In a bleak, dystopian world, humanity is struggling to survive against a relentless fungal infection that turns people into vicious, bloodthirsty monsters. The source of the infection is unknown, and with every passing day, more and more people succumb to the disease. In this world of fear and desperation, a group of scientists' race against time to create the ultimate weapon against the infected: The Crimson Child. But the Crimson Child is no ordinary weapon. It is a living, breathing organism, genetically engineered to resist the fungal infection and to destroy the infected with unparalleled efficiency. As the scientists work tirelessly to perfect the Crimson Child, they must also contend with the machinations of a shadowy organization that seeks to use the weapon for its own nefarious use in taking over the world, keeping it in such disarray.
"The Year I Had Enough" is a heart-wrenching story about 17-year-old Madeline Montgomery, a girl who feels like an outcast in both her family and her high school social life. Struggling with a toxic dysfunctional family all the while being tormented by her high schools Queen Bee, Chelsea, Madeline can't take it anymore and decides to end her life. However, fate has other plans when a boy tries to save her. Will he make it in time? Will he be the light she's been looking for?This powerful and emotional story takes readers on a journey through the hardships of teenage life and the importance of reaching out for help when things become unbearable.