As the Prime World Ends, another parallel tale takes its first steps. Welcome to a world where Izuku has two older sisters, Tatsumaki and Fubuki. But that's not all that has changed in this world. Strange new things lurk in the shadows, stars and across the ocean. Can Izuku once again become one of the greatest heroes, just like his older sisters?
Two thousand years have passed since Magis came into existence. Two thousand and five since the first Metahuman was born. Today, Magis coexist alongside Metas under a fragile, uneasy peace.
Meta Felix Pagonis is a powerful psychic in the Guardian Council. But when his colleague, Magi Gaius Deusdedit, discovers a spellcraft that traces back to their world’s origins, they uncover a plot that threatens to destabilise the peace between their races.
Will they stop it in time?