The "Creative Writing" room didn't have a teacher for the first fifteen minutes of class- worrying the girls, "Where's Professor Kanaru?! What would we do without him??" they whispered amongst themselves, talking about their good-looking professor... who wasn't there.
The door opens and shuts quietly as a blonde male with gray eyes walked in. It was so unusual for a blonde male in Japan- everyone just HAD to look. His hair was smooth and his skin had a very light tan. He was definitely Japanese, though. He walked to Professor Kanaru's desk quietly and sat a bunch of folders down gently, and sat his brief case next to it. He was wearing a nice suit that was clearly expensive and his shoes were polished to be shiny.
He looks up.
"As your Professor, Professor Kanaru, is absent for two weeks, due to an injury, I will be taking over." His voice was calm and almost seductive- but not intentionionally. He scanned the class with his pool of gray eyes, "You can call me Professor Saizen."