"Prudence?" A shocked voice called from the center of the room. "What the hell happened to you?"
"Ambrose please!" She exclaimed. "I'm so sorry for breaking up with you! I'm so sorry for what I did! I just didn't want to live in this world anymore."
He fixed her with a hard look. "What. Did. You. Do??"
"I gave up something I didn't know I had," she said holding her head down in shame before looking back to him, tears in her eyes. "Something I didn't know we had."
"You— you—," he sputtered. "Have you not heard of the Law of Surprise?!"
"And just who did you give up this precious child to?? Hmm?" He demanded.
"I daren't even speak his name," Prudence fell to her knees taking Ambrose with her. "He came to me in my dreams but we weren't anywhere I could have imagined myself. It was madness I tell you. R'lyeh is the only name I can think of, mountains of madness."
"You bargained with the one of the oldest of old?!" He exclaimed. "A Great Old One!"
"Ambrose I'm so—
Her words were cut off with the sob that wrenched through her throat. Her belly had grown to its largest point and warm liquid had just began to run down her legs.
She was going into labor.
It was a grueling process. She was in and out of consciousness as Ambrose tried his best to help her through this. After what seemed like an eternity, she had begotten a beautiful baby girl. Blonde hair like her mother and big, brown eyes like her father.
She leaned into Ambrose's touch as he pressed a kiss to her forehead.
"You did it, Prudence. You're so strong."
"No, look what we did," she said. Tears began to fall from her eyes as they gazed into those of their daughter.
They didn't even notice that a creature was in the room with them until it was too late.
A gruesome looking tentacle wrapped itself around the newborn's belly before she was ripped from her parents' arms.
Pure instinct had Ambrose jumping up to defend his new family but it was all for nought.
Prudence watched from the ground in her weakened state as another tentacle forced itself into Ambrose's mouth. She screamed in terror when his head exploded before her eyes.
She continued to scream as she felt something force its way into her mouth as well. All sound was cut off as she laid eyes on the creature who was the cause of all this pain.
It was Cthulhu.
The being from the Mountains of Madness that she made an unholy vow with in her dreams.
"A deal's a deal."
Those were the last words she heard before following her lover in death.