Broooooo. News reporters really be like
Matt: And that's today's weather report back to you Kim.
Kim: 👁👄👁.................................................................... Thank you for the weather report Matt. As you can see behind me california is drifting away from the united states- Oh. Yes. Okay. This just in California is no longer apart of the united states. I've been told there is a bloody war...? Yes. A very bloody war is happening in Californ- Oh wait. Apparently they've changed their countries name to...... Ashleyville- No- Ashley the former president was assassinated It's now- Really? I have to say that? Okay fine. The new name is.... Deez... Deez nuts. Back to you Matt.
Matt: 👁👄👁...................................................Wow Kim, Looks like you've got your work cut out for you. Heh heh heh. The weather has dramatically changed due to califonia difting off to sea. It is now raining Nokia phones.
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