gabe102Please respect copyright.PENANA4lhjnOtSuZ
sunday, july 30th, 21:00pm102Please respect copyright.PENANABmMaAbWjdP
auburn, california 102Please respect copyright.PENANAWMJmeiHyaa
102Please respect copyright.PENANAnuxXpCf0ad
"okay. that's good, but why?" ricky finishes reading the lyrics, and looks up to elijah, who just looks purely pissed off.
"...what do you mean, why? why does every song have to have a why?" he crosses his arms over his chest, as our self-titled leader skims over the next song scrawled on the page of a notepad.
"because the song is about a pinball machine, eli. how am i supposed to feel the rhythm of a pinball machine?" it's a weird process, but it works.
"by making up a melody instead, like a normal human being." connor probably shouldn't have said that, judging from the look on ricky's face.
"connor, i'd agree, but i read your lyrics, and they suck, so. get better at writing, like a normal human being." he tosses the sheet at him, spreading an embarrassed flush over his cheeks.
"what about mine? was it good?" spencer's head pops out from the fridge, where he's doing fuck knows what.
"it was okay, if you can write about something that isn't rosa next time that'd be even better." ricky's sarcasm is relentless, but at least he's not angry.
"he's in love, man, don't make fun of him." elijah, making fun of him, leans on an amp he knows he's not supposed to be touching.
"what, with you? shut up." i don't know why he's our leader. we don't like him that much, he's a complete asshole, but he has a gift. no one can deny it, and that pisses me off beyond belief.
i stand up to go get a coke, or even a beer, but i get held back.
"hey, gabe, where are you going? i still need to read yours." he's acting like i'm leaving to burn the garage down.
"drink." i don't bother giving him more than one word, because if i say more i'll just get him angry, and then i'll get angry, and i don't feel like beating his ass right now.
kidding, i always feel like beating his ass. i take a beer out of the fridge, and sit back down.
"alright, so, it's usable, but i can't feel it. like, you're talking about this girl, but you don't feel anything for her." he's analyzing my half-assed lyrics like they're a poem.
"so what? you don't have to mean a love song. how can you tell from words?" also, it doesn't matter that i didn't feel anything for the girl i wrote it about. it's nice enough i even thought about her when i was writing it.
"yes, you have to feel something to write a love song! that's the whole point! when you can't feel it, i can't feel it, and when i can't feel it we don't have a fucking song!" he grips the paper so hard it almost rips clean in two.
"jesus, ricky. sorry, i'll rewrite it when i... feel it." i have no idea what that means, but that won't be a problem.
"you? feel anything but horny for a girl? yeah, call me when that happens. feel free to point me to the flying fuckin' pig, too." elijah sucks almost as much as ricky, but he has some redeeming qualities.
i think.
"what if he writes it about being horny? that's easy." connor's too smart for this group. he only really started hanging out with us because he knew spencer for years, before he moved to brooklyn and back.
"no, we're not writing about sex. we're writing about meaningful shit that girls think is hot, like long walks on the beach with jesus." ricky should probably get laid if he wants to write about things girls like.
"girls thought elvis was hot, and he sung about sex all the time." spencer's finally done over by the fridge, and it turns out all he was doing was trying to shotgun a diet coke.
his attempts have been left on the table next to the fridge, in a puddle of foam. there's a little bit of blood, too.
"yeah, but elvis shook his dick around, that's what they really thought was hot." connor looks jealous of this, which i don't get. he has a dick, he can do the same thing.
"you bastard, you read my mind. it doesn't matter what we write about, as long as we look hot doing it! new objective, guys," ricky's new flame of inspiration prompts a loud, exhausted groan from the band. "we have to make costumes."
"not doing that. we need better songs, or maybe someone who actually wants to be the lead singer." elijah nods at spencer, who'd rather be on lights than any of this.
"what about lana? she's okay." connor suggests the only girl friend we have that spencer hasn't fallen head over heels for.
"as a person, sure, but can she sing?" speaking of, he seems to have a question about that. he made a good point, actually.
"...shit. what about that girl in the grade under us, melanie?" that name rings a bell, but i don't think i slept with her.
"no, she's crazy. i saw her stab a cat in an alley." that's where i heard it. after this, we kind of just sit around, waiting for someone to say something, or someone to magically come in singing like whitney.
"should we just watch tv 'til we know what to do?" elijah always knows what we want. ricky switches his wall-mounted tv on, and we just watch whatever season of NCIS is on.
we're about two episodes in, and i'm about twelve beers deep when someone next door starts playing music.
not that loud, but loud enough to be annoying, so we share a look, and try to brush it off with a collection of eye rolls.
i decide i'll shut them up, maybe just yell at them from the side alley of ricky's house. for some reason, everyone follows, when whoever's being an arrogant asshole starts to sing.
okay, so it's a girl, apparently.
i can see her through her window, sort of. blonde hair, thin, just an average girl, i guess.
102Please respect copyright.PENANAt969OXINmD
"chest to chest, 102Please respect copyright.PENANADJKUGzXTNW
nose to nose, 102Please respect copyright.PENANAB9i8ljNkym
palm to palm102Please respect copyright.PENANAgRUXPfH4l7
we were always just that close.
wrist to wrist 102Please respect copyright.PENANAr79QlfKvia
toe to toe 102Please respect copyright.PENANATTca7ooqoW
lips that felt just like the inside of a rose
so how come when i reach out my finger102Please respect copyright.PENANAV6W10hN2sf
it feels like more than distance between us?"
102Please respect copyright.PENANArw6eJWkIrm
she flings open the window, to light a cigarette, and even though she can't see us, i can definitely see her now.
sure, that's the most beautiful girl i've ever seen in my entire life, but she's still an asshole for that music.
102Please respect copyright.PENANAEUky86RDFG
"in this california king bed102Please respect copyright.PENANA0TsnHbEemG
we're ten thousand miles apart102Please respect copyright.PENANAQO8bee5sQ3
i've been california wishing on these stars102Please respect copyright.PENANAJBeP6YkLrP
for your heart, for me102Please respect copyright.PENANApUyhKtLEDz
my california king,"
102Please respect copyright.PENANAJF4rkMqkA6
her voice is stunning. like nothing else.
she's also in a towel, so, hot. maybe if i talk to her first she'll join us, women are easy to persuade.
102Please respect copyright.PENANAw13J4t2euf
"eye to eye 102Please respect copyright.PENANA7wCXgjomJn
cheek to cheek 102Please respect copyright.PENANAz0fJ6SkbMQ
side by side102Please respect copyright.PENANAEsffH9FjHl
you were sleeping next to me 102Please respect copyright.PENANAFAjnodvMYT
arm in arm102Please respect copyright.PENANA0M6DelFzrz
dusk to dawn102Please respect copyright.PENANAfDXLaHRA9C
with the curtains drawn102Please respect copyright.PENANAZkOX63nglM
and a little last night on these sheets...
so how come when i reach out my fingers,102Please respect copyright.PENANA8V7BhYuq6a
it seems like more than distance between us?
in this california king bed,102Please respect copyright.PENANAwzEYMAKmHb
we're ten thousand miles apart102Please respect copyright.PENANA6zlasfxgVi
i've been california wishing on these stars102Please respect copyright.PENANAWsNgTR9fxa
for your heart, for me102Please respect copyright.PENANAbGCHK9rY58
my california king"
there's a guitar solo in this part of the song. i remember it well, and now i can't stop thinking about how good it'd sound if i played along, especially with her voice. only with her voice.
"just when i felt like giving up on us102Please respect copyright.PENANAfXC3H6iK0T
you turned around and gave me one last touch102Please respect copyright.PENANAyy4KRKkxef
that made everything feel better102Please respect copyright.PENANA49UZlci8vr
and even then, my eyes got wetter102Please respect copyright.PENANAf11yJt8Tgb
so confused, wanna ask you if you love me102Please respect copyright.PENANAMO6L7WXvNn
but i don't wanna seem so weak
maybe i've been california dreaming,102Please respect copyright.PENANAMxzVWSnLUA
102Please respect copyright.PENANA8APb5hKXnP
in this california king bed102Please respect copyright.PENANAACXweYutMR
we're ten thousand miles apart102Please respect copyright.PENANAVO1KZX9LIf
been california wishing on these stars102Please respect copyright.PENANA8bZaT59R1Q
for your heart, for me102Please respect copyright.PENANA6ek4HlDSTh
my california king
my california king,"
maybe my heart might be throbbing like a maniac right now, but i think she's just a really good singer. seriously, such a powerful, rich voice, but soft in the perfect moments.
"in this california king bed102Please respect copyright.PENANA3KUgJAzVKn
we're ten thousand miles apart102Please respect copyright.PENANAGmYPUv85I8
i've been california wishing on these stars102Please respect copyright.PENANAI4T6BriafG
for your heart, for me102Please respect copyright.PENANAktqwt4nMaU
my california king."
102Please respect copyright.PENANA85QkLxHc92
like couple of dumbasses, spencer and connor start clapping, and i can see that elijah looks like he wants to die. that's one thing we have in common right now.
"shut the fuck up!" i shout, because that's what i came here to do.
she leans out the window, with that cancer stick still in her hand. alright, fine, i smoke, i just can't find a flaw anywhere else.
"why don't you shut the fuck up, little bitch! say it to my face!" she throws a shoe at us, and it's now clear that she could have seen us if she was looking properly.
"turn down the music first, asshole!" i still have no idea why we're fighting, by the way.
"you want me to shove your head even further up your ass? no? shut the fuck up!" she flips me off, and leans to the side, to turn her music up louder.
she leaves the window open, but draws her curtains.
"fuckin' bitch! come out here!" i'm obviously not going to fight her, i don't hit girls unless they ask me to.
"you sure? i'll kick your skinny little hipster ass!" she now has a tank top on, and goddamn, that is the nicest rack in california. maybe the whole country.
"you can kiss this skinny little hipster ass when you're in the ground, douchebag!" full disclosure, i'm a little drunk. i don't know if you could tell by me banging my fists on her fence like a zombie.
"get your hands off my fence!" she grips her windowframe, after pulling on some pants, i think.
"no!" i know i sound like a toddler, don't judge me.
"that's it, i'm fuckin'- see 'ya in a second, cunt!" she disappears, so i round the fence, to get to the front of her house.
the guys follow, but they don't stop me. i don't know why, 'cause if my friend was about to fight a girl, i'd probably stop him. unless it was lana, she has fists of steel.
the blonde's door swings open, and she's holding an empty beer bottle. she smashes it on her wall, then lobs the remaining top half at me. the jagged glass hits me in the arm before i can react.
"you little bitch, i'm gonna-" i run at her, but she's too fast for my drunken reflexes.
she brings up a broom, holding it against me when i try to grab her. i don't know what i was planning to do with that, so i'm kinda glad she blocked me.
i grab the broom with two hands, and break it over my knee. even though that hurts like hell, i launch at her.
i catch her wrists, but she's shaking me off, and it's really hard to keep hold when she keeps kicking my shins.
i shove her against the wall, still not trying to hurt her.
"please, please, i'm sorry, don't hurt me, i'm just a girl!" she cries out, but it's so obviously fake, that i just laugh. "don't fucking laugh at me, i'm a girl!"
"that's so fake!" maybe i'm more than a little drunk, shut up.
"asshole." she drops the act, and directly after, she kicks me in the knee, which hurts like a bitch.
"ow!" i probably look like a giant pussy right now.
"cry about it, bitch" she socks me in the stomach, and that really hurts. oh, my god, how am i still standing? i want to go home so bad.
"i'm not gonna fuckin' cry about it, i'm gonna kick your ass!" i persevere, somehow, and shove her back, making her stumble. she pounces on me, and knocks me back onto the ground.
for a while, we're kinda just rolling around, trying to get on top of one another, which would be hot if she didn't keep hurting me.
i reel a hand back, about to slap her, when she grabs my wrist, along with a handful of the hair on the side of my head. that stings. jesus, that really stings.
"you do that, and i'll rip your hair out, goldilocks." she brings my head up, closer to her face, and this is probably the worst time to remember that she's sat on the only part of my body that actually isn't having a bad time right now. "...are you hard?"
"no. yeah, but that happens, it's not you sitting on me." it absolutely is, but i think she already knows that.
"you're disgusting. you want me to kick that boner off the face of the earth?" she lifts herself on to her knees, but she's still pinning me to the floor. are the guys just.. watching this?
"i'll take your tits off and shove them down your throat if you even think about that." i threaten her like i wouldn't love doing that.
"you'd probably jizz yourself if you did that, so i should rip your dick off before you can." with that, i sit up, overpowering her like it's nothing.
we're both on our knees, and she won't let up, even though i'm towering over her, pushing her hands back behind her.
i wrench my hands away, and shove her back by her waist. now she's pinned to the ground. i'm not giving up, because i really want to win. i shouldn't be this competitive fighting someone i don't even know.
"gotcha." am i smiling? i might be.
"shut up." she jolts her leg up, and now i can't breathe, because i know the blinding pain is going to start in three.. two.. oh my god.
where did all the air go? am i about to shit myself? two questions that have the same answer - i don't know. i'm lying on the ground, cradling myself, because it feels like my whole pelvic area is being hit with a sledgehammer.
is there something in my ass? no, definitely not, unless that random girl decided to shove the broken broom up there.
after about three minutes, i can breathe again. there are tears in my eyes.
"dude, oh my god, my dad's from oregon!" connor? why the fuck is connor talking about oregon! i just got temporarily disabled!
i get up as fast as my legs will allow, holding my stomach like it's falling out.
"that's so cool, i loved it there. almost as much weed as california." she's socializing! she's infiltrated the band!
"we love weed." elijah, you asshole, you've never even smoked it.
i lean on spencer, because he won't complain about it. the girl glares at me like she's going to kick me in the balls again. please don't.
"you've never smoked, eli." thank you, ricky. doing god's work, even if he sucks.
"guys, what the fuck? why are you talking to her! she just kicked me in the nuts!" i'm almost angry about this, but it still kinda hurts, so i'm just trying to stay upright.
"i know, i saw it. i felt it, man. but she's nice." connor. you're a fool. she's bewitched him.
"you're such an asshole, connor, all she did was grow boobs, now you're bending over and spreading your ass for her." i could be being harsh, but i think ricky agrees.
that's not a good thing, is it?
"just 'cause you got beat up by a girl doesn't mean you need to be a dick about it. oh, shit, sorry." would it be considered a crime if i murdered elijah right now? maybe.
"fuck off. who even are you, why are you here?" i redirect my attention to the little witch that's taking over my friends' brains.
"leah daniels. i moved here this morning." she introduces herself, still looking at me like she hates me. i can only really see her in the streetlights, because the sun's going down, but jesus.
if i didn't hate her, i'd be on my hands and knees begging her to come home with me.
"good, so you still have boxes. move back." maybe i should stop being a dick if she's this attractive, and we're trying to get her into the band.
"gladly. if i have to go to school with you, i might kill myself, uh.. what's your name?" she leans in, like that won't make me worse.
"gabe." i spit, and i know it might seem like i'm being rude, but you haven't met this girl. she's the worst.
"short for?" she knows what she's doing with that, so i won't tell her. she'll end up calling me the longest version of my name verbally possible.
"you're a slut." i then flash the fakest smile i can muster, and i probably look like a bitchy popular girl right now.
"oh, my god, what am i going to do! you insulted my promiscuity! what will the church say!" if my friends would stop laughing, that'd be great.
"they'd say no, sorry, we don't have two dollars, no blowjob today." i should drink some water, sober up a little.
"two dollars! if i was on sale, you wouldn't be able to afford it, gabe. or is it gabriel? or gabriella?" there it is. also, not going to address how hot the first half of that was.
"call me what you want, just don't fuck me. i don't want herpes." i'm pushing myself further and further away from getting laid.
"you don't have to worry about that. the rest of you, though, you're fine.." she's now browsing my friends like they're in a catalog, and they're loving it.
"come on! you can't seriously be falling for that. spencer, put your dick down, i'm right here!" he has a boner, and it's dangerously close to me.
"you were the same earlier." she has this stupid, hot smirk on her face, and i hate it.
"that wasn't my fault! if you were a dude, and someone sat on your dick, the same would happen to you." i explain, as if that'll help her get it.
"i didn't sit on it on purpose! it was so small, i couldn't even see it." i kinda like when girls say that, because i always get to prove them wrong. i don't think i can do that with leah, though, and that pisses me off.
"bullshit, you felt it the second i got hard. i was only half mast!" it's the truth. at least i think it is.
"dude, gross." elijah turns his nose up at me, like he doesn't brag about his dick all the time.
"shut up, man, you're an asshole." i don't know how, but i've gotten a lot drunker in the past couple minutes.
"alright, we should get him sober. i'll see you 'round, neighbor." ricky winks at her, so i elbow him in the side. he groans, and weakly lifts a hand to flip me off.
"fuck you, fuck all you, let's go." i drag everyone along with me, after they say their yearning goodbyes to the goddess on earth that i'd love to murder.
they sit me down on the couch, and i still don't know how i got so drunk. i was pretty hungry before i drank, so maybe that.
all i know is i hate leah, and i will never apologize to her.