Professional Writer
Hmm, now how should I start this.
I'm a Male
22 at the current moment. I enjoy fantasy and writing something about demons, I'm trying my hand at a romance with action elements, but I much prefer supernatural and fantasy.
Only working on two stories, and nothing really set in stone yet. I wouldn't mind a beta. I wish people would review more, but I guess it's my job as a writer to attract readers towards the story in the first place.
Hmm, now how should I start this.
I'm a Male
22 at the current moment. I enjoy fantasy and writing something about demons, I'm trying my hand at a romance with action elements, but I much prefer supernatural and fantasy.
Only working on two stories, and nothing really set in stone yet. I wouldn't mind a beta. I wish people would review more, but I guess it's my job as a writer to attract readers towards the story in the first place.
✪ From United States
✪ Born 22nd Jul 1994
✪ Some College