It is Sunday morning. Amaryllis was looking at Charles and curious about why she was smiling. I was looking at her, smiling because she finally found a friend who has the same interest. Hey Charles, are you texting him? I asked. Yeah, he bought me a ticket. I feel like I have to do something nice in exchange. Charles replied. I will tell you what my mother told me once. If a guy does nice for things for you, he either likes you or he is a good friend to have. I replied. Dad rushed over. What are you smiling, Amber? Henry asked. Oh, nothing that should concern you, dad. Charles replied. I still don't like you brought a boy over early yesterday morning. Henry replied. Stop being huffy. If she went over to his house, you would have a fit too. I replied. Ryoko, this has nothing to do with that. Henry replied. Yes it does, Henry. Carla replied. Charles walked back into her room to avoid their arguing. Amaryllis is exasperated about the fact of James came over, and she didn't look her best. How dare you bring him over? Amaryllis asked. What are you talking about? We are both on the school paper. He asked me to get the pictures this morning because he worked last night. I missed him. Charles replied. I hear a jealous sister who is coveting over a guy. I replied. What do you know? Amaryllis asked. I mean, you like that guy James, but you know what? I will leave it alone. I replied. Charles ignored Amaryllis. She took out her tablet and turned it on. She looked at her manga app. Yes, it has updated. Charles replied. What manga? I asked. Oh, it's Bl••k Cl••er update. I could not catch up lately. Charles replied. Really, it is on Chapter 295. I know I was where A••a has finished his Devil contract. Charles replied. Your way behind. I replied. Don't gloat. Charles replied. Well, how is your little friend doing? I asked. What, James? Charles asked. She blushed. So my hunch was right. I replied. What hunch? Charles asked. I started texting.
Charles: What hunch?
Me: He likes you but doesn't want to make you uncomfortable.
Charles: Why would he?
Me: He offered to take you to a Comicon. It's just that he found a common interest.
Charles: We have a common interest, so
Me: I feel he is trying to earn brownie points with you.
Charles: Brownie Points?
Me: Yes Brownie points. He is taking you to Comicon, right?
Charles: Yes, I have never been to one.
Me: Like I said "Brownie Points"
Afterwards, Charles sat at her desk and pondering on what I text her.
Could he really be trying to gain "Brownie Points"?
Stay Tuned.