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Rouge stirs awake due to the buzzing of her cell phone. She groans propping herself against the headboard and swiftly grabs the phone and answers, "Hello?"
"Hey, Ma."
Recognizing the voice and nickname, a smile instantly makes its way onto her face, "Hey baby boy."
He chuckles at the nickname over the phone and begins with a basic question, "How are you?"
She swings her legs over the side of the bed climbing out before ruffling her green hair, "I'm tired baby boy, why are calling me at fucking three something in the morning?"
He smiles and ignores her agitation, she has never been a morning person. "I got a question for you."
She huffs, "What's that baby boy?"
"How would you like to go away with me?"
"Aziel are you serious?"
"Yes ma'am."
Rouge rolls her eyes, "You know I can't do that."
He smacks his teeth at the same old excuse, "Yes you can baby, you're choosing not to."
She remembers all the times he would beg her to go with him, but her loyalty to this place was too strong. But what will be the harm in trying?
"Alright! Fine, but I have something to do in two days then I'll come to you."
He smirks goofily at his long-awaited victory, "You know where to go baby I'll see you soon."
"Bye Ma."
"Bye, baby boy."
As she climbs back into bed, over somewhere else someone was rejoicing as well.
He twirls around in the leather chair with a delightful grin on his face, "How does it feel Robert? I'll destroy everything you ever worked for like you destroyed everything I cared for."
"Finally getting a taste of your own medicine," Master Sergei laughs to himself.