Hey, I'm Gifty, an editor at G o o d n o v e l ( goodnovel.com ), a writing platform that helps authors get a reliable and long term income through their books. We currently have a recently launched website and app that can be found on Play Store and Apple Store. You can also join our authors and readers group on Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/groups/goodnovelwritersWe are currently looking for authors who write Romance Stories (contemporary, Fantasy, Thriller and other subgenres are accepted) to sign their stories with us (The copyright to your book will remain yours and an official contract will be provided to you which you can discuss with your lawyer).If your story is approved, you will be receiving an attractive monthly update bonus (Upto $400 per month) and premium coins share income monthly till your contract with us lasts.If you are interested in joining us, please make sure to attach the link to your book + language of your book + FB profile link (for faster communication) and send the mail atgifty.goodnovel@gmail.com