So! Question time! (I've got something really cool planned for 100, if my mom will let me.)
1. What do you think would be a good name for me?
2. How old d'you think I am?
3. What do you think I look like?
4. How tall do you think I am?
5. What do you think my best school subject is (besides English)?
6. What was the first contest I ever joined?
7. What unlisted story am I working on? (Title is not required, just describe it (I'm not sure I ever said the title, but if you know it, say it.).)
8. What is my ridiculous title on my account?
9. What was the first contest I ever placed first in?
10. Who was my first follower?
I guess that's it! I'll post the answers (besides the personal ones) later.