The sequel to Wings of Awakening. Set 5 years after the original, the world is changing with the invention of Æther technology. Join the winged protagonist, Lord Preen, and some fresh faces as they navigate a turbulent time of change: The Æther Era!
The Sequel to Guardians Of The Arcane Chronicles is here!
After the abdication of its former president and the truth revealed about the origins of their world, Sirius City is thrown into even further chaos. But even now, sinister forces plot to challenge the country's right to live.
As Sirius City reels from its rapidly worsening racial issues, a calamity strikes their country. Natural arcani has been mysteriously corrupted, transforming magis who use too much of it into hideous monstrosities. Faced with an unprecedented disaster, the Guardians struggle to contain the disaster while facing their own set of challenges.
Will they emerge victorious once more? Or will they finally drown in the sea of the world's sins?
Two thousand years have passed since Magis came into existence. Two thousand and five since the first Metahuman was born. Today, Magis coexist alongside Metas under a fragile, uneasy peace.
Meta Felix Pagonis is a powerful psychic in the Guardian Council. But when his colleague, Magi Gaius Deusdedit, discovers a spellcraft that traces back to their world’s origins, they uncover a plot that threatens to destabilise the peace between their races.
Will they stop it in time?