Maddy wasa twenty-one year old college student in her last year of studying performance art, Maddy wasa daughter to her mother and father, Maddy wasan older sister, Maddy wasa best friend. But talking about everything Maddy had been, only made her loss even worse. Jessie could only remember bits and pieces of the night before Maddy had been carted away on a gurney covered in that tacky white sheet that started to stain brown with dried blood. Watching her best friend be rolled into an ambulance didn't feel real. None of it did. The cop sirens and flashing blue and red lights that surrounded Jessie as the hoard of cops and EMTs circled around the area, sealing it all off with that Hollywood crime scene tape that Maddy had been so infatuated with. She just didn't realize that one day her case would make it onto that crime podcast as an unsolved murder.
No leads, no evidence, and too many people to question, detectives had too much on their plate to make much movement in Maddy's case before people started to move away and forget that Maddy's death even happened. News outlets stopped reporting on any movement in her case, the details of her murder was no longer enticing to the public. With Jessie being the only one who had been at the party that Maddy died at still living in town, she started to hear things she wasn't supposed to. Trying to piece together what happened to Maddy during her black-out, she'll find out the killer is closer than anyone had initially suspected.