Yona Daisuke, the daughter of Japan's president, finds herself trapped in a life controlled by her father's ambitions. Despite her father's plans for her, Yona's true passion lies in becoming a singer. With a voice more beautiful than she can imagine and a talent for playing the violin, Yona embarks on a journey to pursue her dreams and break free from her father's expectations. Along the way, she discovers the power of music to inspire and heal, while also navigating the challenges of balancing her personal desires without her father's demands.
"Sometimes, the sweetest melodies are found in the courage to break free and sing our own song."
If I tell you where I saw courage and Audacity, love, kindnessI’ll show only one person to youin every lifeyou have a personwho got your backwho pushing you forwardteach you thingswe call her mothertrying to get all the things needs usthe home is the motherthe love is the motheras I recognize this life is the mothermother is lifeyou can understand every little thing in life through her