculine voice answered, "Yes?"
Yibo hurried and haw. He said:"h..h..hi?"
He was thinking in his mind: "What the hell did I say when I want to die?"
Worried, he waited for the man's cold answer. After a minute of silence, the voice behind the line said, "Oh ... you do not know me ... do you know me?"
"No ... I do not know," Yibo said.
"Well?" The man asked in a surprised tone.
Yibo asked, "Well ?? Oh, that's how I got your random count."
The man whispered to himself, "What a coincidence?" "What can I do now?" He asked in a clear voice.
Yibo did not know if he had to tell the truth or lie. But when he was frustrated with the reaction from his relatives, he sought refuge with a stranger to convey his pain and sorrow. He wanted to know if anyone in the last moments of his life was worried about his decision or not! So he honestly replied: "I want to kill myself ... I wanted someone to know"
The man behind the line laughed: "Why should your death be important to me ..."
Yibo realizes that he is waiting to know his name: "My name is Yibo"
The strange man said happily: "Hmmm ... Yibo ... My name is Zhan ..."
"Well, Zhan ... why are you laughing? Do you think I'm kidding?" Yibo said quickly.
Zhan laughed louder: "No ... oh you called someone bad ..."
You laughed again.
Yibo became nervous: "Why are you laughing then? I will continue to hang up ..."
Zhan took a few breaths to control himself: "Excuse me ... Excuse me ... Well, you were saying? How do you want to kill yourself?"
Yibo was surprised by his question: "You do not want to say I do not do this? Or why do I do this?"
Zhan calmly replied: "No .. Why should I want to change your decision? You must have thought about the consequences before this decision ... I respect your decision ... Aha about asking what made you make this decision? .. This thing "I do not want to know ... because I am not your place to want to conclude or understand you .. anyway you did not call to be understood ... you called because you were afraid"
Yibo was unreasonably afraid of Zhan's reaction: "You ... have you ever thought about it? Or did you do it?"
Zhan was silent. The sound of his struggle behind the line indicated that he was lying down. "Are you asleep?" Yibo asked.
Zhan let out a sigh: "No ... but I lay down and little by little I want to sleep ... of course eternal"
Zhan laughed: "That's why I laughed ... I also wanted to die before the call ... I took the pill, it works .. It feels good .. Of course, I did not wait for anyone to call and alone and silently for a few more days, maybe my body smells bad "Find it ... but I was interested in Yahoo calling me one and telling him that he was dying ..."
A bad shock came to Yibo: "Where are you? What? Why? Are you kidding me?"
Zhan laughed in a relaxed state: "No ... but it seems that our destiny is tied to where you called me from ... thank you for laughing at me before I died ... now ... you do not want to die?"
Yibo closed his eyes. He lowered his head: "Why ... I'm lying down now ..."
"Don't say you took the pill?" Zhan asked in surprise.
Yibo laughed this time: "No ... but I closed all the seams and opened the gas .. I ... little by little I am falling asleep ..."
"How many people did you call me before?"
Yibo replied confusedly, "5 nine 3 ... yeah ... you were fourth"
"Did you lie down?" Zhan laughed.
Yibo confirmed his words to Huh. Zhan's laughter became shorter: "Well ... let's put our phones on the speaker and sleep ..."
Yibo approved his request: "And ... should we hug each other?" he laughed.
Zhan laughed, " with pleasure .. I think they will find the bodies of both of us through our lines ... Do you really believe in that world?"
"No ... but I believe in the eggs of this world ..." Yibo said.
Zhan laughed again: "But I believe ... I think even though I did not see you but I can find you among the people of Onur .. let's see each other .. okay?"
Yibo his eyes narrowed: "Okay .. I will recognize you .. because you laugh a lot and ... and the sounds .. the sounds are very beautiful .."
There was no sound. "Are you asleep, Zhan?"
There was no answer to his question: "Wait for me .. I will see you .. I will come too .."290Please respect copyright.锛帮讥锛肌锛肌rbPM1YacnN
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The Vaccum is my Persian One Shot. I translated this to English.聽
So forgive my translation mistakes.
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Best Wishes, Suzilv