walking through the streets of Shizume City, Hibiki found herself swaying through the glass windows of bakery shops as well as fAshton stores in order to see what was new. Hibiki loved finishing things before others, it made things a bit more easier as seeing she could find time to herself and have exquisite leftover time to visit her favourite cousin.
Suoh Mikoto. As Hibiki's favourite cousin, Suoh was a rough and ill-tempered kind of guy who usually resulted into violence if he needed to. Suoh was just a year older than Hibiki, but the two had practically grown up together that most others mistook them as 'lovers' or 'siblings'.
Hibiki didn't mind either one of them seeing as well she already had some feelings for Suoh and cared about him greatly as a younger sister would. But, she knew that Suoh would never allow them to be closer than just 'cousins who've happened to have grown up together'.
Hibiki could understand his reasoning for his distantness but she couldn't fathom why he had to be stubborn about it all the time. He obviously knew how Hibiki feels. So why act as if he doesn't care or know?
Hibiki 'humphed' to herself as she stood outside the HOMRA Bar in which was the usual hangout that Suoh and his little gang friends hung out. Smiling devilishly to herself, Hibiki mustered out strength in order to get through the intimidating force that the bar held without fainting...again...and sprung through the doors leading into the bar.