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Joined Apr 15, 2022
Regular Writer Reader
From United States Female Born 25th Oct
Writer's Blog
10 hours ago 1

Panzer - I’ve noticed schools lately have been more strict with their banning. Hasn’t stopped me from playing bootleg Minecraft.
8 hours ago
Rfrog27 - Wtf 🤣 rhat seems so funny
5 hours ago
headinthestars - They banned chess.com and all the secret ways to bypass onto chess.com 
8 hours ago
Rfrog27 - That sucks
5 hours ago
1 day ago 0

Trisha - oop
1 day ago
Trisha - @Rfrog27,by odd i mean i never get to see them so its weird
2 hours ago
Trisha - @Rfrog27,idk bc u play kazoo's and kazoos are odd
2 hours ago
Rfrog27 - Why oop
13 hours ago
Panzer - You get to use kazoo's in choir? That sounds pretty entertaining.
1 day ago
Rfrog27 - Yeah for a song that barely any word. But i find it fun!
1 day ago
Ashy_Haze - I LOVE playing kazoos for choir! I kept mine from last year and like to annoy my family with it
1 day ago
Ashy_Haze - @Rfrog27, Noice
1 day ago
Rfrog27 - That sounds so fun, but for the song we are using our kazoos in all were singing is dum dum dum dum or fa la la la until kazoo time. The teacher is also managing to steal some of the band kids for the song wild@ Ashy_Haze,
1 day ago
Ashy_Haze - @Rfrog27, It's amazing. For our show, we hid them behind our backs then pulled them out for the second verse and had the audience rolling
1 day ago
Rfrog27 - 🤣 sounds fun, also my first year using a kazoo for choir
1 day ago
2 days ago 0

Panzer - Who'd you kill?
2 days ago
Rfrog27 - FUCK YOU
1 day ago
Panzer - @Rfrog27, Mhm, Mhm, keep the rebuttals coming. You'll need to have explanations ready in case they catch you.
1 day ago
1 day ago
Panzer - @Rfrog27Yes, yes; I know you're serious about the murder; It's hard not to be.
1 day ago
1 day ago
Panzer - @Rfrog27, Mhm, tell that to the cops if you get caught; plead insanity.
1 day ago
1 day ago
Panzer - @ Ashy_Haze, Exactly.
2 days ago
Ashy_Haze - @Panzer, It's always the ones you don't expect
2 days ago
Panzer - @Rfrog27, Sure, I completely understand why you wouldn’t take responsibility. They’ll find the body eventually, and who’d expect you?
2 days ago
Rfrog27 - I didn't kill anyone it was randomly there
2 days ago
4 days ago 0

Alysa - Whatever you're doing so you don't hurt yourself, keep it up.
3 days ago
Rfrog27 - Thx 🥰
3 days ago
Cha Cha Montgomery - like...you showered?
3 days ago
Trisha - @Rfrog27, :)
1 day ago
Rfrog27 - Thank you @Trisha,
1 day ago
Trisha - @Rfrog27,No like im saying period bc ur 2 1/2 months clean like good job
1 day ago
Rfrog27 - Huh@Cha Cha Montgomery,
1 day ago
Rfrog27 - Gurl what@Trisha,
1 day ago
Cha Cha Montgomery - @Rfrog27, WHAT HAPPENED
1 day ago
Trisha - @Rfrog27,PERIOD.
2 days ago
Rfrog27 - I was reffering to self harm
3 days ago
5 days ago 0

1 week ago 0

headinthestars - Crazy, have you tried studying them?
6 days ago
Rfrog27 - Nope
5 days ago
Panzer - That’s crazy 
1 week ago
Rfrog27 - Ik bro but atleast i get to go to see a symphony preformace with just my  high schools music department and see a brodway show with th middle school choir and drama club. So yay woo I may fail choir but I want the field trips that I didn’t know we were going to have until today . 😭
1 week ago
1 week ago 0

headinthestars - So how’d the audition go?
1 week ago
Rfrog27 - Well im prettly sure your still able to be stag crew @headinthestars,
1 week ago
Rfrog27 - They were boring thy basically just told you what parts to act wnd you acted for them eo yeahh. They barley gave any freshman opportunity to do audtions tho
1 week ago
headinthestars - The struggle seems fr for you, I can relate, well kinda, I was considering trying to get into stage crew for Drama, but I missed the informational meeting.
1 week ago
1 week ago 0

1 week ago
Rfrog27 - I agree 
1 week ago
Panzer - Why.
1 week ago
Rfrog27 - Fun!@Panzer,
1 week ago
Panzer - @Rfrog27, Sodium chloride poisoning sounds like a entertaining passtime.
1 week ago
Rfrog27 - I was bored
1 week ago
1 week ago 0

2ignature Sm1ley-Face - He dies like every other day lol
1 week ago
Panzer - Might as well be a walking corpse at this point. 
1 week ago
Panzer - Oh, how wonderful.
1 week ago
Rfrog27 - Oh
1 week ago
Rfrog27 - @Just Mae  caught it too
1 week ago
Rfrog27 - @Just Mae , :0
1 week ago
Just Mae - @Rfrog27, no school
1 week ago
Rfrog27 - Your happy about that?@Just Mae ,
1 week ago
Just Mae - Yay 😃
1 week ago
2 weeks ago 1

Panzer - Sounds like a fun teacher.
2 weeks ago
Rfrog27 - Yeah but he sadly didn’t let the whole class do it 😭
2 weeks ago
3 weeks ago 0

Panzer - Can't be all that bad, right?
3 weeks ago
Rfrog27 - 😭😭😭😭😭
3 weeks ago
Rfrog27 - 😭😭😭😭😭
3 weeks ago
Rfrog27 - 😭😭😭😭😭
3 weeks ago
Rfrog27 - I look fudging lonley sitting at a table by myself 
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago 0

Rfrog27 - @Just Mae and @Panzer fight for the key
3 weeks ago
Just Mae - @Rfrog27, 😁
2 weeks ago
Panzer - @Rfrog27, What’d you expect?
3 weeks ago
Rfrog27 - YALL menaces
3 weeks ago
Panzer - @Rfrog27, No.
3 weeks ago
Panzer - @Just Mae , I’ll bring gasoline.
3 weeks ago
Rfrog27 - Now or else@Just Mae ,
3 weeks ago
Just Mae - Key? I dont need a key. Just matches.
3 weeks ago
Just Mae - 🎵🎶arson arson arsoooonnn🎶🎵
3 weeks ago
Panzer - Stupendous idea.
3 weeks ago
Panzer - I call rights to the key first.
3 weeks ago
Panzer - @Rfrog27, How so?
3 weeks ago
Rfrog27 - Hmmm depends .
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago 1

Panzer - Oh, orientation is never helpful, but good luck with navigating your campus tomorrow. Hopefully your school will be lenient about tardiness. 
3 weeks ago
Rfrog27 - We got a tour by the older grades. Where i  partnered with some girl from 11 grade and she kept on showing me areas if classes I didn’t have. For example she showed me the latin cooking and steam classes but noo i dont got that. They could have been more helpful by actually looking at my schedule and showing me where things were located . The freshman orientation was rigged. Atleast we got ice cream (that tasted like crap) at the end of it
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago 0

3 weeks ago 0

3 weeks ago 0

Alysa - ???
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago 2

Trisha - Bruh omg i hate school alr and its been i think 3 and half weeks 
3 weeks ago
Rfrog27 - Ya@Trisha,
3 weeks ago
Trisha -
@Rfrog27,omg still?!
3 weeks ago
Rfrog27 - Dang I haven’t started 😭
3 weeks ago
Ashy_Haze - Third week just started for me
3 weeks ago
Rfrog27 - LUCKY I HAVEnt STARTED 😭😭😭😭@ Ashy_Haze,
3 weeks ago
Ashy_Haze - ...or is it the fourth?
3 weeks ago
Just Mae - the hel you mean start? im halfway through term three???
3 weeks ago
Rfrog27 - 😱😱😱😱😱😱@Just Mae ,
3 weeks ago
Rfrog27 - 😱😱😱😱😱😱@Just Mae ,
3 weeks ago
Rfrog27 - 😱😱😱😱😱😱@Just Mae ,
3 weeks ago
Just Mae - @Rfrog27, it was lowkey cool, i pet a blue tounhe lozard once
3 weeks ago
Rfrog27 - Ew@Just Mae ,
3 weeks ago
Just Mae - @Rfrog27, there was like eight snakes in the pkyground once and mo one cared intil the teachers had to remove them
3 weeks ago
Rfrog27 - Same goes for Australian schools @Just Mae ,
3 weeks ago
Just Mae - @Rfrog27, damn, american schools must be wild 
3 weeks ago
Rfrog27 - @Just Mae ,Bruh i start school on Thursday 
3 weeks ago
Just Mae - @Rfrog27, BRO WHAT THE HELL, ITS ALMOST SEPTEMER, OUR SCHOOL ENDS LIKE A FEW WEEKS BEFORE CHIRSTMAS FOR THE YEAR THEN WE GET WIBTER HOLDIDAYS. Then you move into the next grade for 10 weeks then a 2-3 week break for four terms then its christmas holidays again
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Panzer - Been in school for two weeks already.
3 weeks ago
Rfrog27 - Dang. My school hasn’t even started 😭
3 weeks ago
2ignature Sm1ley-Face - I start tomorrow :/
3 weeks ago
Rfrog27 - Lucky 
3 weeks ago
♡geni♡ - i have
3 weeks ago
Trisha - @Rfrog27,NO U DONT
3 weeks ago
Rfrog27 - I wanna start school 😭😭😭😭
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago 0

Rfrog27 - And they still didn’t listen i hate YouTube so much
3 weeks ago
Rfrog27 - Apparently I am a risk for getting banned cause apparently I’m a so called “scammer”
3 weeks ago
Trisha - @Rfrog27,k
3 weeks ago
Rfrog27 - Rnash27
3 weeks ago
Trisha - What was ur yt again I forgot 
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago 1

♡geni♡ - omg realll
3 weeks ago
Rfrog27 - Omg I thought you died
3 weeks ago
left a comment on Issue 28 - Death of Penana planet
1 month ago
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