This poem is about the stars along the death of some loved one. I used anthropomorphism to give a feeling that the narrator's loved one is a star, but that is a comparison.This poem is inspired by the ending of a video game, Zone of the Enders 1, and Seal's "Wishing on a Star." (link: Seal's song has feelings that gave a boost to this poem's attitude. Zone of the Enders... has a great story but repetive gameplay, but I don't care. What the second last boss, Viola, said influenced this poem.It is bad that its third game is delayed or cancelled, which means the series is over; Hideo Kojima, creator of the "Metal Gear Solid" series, said he either cancelled or delayed the third release, but he also said that he would like to know from fans if they wanted a third game. The reasons why he delayed/cancelled it is because of ZOE 1 and ZOE 2's HD versions not going as he and his team expected; plus, his team has or had disbanded. I really think that a ZOE 3 is good, but it has to be reconstructed from critics of it. Still there could be hope of a new ZOE game.