Hello, I would greatly appreciate it if someone could assist me in creating a book cover. If you are not interested in helping, please feel free to ignore this message. If I select a cover, I will ask for permission to use it or use it as inspiration to create my own. Thank you and have a wonderful day!
I've noticed that poems and short stories are gaining a lot of popularity, so I want you guys to write a poem. I'll also make a short story prompt if that's what you're better at.
The Prompt:
When I look out the window...
You can enter as many entries as you want.
I want a book cover of literally anything. if you want to add info i don’t give a crap if you do just help
whatever cover gives me ideas I will make a book or something with credits
Write a short book that include all romance, horror and fantasy rule: no sexual content and no swear words! The rest is up to you!!!😀
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