Hasan, a dedicated radiologist with a reputation for being as grumpy as a bear, is known as a serious and emotionally reserved individual, famous for his seemingly impenetrable heart. The hospital staff is well-acquainted with his fierce professional rivalry with Jasra, a talented new radio manipulator.
However, fate takes an unexpected turn when Shaheera, Jasra's vivacious best friend and a cheerful young woman working in a publishing house, enters Hasan's life. With a heart brimming with love to give, Shaheera dreams of finding a profound connection with a man who can reciprocate her affection and make her heart flutter with joy. Little does she know that Hasan, the perpetually stoic radiologist, will shatter her expectations and touch her heart in ways she never imagined possible.
In the shadows of Miami, Nikolai Volkov, a Russian mobster, resurfaces with a hidden agenda to regain control of the American underworld and avenge his father's murder, leading him into a sinister pact with Mia Ramirez, the captivating leader of a powerful gang, as they become entangled in a lethal dance of secrets, passion, and treachery.