Hi, I guess... I don't really know what to do here but that seems to be a good place to start.
Have any of you ever felt like you see the world differently than everyone else? I'm not talking better or worse, just different. Have you ever seen the immensity of a crowded room? Realized that everyone out there has their own story to tell of how they got there, that they have lives just as complicated as yours? Now imagine 7 billion of those lives that had their own twisting and turning path that got them to that exact place they are now. Everything about the world is so complicated and intricate that it's hard to imagine, because each of us is like a carved grain of rice in a gigantic stew that's made in a big tub in the factory of life, sitting along with every other carved grain of rice that's completely unique, just like you. And that's just one batch of stew.
I don't know if that made sense to anyone, but it did to me. To tell you the truth, I actually feel a little bit better after expressing that. If you stick around you'll here more theories about stew and how musicals are like the ocean. I think it's fair to say I'm a little crazy, I mean, how can anyone that wants to take a Philosophy course in collage be sane?
Hope I didn't bore you with that little lecture. I think since philosophy doesn't make any money I'll be an actress. Ok, that wasn't really how I feel, just a sly opening for my love of theater, especially since that doesn't make any money either. My real passion is theater, being an actress is what I really want to do with my life. I could go on and on with my reasons, but what it comes down to is the way it can speak to people. I mean, look at Hamilton, do you think masses of people would be flocking to learn about the first Treasury Secretary of the United States if it wasn't an insanely good musical? I feel like theater, and books as well, have this way of getting to people and making them think and feel and love and hate, they bring grown men to tears. I feel like I could really speak to people through it, and writing too. There's this feeling you get when you go on stage or you're in the zone with your book, and it's absolutely breath taking and I love it and need it just as much as breathing.
Anyway, that's about it for now, bye :)
- Mari