Yokono Rito, a once-promising singer, now finds himself as a shell of his former self, unable to recover from a traumatic memory he wants to forget. Two years later, he's now a withdrawn second-year in high school who prefers the company of his two close friends, Chikanari Junya and Fukuyama Izuki and struggles with one-sided love. But when he unexpectedly discovers he can turn invisible, his life takes a sharp turn into a world where a ruthless organization is bent on hunting down the gifted to exploit their powers. As he encounters similar gifted beings, Rito learns he must face his fears and confront his past if he wants to save the world.
Takuya High School: an ordinary Japanese high school by day, an ominous campus for the realm of the undead and ghouls by night.
Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, and zombies roam Takuya High's grounds, bound by ancient laws that keep the living and undead apart. However, a select few brilliant and adept students have the rare privilege of mingling with both worlds—a freedom that Kentani Ryunosuke and Chiura Sen will soon discover comes at a perilous price.
***This is a side story to my main story, "Eternal Love: His Delicate Flower" so if you haven't read it yet, I recommend reading it first before reading this story.
Welcome to Takuya High School: where the living and the undead coexist... but never collide.
When third-year Ichinomiya Akio stumbles upon the forbidden and mysterious dark world of ghouls, his ordinary life takes a chilling turn. An encounter with a vampire high school student sets off a chain of events that blur the lines between the living, love, and the forbidden.
***This story is also published on other platforms such as Wattpad, Penana, and Booksie