Five months later, Amy and Vine come to another world and stay at a house near Lan's house which is their home. At home…
“(Yawn) I’m so tired…Hmm?” Amy noticed something on her desk.
“What’s this?” she wondered as she took a disc with Navi data in it.
Amy inserts the disc into her computer and it processes the data in the disc. The computer shows a dialogue on her screen.
“Would you like to run the data now?” Amy read and clicked on the dialogue written yes.
The computer shows dialogue written “Running data, it will take 4 hours”.
Amy gives a shocked look on her face.
“What, does it take that long? No way! Oh well….there’s no use waiting so let’s just get some sleep. (Yawn) I’m tired,” she said and yawned loudly.
While she sleeps, the data that were processed by the computer has been completed and it shows a dialogue written
“Data completed. Reforming data now”.
The computer reassembles the data and became a Navi named BeastMan. The next morning, BeastMan wakes Amy up.
“Amy, Amy, wake up,” BeastMan growled.
Amy didn't respond and BeastMan roars loudly, causing her to fall from her bed.
“Youch! Hey, it's too early for a waking roar,” she said.
Amy sees a black tiger striped white wolf custom NetNavi in the screen.
"Who are you?" Amy asked him.
"I'm BeastMan, ready to help!" BeastMan answered.
Amy kneels down and looks at him.
"So, you're my own customized NetNavi? You are small for a NetNavi," Amy said.
"Turn around, I want to see your hair," Amy motioned her finger to turn around.
BeastMan turns around slowly.
"A scorpion tail braid?" Amy asked.
"I can control my braid to sting my enemies. Careful, the tip of this hair is deadly toxic," BeastMan explained.
He quickly turns at her and explains further.
"Now, I may look small but I could lift an object twice my size and I can shatters barrier and wall with this," he said as he takes out his Crusher Glove.
"Glove? Wait, you're barehanded?" Amy asked.
"Yup. Most aren't barehanded but I can wear these anytime," BeastMan nodded.
Amy looks at the time and gives a surprised look on her face.
"Oh no! I didn’t look at the time!" she said.
Amy runs toward Vine in a hurry and hit him with bolster to wake him up.
“Get up, sleepyhead! We’re going to be late,” she said while hitting him.
Vine gets up and yawn widely, his sharp dragon teeth are visible.
“What time is it now?” he asked while scratching his back.
“It’s 6 o’clock already,” Amy answered with upset look on her face.
Vine rubs his right eye with his fingers and runs downstairs. Both of them changes their clothes and ran toward the school. Amy rides on Vine’s back and fly toward the school. Arriving school, Amy drop down from Vine’s back, Vine hides his wings and both of them ran to their class. Amy registers as 6B class student. Amy enters the class. Amy puts her bag on her class chair. Lan looks at her face curiously.
"You're new...What's your name?" Lan asked.
"I'm Amy," Amy answered.
“I’m Lan Hikari, nice to meet you,” Lan said.
The bell rings after Lan said that. Everyone sit down including Amy and Vine. Miss Mari entered the class.
“Good morning, class,” Miss Mari said.
“Good morning, teacher,” everyone said.
“Students, we have a new transfer student. Come here, student,” she said to Amy.
Amy walks to the front with Vine at her side.
“Now, would you like to introduce yourself to the class?” she said.
Amy looks at the black board and writes her name. After she wrote her name she turn toward the class.
“My name is Amy Symilton. I am 13 years old,” Amy said.
"I'm Blue Vine. I'm 13 years old. Nice to meet you," Vine said. “I was transferred by the order of my teacher. I hope we can be friend and work together,” Amy said, she goes back to her chair.
“Tell me my dear about your friend here...What is he?” Miss Mari asked, astonished.
"I'm a Valkyrie," Vine answered.
"He’s not from here actually. I met him when I was on adventure," Amy said, pulling Vine near her.
“Well that’s good to hear,” Miss Mari said.
Amy and Vine sit on their seat.
“Now then, students. Open your book, we will now learn about how to use your PETs,” Miss Mari said.
As Miss Mari explained, Lan come closer near Amy.
"Hey, is it true that you are from other planet?" Lan asked.
"Yes, I am," Amy answered.
“And do you have your own personal NetNavi too?” Lan asked.
“I do, and his name is BeastMan,” Amy nodded.
“BeastMan? Wow that’s an awesome NetNavi. Hey, why don’t we have a Netbattle after class?” Lan asked.
“You’re on, Lan! I will show you what my NetNavi could do” Amy agreed.
After the class Amy stands in front of the Netbattle Simulator.
“Here I go. Jack in, BeastMan. Go!” Amy said, her PET sent her NetNavi via infrared into the simulator.
“Jack in, MegaMan!” Lan said, his PET sent his NetNavi via infrared into the simulator.
BeastMan and MegaMan appear on the network. BeastMan seems reluctant to fight him.
“That’s a nice NetNavi you got over there, Amy,” Lan said.
“So was yours, Lan,” Amy said.
“Engaged!” Both shouted.
BeastMan howls and dashes toward MegaMan with his Crusher Claw gloves on. MegaMan holds BeastMan’s claws with his arms.
“That was close,” MegaMan said with a sweat.
BeastMan jumps away from MegaMan.
“I go first. MegaMan!” Lan commanded.
MegaMan shoots BeastMan with the Buster but BeastMan dodges the shot.
“He dodges those shots easily?” Lan surprised.
“Now BeastMan, attack him with your tail whip!” Amy commanded.
BeastMan nodded and he extended his scorpion braid.
“What’s he doing?” Lan asked.
“You'll see,” Amy replied.
BeastMan’s braid extends until it touches the ground.
“Venom Point! Hyahh!” BeastMan yelled as he hit MegaMan with his braid like a whip.
“MegaMan, look out!” Lan yelled.
MegaMan dodges BeastMan’s tail whip attack but he got hit by BeastMan’s braid end.
“Aghh!” MegaMan screamed as he got hit and log out immediately.
“Alright, we won!” Amy pumped her fist.
Lan looks down in disbelief after losing the battle.
“I lost…I can’t believe I lost,” he said in disbelief.
“I told you that BeastMan has almost the same ability as your MegaMan,” Amy said as she pointed her finger on him.
BeastMan logs out and she pull the plug out before putting her PET into the bag. Vine appears and called for her.
“Amy, the rain is getting harder. Let’s hurry home!” he said.
Amy and Vine hurried home without umbrella, causing them to get soaked wet.
Meanwhile, back at Lan’s house…
“What? You’re saying that BeastMan’s scorpion braid is the same as scorpion? And it’s poisonous?” Lan asked in surprised.
“Yeah, that Venom Point attack is painful. I can still feel it’s painful sting in me,” MegaMan said.
“But it’s not bad, right?” Lan asked.
“It will be fine,” MegaMan answered. Lan sighed in relief.
Back at Amy’s house…she is asking BeastMan about the Venom Point attack.
“What was that earlier? I thought you injected that poison on MegaMan,” Amy said.
“Sorry….but don’t worry, I never meant to poison him,” BeastMan said.
Amy releases a breath of relief. “Thank goodness. If it was fatal, we would have been treated like a bad guy early,” she said.
“Anyway, shouldn’t you get some sleep? You’re going to be late tomorrow,” BeastMan suggested.
“You’re right. Good night, BeastMan,” Amy said and lay on the bed.
Several minutes later, Vine comes out of the bathroom and notices her sleeping soundly.
“She’s sleeping already?” Vine asked.
BeastMan nodded. Vine lies down beside her and sleeps.