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Joined Oct 10, 2023
Regular Writer Reader
From United States Born 8th May High School
10 hours ago 0
5 days ago 0

Trisha - dang but why did u get kicked out?
5 days ago
Raven - Yeah fr
1 day ago
Trisha - @Raven ,ohhh, sad
3 days ago
Raven - I copied my explanation from another post of mine (I didn’t wanna write it again)
5 days ago
Raven - I basically won top 3 in my states ochestra regionals and This girl sara (the pick me girl from my ochestra class) Was so pissed that i won and not her she wanted to be the one to win from our class. She wanted to be the best in my orchestra class and like wanted me gone. So what she did  my friend told me during after school hours around club hours sara apparently smashed my viola into 100+ peices and cut all the strings off my harp and left my harp on the floor and the peices of my violla on floor too. So next class the teacher asked me about the damages and i said my friend saw sara do the damages. The teacher told me no one else plays the harp and no ones allowed to touch other people instruments without consent. Also they asked sara this and she said i knew the no touching of other peoples instrument rule. So basically my teacher was pissed at me for destroying my instrument and they let miss sara be. So they basically kicked me out for destroying my instrument which i did not do. So next week im taking ap art in place of it until otherwise noticed. Yay im taking ap and advanced art this year woo
5 days ago
6 days ago
2 weeks ago 1

Panzer - How’d you manage to get yourself kicked from orchestra?
2 weeks ago
Raven - I basically won top 3 in my states ochestra regionals and This girl sara (the pick me girl from my ochestra class) Was so pissed that i won and not her she wanted to be the one to win from our class. She wanted to be the best in my orchestra class and like wanted me gone. So what she did  my friend told me during after school hours around club hours sara apparently smashed my viola into 100+ peices and cut all the strings off my harp and left my harp on the floor and the peices of my violla on floor too. So next class the teacher asked me about the damages and i said my friend saw sara do the damages. The teacher told me no one else plays the harp and no ones allowed to touch other people instruments without consent. Also they asked sara this and she said i knew the no touching of other peoples instrument rule. So basically my teacher was pissed at me for destroying my instrument and they let miss sara be. So they basically kicked me out for destroying my instrument which i did not do. So next week im taking ap art in place of it until otherwise noticed. Yay im taking ap and advanced art this year woo
2 weeks ago
has joined as a challenger of Write me a Fantasy Story
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago 0
has joined as a challenger of What Would You Do?
2 weeks ago
has started a new contest The Time Traveler's Dilemma
2 weeks ago 0
3 weeks ago 0

Trisha - Whattttt thats crazyyyy 
3 weeks ago
Raven - Yep!
3 weeks ago
1 month ago 0

2 months ago 1

2 months ago 0

2 months ago 0

4 months ago 2

angel - I LOE MEL
4 months ago
4 months ago 1

angel - happy birthday ppoksie shoomsie @!!
4 months ago
4 months ago 1

left a comment on Issue 0 of Short stories
4 months ago
5 months ago 3

K K ! ! ♡ - what? fr? (It's me Pinvlz)
5 months ago
Raven - ITS A JOKE! 
5 months ago
5 months ago 5

morii - woaws what i'd miss? congrats tho, save some of that luck for the rest of us lol (i kid i kid, congrats tho)
5 months ago
Raven - What you miss was im no longer single 
5 months ago
MarkTwain2.0 - ARGH SO LUCKY 
5 months ago
Raven - I know! I pretty sure somone out there will love you for you one day!
5 months ago
Овен - Congrats homie 
5 months ago
Raven - Thanks bud!
5 months ago
Raven - This is literally the happiest I’ve been in a long time
5 months ago
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