gabe97Please respect copyright.PENANACXlCokA6gY
monday, july 31st, 15:00pm97Please respect copyright.PENANAcxc4E7uAbh
spencer's pool
97Please respect copyright.PENANAjAcC4KCW0p
"but how do you know it's the real stuff, and they're not selling you, like, leaves?" elijah's nervous, because i have weed in my bag, and he's scared that if he tries it, he might die.
"'cause leaves don't smell like weed, asshole." i take a sip of my drink (jack daniels, who's asking?) and open the bag.
even if he doesn't want any, it won't stop me.
i light a joint, take the first few hits, and pass it to ricky. we've smoked together before, and i can personally say, he's a lot nicer when he's high.
then we pass it to connor. he coughs a lot, but it's still polite to at least offer it. he takes a few hits, and, surprisingly, only has to clear his throat.
"thank god." i've had to hear him cough so many times, i'd honestly rather listen to the sound of someone punching a dog.
"...i wanna try it." elijah, without any warning, takes the joint from between connor's fingers. we watch him with bated breath, because he's never been good with smoking.
he takes a hit. he splutters, but he breathes it out, and goes back for more. after a couple drags, he passes it back to me.
"you're a man now, eli." ricky sounds like such a douche when he does that weird leader voice.
"shut up, you sound like such a virgin." then, just to piss him off, i say something under my breath. "not like your sister."
"dude, i've told you so many fucking times, don't talk about that!" there we go, his face is red. i love it when he's mad, he's so dumb.
"jesus." i pass him the joint, as a way of saying sorry without my mouth. i'm not that sorry, his sister's hot.
"speaking of jesus, where is he?" connor calls spencer that because he's a catholic.
"i'm not his mom, how the fuck should i know?" that was rude, but i don't really care. if he doesn't know where he is, how would i? i've been here the whole time.
"you're such a bitch." ricky hisses, still annoyed about his sister, as he transfers the weed over to connor.
there's a slight silence, as we rotate the joint around the circle, pretending like it isn't 100 degrees.
the pool looks so good right now.
"guys! guys, come inside, we have people over!" spencer bursts out of his house, like we're loading guns in his backyard. connor stumps out the joint and tosses it behind him, over the back of the poolhouse.
"who is it?" elijah's already baked, this is hilarious.
"the daniels! they moved in yesterday, and my dad grew up with their dad." he looks panicked, but he's still sort of catching his breath.
"...who the fuck are the daniels?" i scrunch my face up, with no idea what he could be talking about.
"just come inside and say hi." he doesn't want that, i can see it on his face, but apparently we need to. "my mom says you have to, or she's kicking you out."
"jesus, fine." ricky rises to his feet, so we all follow, and my head takes a second to adjust to the new height.
alright. i know where i am. time to go.
i almost step right into the pool, however, i catch myself, and start walking along with everyone else.
when we get back into his house, i'm coated in the fresh breeze of the AC. my parents never let us put it on, they say that there are kids in canada who would kill to be this warm, so we should be grateful.
there's a family stood in the kitchen, talking to spencer's parents.
the mom's blonde, and she's pretty hot from the back. the tallest kid is a guy, also blond, and he's stood next to a girl (his sister?), who's somehow blonder.
their dad is the only brunette. i guess spencer wasn't lying, his dad really grew up with him, judging by how well they're getting along.
"oh! these are my son's friends, they're all seniors, like you. you'll love them." mrs. garcia directs the girl over to us, and she looks familiar.
she's really hot. she's our age. this is my time now.
"hey." i look her up and down, trying to look as hot as i can with my current predicament (high).
"...okay. anyway, hey, guys! i met you yesterday!" she greets them, which is weird, because i was with them all day, and i never met her. who the hell is she?
"yeah! you okay?" connor's already blowing it, but she seems to eat it up.
"i'm good. you?" why is she looking at him like that? look at me!
"you're fine. i- i mean, i'm fine. i am fine." he's such a freak around women, just, like, pay attention to me instead. now. please? why is she giggling?
"you're funny." she looks so stupid right now, i can't help but get mad. internally.
"jesus, keep your clothes on." ricky scrunches his nose up at her, like he's anywhere near disgusted. he totally thinks she's hot.
"shut up, ricky. you wanna go outside?" elijah offers, his eyes glazed over, completely red. wow, that happened fast.
"hold on." she lifts a hand up to his face, and with two fingers, drags down on his cheeks, stretching down his eyelids. "you're high. oh, my god, you're stoned."
at first, i thought she was judging, but the smile on her face says otherwise.
"shit. no? no we're not." elijah completely busts open our case, and her parents are literally right behind us, along with spencer's.
"yeah, we are, baby. you want some too?" i sound like such an asshole right now, but if it gets me laid, i don't care.
"...sure." she looks slightly put off by me trying to flirt with her, but she says yes anyway, so i count it as a win. "oh, wait, you guys should meet my parents."
she taps her parents on their shoulders, so they turn around to greet us. her brother follows.
"hi, i'm lori daniels, and this is my husband, jeff." she's hot from the front, too. if i can't hook up with her daughter, i might do a little homewrecking.
"it's nice to meet you all." i'm sure he can see how i'm eyeing up his wife and daughter, which is sort of embarrassing. not embarrassing enough for me to stop, but enough for me to feel a little bad about it.
"nice to meet you too. you come from oregon, right?" connor's going to brown-nose her dad, obviously.
"yeah, we do. how'd you know that, is it obvious?" oregon people don't have an accent, i don't think. i've never heard it if they do.
"leah told us yesterday. y'know, before he moved to brooklyn, my dad was born in portland." hold on... is that shit? on connor's nose? oh, wow. i've never seen that before.
"no kidding! hah, i'd like to meet him, he live with you?" fuck, jeff's loving the attention.
parents love connor, but they hate me, because i screw their daughters and never call back.
"yeah, we moved down here ten years ago. you grow up here?" come on, man, could they be getting along any better? i might as well just snort a line in front of them all.
"oh, my god, this is torture. just say you wanna fuck my sister and leave." the blond kid (he looks about 5'8?) pipes up, and i think i'm going to get along with him a lot better than his dad.
"mike! would you please not swear?" he looks so upset, like his entire reputation depends on this one kid.
"i'm fifteen already, suck my dick." mike snaps, which almost makes me laugh, because that's how i used to talk to adults when i was his age. never my parents, though.
"mikey." clearly his mom's the boss of the house, judging by the icy glare she's giving him.
"fine. sorry." he cowers, but i still think he's funny.
"he has a point, connor. don't flirt with her dad." spencer nudges him, which makes him groan in despair.
"i'm being nice! her dad's a good dude." like he knows him better than the two minutes they talked.
"yeah, okay. anyway, i'm ricky, i'm the lead songwriter of our band." what a great way to introduce yourself to a hot girl's dad.
"wow, really? you guys have a band? what do you play?" we've barely even played, we just fuck around and record what sounds good.
"...music." elijah's baked out of his mind, and it's about to ruin everything. if leah's parents hate us, i can't screw her, because they'll put bars on her windows or something.
"we play mainly rock. kinda grunge. like a mix of no doubt and nirvana." for once, ricky saves the day, which is so relieving.
i've hooked up with almost every girl in this town. if this new girl won't, someone else will, but she's hot.
"sick, i love no doubt." that little brother's pretty cool.
"no you don't, you just have a boner for gwen stefani." leah sneers at him, like she's grossed out by that. who doesn't have a boner for gwen stefani?
"yeah, me and everyone else listening to that band." he's like a mind reader, i mean, seriously, this kid is like a mini-me. i actually laugh, which puts me a little too far into the spotlight.
"what? he has a point." i'm not about to back away, though.
"shut up, don't agree with my brother, asshole." leah really doesn't like me, for some reason.
"leah. he's just being nice." is her mom into me? she's definitely watching me, and i'm definitely down if she wants to cheat on her husband.
"mom, don't fall for it, he sucks. i beat him up yesterday." what a cockblock.
"you hit women?" her dad's now looking at me like i'm a piece of shit, which, if you're looking at the technical definition, i kinda am.
"hey, i've literally never met this chick before. also, i only hit girls when they ask me to." i make a point to tell them that i'm not a woman-hater, or a woman-beater.
"trust me, we've met. yesterday. you kept screaming at me to turn my music down, so i came downstairs and beat you up?" now that i think about it, i do remember that.
"yeah, i remember you. you kicked me in the balls!" the pain crosses my mind, and it almost feels like i'm reliving it.
"you hit me!" she's making this out like i mugged her.
"you hit me back!" i point to my black eye, which still hurts, by the way. she's pretty strong.
"so what! if you don't wanna get beat up, don't yell at me. easy." she calms herself down, by lowering her voice, and (kind of) reasoning with me.
"whatever, fuck you. you're not even that hot." i lie, and it's very obvious that i think the opposite.
"uh-huh. okay, look, if you wanna take this outside, i'll do it." she steps towards me, so i don't back down. i'll stand my ground, y'know.
"if you wanna take this upstairs, i'll do you." oops, i forgot her parents are right behind her.
before i can even take my words back, her fist is in my jaw.
without any hesitation, i swing at her, clocking her in the temple, which only makes her angrier. she tackles me, knocking me to the ground.
all the wind has been sucked out of me.
so, i shove her off me, into a chair, which makes her shout out in pain. i don't really care, but i'll stop for a second just to be nice.
the second i hesitate, she plows into me, and my back hits the wall like a sledgehammer, as she punches me over and over again.
i punch back, because i'm not a wimp who's too scared to hit a girl, even when she's beating me up.
every time i hit her, she seems deterred for a second, but she hits me back, somehow even stronger than the last time.
"um, hello? that's enough!" leah's dad pulls her off of me, and i have to say (in my head), thanks, man. i'd rather do her than beat her up.
"what the hell is wrong with you? can you just be civil and not kill each other for, like, an hour?" spencer's already tired of us, somehow. well, i see how, but i won't admit it.
"probably not." leah breathes out, and her face is littered with bruises. they look great on her, which sucks.
"we should keep them away from each other, opposite sides of the pool." lori (her mom) suggests, and that sounds like a good idea.
with one last glare, we split up into two groups. spencer, leah's parents, leah and connor walk over to one side of the pool, the one with the bar, and the rest of us sit down under the little table with the umbrella.
"man, connor's such an asshole. he completely ditched us for leah's dad, 'cause he wants to suck his dick." ricky lights up another joint, which i didn't know he had on him.
"same with spencer. just because your boyfriend's into a girl doesn't mean you should be too." elijah should really go easy on the pot.
"you guys- you guys are my best friends." i take as many hits as i dare, but i also don't give a shit. if i get too high i'll just go home and have the best sleep of my life.
"yeah, you too, man. you should be the singer of the band, not spencer." ricky slaps a hand on my shoulder, as he takes another hit.
"what? nah, man, we still need to find a singer. if gabe's not on guitar, who the fuck's gonna play?" elijah knows what he's saying, he's really smart sometimes.
"...shit. good point."
we sit there for a moment, and when that moment's over, the sun seems to have gone down significantly.
"yo, hold on. if we, like- like when we go back to school, we can find a drama kid, and we can see how good they are." ricky's idea is absolutely incredible.
"oh, shit! wow! what? that's so good!" elijah bursts into hysterical joy at this idea, and i fully get it, because it's so good.
"dude! this is why you're our leader, man, you're fuckin' smart." i then realize there's a couple hits left of the joint, so i finish it, stub it out, and toss it over the fence.
"thanks, y'know, like, we should make a new group, without those guys." ricky then gives us an idea that isn't so good.
"...man, i don't know, you think that'd be better?" i think elijah should smoke weed with us more, he's nice.
"i think so. we'd be good. we're not judgy, we're wingmen for each other, and we fuck the most. we're the perfect group." that doesn't sound half bad.
"shit, ricky, you might be right. but what about lana and rosa?" he asks, worrying about the girls we haven't seen since the start of summer break. they've been on vacation the entire time, somehow.
"fuck... we have to keep lana. rosa can stay with spencer." that's a good idea, keeping lana on our side. she's fun, and everyone likes her.
"yeah. oh, shit, dude, this could be a good idea!" i think i could get behind this. all connor does is call me a dick anyway.
the guys keep talking, but in the corner of my eye, i catch someone watching me.
leah's either staring or glaring, but either way, she's still looking at me. she wants me, i already know it. or not, she's mouthing something at me, and she doesn't look too happy.
'meet me outside.' why the hell does she want me to meet her outside?
'...no.' even though i'd love to get closer to getting laid, i'm busy being high right now.
'please. bring the weed.' oh, that's why. i don't think i want to share my weed with her, but i can probably get her to sleep with me if she wants it that bad.
kidding. i don't need to bribe girls into sex.
'fine.' i stumble over to my bag, and take out the little metal case i keep some of my stash in. the rest is hidden at home, under a loose floorboard.
out of the corner of my eye, i see her leave, which means i should wait a couple seconds before following. oh, shit, i need a lighter.
i take out my lighter, and after staying hunched over my bag for about half a minute (totally not suspicious), i decide that's enough time.
walking past the pool is weird, because i can hear the jets under the surface of the water, and it's really messing me up.
it's fine, i'm at the glass doors now.
i know how to get to the front door, that's how i came in. haha, coming in through the front door, i'm so funny. i laugh for a while, until i realize i need to open the door.
leah's sitting on the porch swing, which is such a crazy thing to have. i mean, we have seats on our porch, but they don't swing. crazy.
"here's your weed." i sit down next to her, open the case, and pass her a joint. she takes it, holding it out for me to light.
"thanks." she doesn't even acknowledge that we were beating each other up earlier. i think i prefer that over more yelling. "this doesn't mean i don't hate you, by the way."
"nah, baby, i know you love me." wow, i've really mastered the art of dickheadery, haven't i?
she just laughs at me.
"c'mon. kiss me?" i lean in close to her, as she takes what has to be her fifth hit already. she's either a pothead or she just has a high tolerance.
"as if. y'know, your friend connor's pretty cute, maybe i might kiss him, instead." she has that evil little smirk on her face again.
"he's a virgin. i know you're not." i move my hand over, grazing her thigh with my knuckles.
"i don't care about that, i've taken virginities." she might actually be a slut, even though i was kidding when i called her that.
"so have i. you're still a me-virgin, though." i'm still gonna do her.
"what the hell does that mean?" she's not saying this like she's pissed at me, she's saying it like she finds me funny.
"if you haven't had sex with me yet, you're a me-virgin." it's pretty self-explanatory, really.
"wouldn't fucking you be the same as fucking any guy?" not at all, ask any of the girls in this town. well, i think there's some i haven't been with yet, but they're not exactly on my list. (lesbians).
"you wanna find out?" i'm towering over her.
instead of replying, she just presses the filter of the joint to my lips, to let me take a hit.
god, her eyes. she's really hot.
after my time with the weed is finished, she smokes most of the rest, and then it takes a couple minutes until any words are said.
"no, i'm alright, thanks." what a tease. it's not a big deal, i can just do someone else if i feel like it.
"'kay." i sit back, and watch the clouds.
"you kidding me? i'm playing hard to get, assbag." she hits my thigh, which would normally sting, but i'm higher than the last time she hit me. i don't care.
"...hold on, you wanna fuck me?" i'm actually a little surprised by this, i mean, she beat me up.
"no." then, she bursts out laughing, squeezing my knee.
"c'mon, at least make out with me." i don't care if i'm being desperate, i just don't really want to waste my time.
"suck me, whore. i'm going back inside." she then kisses me on the cheek, and struts back into the house.
i'm not even annoyed enough to stop myself from staring at her ass. god, am i hard just from that? that's embarrassing.
when i get back inside, it's like nothing ever happened. she's just talking to her family, and the two guys with dicks for brains. i don't think anyone even noticed we left.
we meet eyes again.
if she's playing hard to get, she's doing it far too well.