{ u p d a t e }
• h i a t u s » Hello! I know I've been mostly gone for, well, forever now, but I'm working on catching up on my reading and writing (I'm slow, sorry). I'll be back completely soon.
• P I C T U R E S Q U E » Okay, so I know the book says that I'll only take it down when it's finished, but I've decided to take it down in a week (possibly later, we'll see). Here's the deal: It's not what I consider good for my writing. The story is problematic, the characters are bland, and I just don't have the motivation to finish it. At all. It's really painful for me to try to write. I do not have the energy to even halfheartedly finish this book, and I'm not going to waste energy on this when I have other stories I'm much more excited for. It might return if I ever go back and overhaul the plot (and I mean it will probably be unrecognizable). However, that's not something I'm willing to do right now. I hope you all understand.
tl;dr: I'm active again (or will be soon), and you only have maybe a week to read what few chapters of Picturesque I have up, if you're into that.