gabe88Please respect copyright.PENANAqi3yyINc19
9:40am88Please respect copyright.PENANAjWLO5zctJS
the counselor's office
88Please respect copyright.PENANAKmH9nQ7W47
"take a seat, you two." we're bustled in to the room by mr. walker.
i drop myself into one of the cold, hard, plastic chairs, and try as hard as i can to relax. even though i want to punch leah in the face, i can't, 'cause of the teacher sat on his desk.
"now, leah, i know it's hard making friends in a new school, but you can't just beat up anyone." he presses his hands down, either side of him, and looks at us like we're toddlers who won't share a toy.
"no, no, sir, you don't get it. i've been beating him up all summer, it's fine." she brushes him off, her eyes wandering, unable to stay in the same place.
"you've been beating me up? i've been beating you up!" i shout, and suddenly, she can focus.
"you wanna prove that? let's go, round two, asshole!" she stands up, grabs a handful of my shirt, and yanks me to my feet. i grab her shoulders, and i'm about to throw her, but mr. walker breaks us up before i can.
"contain yourselves! look, here's the deal. i can't give you detention. mr. morrison said that when two students don't get along, we need to help them, not punish them. you guys have to hang out once a week." that's such bullshit.
"what! no. i'm not doing that." i shout, and i'm actually wondering how he hasn't noticed how drunk we are.
"i'm sorry, but you have to. skipping it will result in suspension. once a week, every friday, until you start getting along. you can go anywhere you want, but it has to be on campus." this sounds like absolute hell.
"i'll end up killing him, sir, you don't want that." she's so loud, her words are slurring, and her eyes are completely fucked.
"not if i kill you first, bitch." under my breath, i curse her out, hoping the teacher doesn't hear.
"i heard that!" she jumps on me, clinging on to my hips with her knees, and grabbing my hair, shaking my head. that feels like someone pushing a needle into my scalp, fuck!
i try to shove her off me, but her grip is too strong, so she just ends up grabbing my neck and trying to choke me out. i slap her in the face, leaving my hand covering it up, which lets me peel her away from me.
she tips back, but only because mr. walker's dragging her off, even though he's not supposed to touch students.
"hands off! you're not allowed to do that, i'll get your job!" she elbows him, and flashes one last crazed, adrenaline-fueled look back to the both of us before she shoots out of the door.
i glance at mr. walker, and when i see that he's reaching for that corny ass walkie talkie, i race after her, my head pounding.
i'm getting serious detention for this, aren't i?
who cares. i'm out the back of the school, on the football field, where there are about three p.e lessons going on at the same time. shit.
i squint, searching for a path, as i stay light on my feet. the sun is blinding.
god, the grass is all dried up, and gross. why are people sitting down? i won't run through them, because i'll probably fall over, so i have to go right. past the bleachers.
i can hear faint moans coming from under them, so i shout the very subtle words of 'get some!', and then i start running again.
maybe i'll go to the drama block, there's always those abandoned bathrooms, with no smoke alarms, either. that's ideal for me, because all the other bathrooms are decked out with them.
this school's so anal about smoking, but it just makes us do it more.
my shoes kick up dust past the bleachers, through the runners, and the jumping-jack kids, and the footballers, and all of them seem to know who i am.
"fuckin' run for it, man!" that's derek, on the football team. he's a nice dude, so i turn my head back, and give him a thumbs up.
i collide with someone when i look forward, and it's a cheerleader.
nevermind, that's just leah. i don't know where she found a uniform that quick, but she's looking at me like i just shot her.
"what the fuck! you followed me! girls, this guy is following me!" she calls back to the other cheerleaders, who already know me.
britnee, becky and bailey giggle, waving at me in perfect sync. yes, they all start with a b, and they've all had sex with me. hey, that kinda rhymes.
"we need to go, he's calling the cops." i don't think he is, honestly. i'm just telling her that so she'll stop making friends and fuck off back to portland.
"the cops! fuck!" she jumps, and starts to run, but i pull her back so i can run too.
"...bye, girls." i look the three up and down, and then i take off, leaving them to giggle until they eventually pass out. i don't know how they're out under this sun, they barely eat.
we reach the drama block, so leah stops. i tug her along with me to the back of the buildings, where the bathroom is, but she stops when she sees it.
"we're not fucking in there, asshole." she wrenches her arm out of my grip.
"no, i don't wanna fuck you. i hate you. they don't check there, they won't find us. come on." i lead her in, but again, she stops, halfway through the door.
"why are you helping me." she's really drunk, wow. i walk in, regardless of whether she's coming with me, and i sit on the ground. i still have my backpack, somehow.
"because i've fallen in love with you." i say, with a deadpan face. "if they find you, you're gonna snitch on me, so i should hide you."
"i'm not a snitch. don't joke about that, either, it could happen." the door shuts behind her, as she walks over to me.
that cheerleader outfit doesn't leave much to the imagination, and i'd be glad if it was anyone else. i just think it looks weird on her.
"what, me falling in love with you? i will literally put money on me not doing that." i say this as she sits down next to me, and keeps her eyes on my hands. probably because they have vodka in them.
"there's no point, it's inevitable." she tips her head against the cracked linoleum tiles, staring up at the ceiling.
"what do you mean?" i press my ear to the wall, so i can look at her. god, i hate her face. who the fuck made it? were they high?
"i mean, i can't have guy friends without them falling in love with me. pass the bottle." she takes it from my hands, even though i didn't say yes. whatever.
"we're not friends, so don't worry about that. i'd worry about connor, though." speaking of, i think i can hear him out there, calling my name. he probably snitched already.
"i wouldn't mind that. he's cute, and he's nice to me." she mouths that like i'm supposed to like her. i take my bottle back.
"okay? good for you." i shrug, and take a swig.
"not good for you. you can deny it all you want, but i know you're into me." she leans closer, looking up at me like she's the one that's into me.
"shut up. am not." i'm really not. she sucks more than anyone i've ever met.
"oh, sure. every time i look at you you're already staring at me, with your hands, like, halfway down your pants." she stretches over me, to take the bottle back, and her chest is almost pressed against mine.
"that's never happened! we're not fucking, why are you looking at me like that?" she's so close to me, drinking from that bottle, taking it out of her mouth with a little 'pop'.
"like what? i don't wanna fuck you, anyway. i'd rather fuck this bottle." she slips her tongue into it, swirling it like she's eating the bottle out.
"perv." i take it back, screwing my face up in disgust.
"what's your issue? you're like, the opposite of a man, but you're not a woman, 'cause even women are into me." she sounds like she's complaining.
"i'm not into you because all you do is beat the shit out of me. i've known you a month." i have more bruises than i can count, but so does she.
"yeah, but it's weird. still, i don't think we've ever really been alone together, so i get it." she pats me on the knee.
"there's a reason for that. i hate you." why are we sitting so close together?
"i hate you too, man. i think you're so weird. do you seriously not think i'm hot?" super humble, that's what i love in a girl.
"...not really. you're just annoying, and you piss me off." i mean, i know this doesn't completely stop me from seeing how pretty she is, but it definitely blocks some of it out.
"come on. don't lie to me." she takes my hand, and presses it down on her boob. hey, god, next time you make me hate someone, don't make her this forward. thanks. "nothing?"
"nope. but you can leave my hand there if you want." i grin, with that awful shithead smirk i love doing.
"fuck off, i was just checking if you were in love with me or not." she slaps my hand away, screwing her face up like i put it there on my own.
"okay. well, i'm not." i shift away from her, and stare at the cracks in the door, as she drinks more of my alcohol.
when she passes it back, there's barely any of it left, so i finish it. the vodka glides down my throat so smoothly, it barely tastes like anything.
i don't think i'm an alcoholic. i just like drinking, and it doesn't matter if i like doing it daily.
without asking if leah's alright with it, i slide a cigarette out of my pocket, and light it. she sighs a breath of relief, and does the same with her own carton.
"even if i hate you, i'm glad you smoke. do connor and the guys do it?" she might be being nice, but that doesn't make me like her.
"how the fuck would i know?" i don't think i've ever asked if they smoke or not, and i've never seen it, so probably not.
"jesus. sorry." she draws her knees to her chest, and looks to the side, at the toilet stalls. this used to be a unisex bathroom, but they stopped using it because no one cared enough to walk this far.
now people just use it to fuck and smoke in.
i can still hear the faint screams of the cheerleaders, and the grunts of the football team.
they're out there, though, and i'm in here, in the silence. with this bitch i met a month ago, who won't stop beating me up and stealing my booze.
footsteps mar our silence, echoing through the room like sharp, clear gunshots. a ginger head of hair rounds the corner, and obviously, it's connor.
his dad's mixed, but somehow, he ended up with red hair.
"i knew you guys were in here. i could hear you fighting from math." he sits down next to us, and makes little grabby hands for one of my cigarettes.
i raise an eyebrow, and pass him one, along with my lighter. he's definitely been doing this for a while.
"...really?" i think leah might be shitfaced. might be.
"no. i could when i was outside, though. you're gonna get caught if you don't shut up." when did connor's balls drop? i thought they'd be up his ass forever.
"wow, connor, didn't know you grew a pair." i laugh, but he doesn't find it that funny. "c'mon, it's a compliment. you're not a pussy anymore."
"shut up, gabe. you're an asshole." he glares at me, then looks to leah, hoping she might say something. maybe he's just staring.
"hey, man, i know i'm nice to look at, but not for that long." she's almost done with her cigarette, but she's just letting the smoke furl up around her.
"shit. sorry. i'm sorry. you're just, uh- you're just pretty. like, really pretty." he's blushing so hard, it's physically embarrassing to look at. she just giggles, like this is the cutest thing ever. i wanna gag.
"guys, you hear that? it's connor's balls shooting back up into his stomach." i cup a hand around my ear, like i'm listening out for something.
"shut up, you need to shut up. he's a nice man, and he's saying nice things, and you should go." she crawls over to him, and pats him on the shoulder.
"why?" she then laughs, flips me off, and kisses connor on the mouth, right in front of me. "oh, gross. i'm not moving."
she shrugs, as she makes out with him, on her knees, one arm over his shoulder, the other up his shirt. her back is arched, like she's trying to show me her whole ass. it's working, it's definitely there.
nevermind, this is weird, i'm going.
as i walk out, they both watch me, which just makes it even weirder. like, i'm seriously uncomfortable right now.
i leave without saying goodbye, so i can go fuck britnee in the locker room with no lingering awkwardness.
god, that was strange.