lana81Please respect copyright.PENANAY5fnUi70sD
monday, august 28th, 8:30am81Please respect copyright.PENANAqO1oKFmAt3
the bus stop
"hey, guys! you excited for school?" there they are. the regulars. we've known each other for twelve years, and they still never fail to be assholes.
hold on. the assholes have a hemorrhoid. who the fuck is that?
"...who's this?" before they even answer me, i question their add-on. i look her up and down, and oh, my god, where did they find her? a catwalk?
"hi, i'm leah daniels. you're lana, right?" she waves at me, with this beautiful smile, and i think i need to check if i'm still not a lesbian.
"what the fuck! you know my name!" my jaw drops, as i stick up my hand for a high-five. god, is the sun bright today. she hits it, and she's already my new best friend.
"yeah, don't be too nice to her, she might have sex with you." gabe's such a bitter little dickhead. it helps that he's hot, but he doesn't have much else going for him. straight up douchebag.
"you want me to buy you a house? that nice enough?" i haven't got laid in a while, can you tell?
"believe me, done more for less." she shocks the guys, but it just makes me laugh, because i'm in love with her. duh.
"i wish i could say the same. anyway, you guys know what homeroom you're in?" i didn't get the letter, my dad must've thrown it out. i'll just follow someone and sit in the back, no one's gonna notice.
"...ooh. no." ricky's at the back. good. i think i just hang out with these guys 'cause of spencer and connor, they're actually decent.
"i know me and spence are with the gay p.e teacher." wow, connor, stereotyping. maybe he isn't as decent as i thought.
kidding, he's always like that. he asked if my mom owned the massage parlor down the street, 'cause she's thai.
"mr. jones is not gay, alright? he's just enthusiastic." elijah defends him, like we were even talking about him. i think mr. jones is the janitor, actually.
"we're talking about mr. perez. the guy with- with the husband." spencer raises an eyebrow, and guys, i'm so sorry, but here comes the gush.
i've had a full-fledged crush on this boy for three years now. i know. stand up, lana! what the fuck! it doesn't help that he keeps getting with every girl that joins this group, and then i can't get along with her anymore.
but anyway. spencer. he's cute, he knows everything about film-making, and lighting, and all that. he can plait hair, he doesn't judge, he hardly ever holds grudges, and he never gives up on anyone.
"oh, yeah. when did he get married?" i ask, because i can't handle saying much more than that, not without shrieking with joy.
"...how the fuck should we know?" gabe, politely, get hit by a car.
"she was just asking, asshole." leah stomps on his foot, so he shoves her head. that prompts an elbow to the side, which, finally, shuts him up.
"come on, guys, it was funny in the summer, but you gotta stop wailing on each other when we get to school." connor likes to give out orders. he's like our dad.
"maybe if gabriella keeps her mouth shut." leah hisses at him, and i already know we're gonna get along.
"hah! gabriella. keep her." i say to the guys, because if any of them try to infect her with their drama, i will personally hurt them.
"all fun and games 'til you get sent to mr. morrison." spencer warns the two of them, which probably won't do much, seeing how they glare at each other.
"the big bad paedophile of the wild, wild west." alright, sometimes elijah's funny. he's talking about our principal, by the way. i don't know how he hasn't been fired yet.
"oh, my god, really? or is that a joke." this poor girl, she doesn't know of this school's third biggest scandal.
"he got a freshman pregnant when he was forty. they kept it quiet, got her an abortion, but everyone knows about it." connor tells the harrowing story we hear, like, every halloween from our parents.
"was she alright? where is she now?" leah's worry for this girl is a lot more that i thought it'd be. i guess we're desensitized to the story.
"again, how the fuck should we know?" gabe's so rude to her, for someone that could easily get his ass beat for it. i just don't like him, and that's gonna be very obvious. sorry, guys.
"you want me to shove that bag up your ass?" she jolts at him, spooking him. he flinches, and now she's laughing, and she has a beautiful laugh. of course she does.
"don't bother, he's too tight." i bet he is. he looks like the kind of guy who can't even bear to wash down there.
"you should tell jennifer w. about that. she got her whole fi-" he's disgusting, and also, we've heard this story before. many times.
"gabe, shut the fuck up!" i think the whole group got that together, somehow. not too sure.
"sorry! but she did. so, y'know, i could fit a bag up there." now he's eyeing leah like he wants her in his bed. as if, i think she actually hates him.
"you're depraved, gabriella." she shoves him, as the bus finally rolls up. we have to wait, like, fifteen minutes extra. he walks into her, on purpose, and i can't deny they look cute together.
but, then again, when she walks away from him to talk to connor, they look just as cute. maybe even cuter.
i hang back with spencer, even if it scares the shit out of me just to be alone near him for more than a minute.
"who do you think she's gonna end up with?" he asks me, reading my mind like no one else can. i'm so pissed he can't see how good we are together.
"honestly? connor, or gabe." we clamber to the back of the bus, because it's already started moving, and grab the first available double seat we see.
"gabe? really? they hate each other! you were lucky you were in mexico, they were fighting over the tiniest things." he complains, even though that's how the best relationships start.
"yeah, but y'know. they look cute. also, i wasn't lucky, i fuckin' missed you!" i bump his shoulder, looking up at him like i wouldn't sell my dog to kiss him once.
"i missed you too, lana. i kept seeing that one dog around-" i know the one, but i have to stop him so i don't sweat.
"reginald ogilvy?" the guy who lives five doors down from us has this dog, and he's the sweetest guy ever. not the dog. the man. the dog sucks.
"yeah! every time i saw him, i missed you! and the first time we met leah, we heard her singing rihanna, that made me think about you, too." alright, guys, so sorry, but i'm going to faint in a second.
"aw, you did?" i want to kiss him. is that normal? i want to kiss him until all air dies out.
"a ton. my mom had to physically tell me to stop listening to rihanna or she'd disown me." his mom is the sweetest, and i love his dad, too.
"now i'm back, you can listen to her in my house, instead. you know how much my mom loves her." i remember when her first album came out, three years ago. i've never been the same.
"she'll be in there with us, pullin' the-" he copies her signature dance move, of a really awkward elbow rock, with swinging, balled up fists. it makes me laugh harder than i'd like to admit, which just makes him start laughing along with me.
"shut up! oh my god! hey, in where with us? never said we'd be alone." here's your chance, lana. lay it on thick. come on too strong, you do it with everyone, just do it with spencer.
"we won't be. you, me, rihanna, and maybe your mom." don't 'yo mamma' me, asshole. kidding. love him.
"oh, don't, you know she loves you, spence. she thinks you're such a handsome little man." i do too. i absolutely do. i think he's the handsomest man alive, and i'd give him awards if i could.
"does that run in the family?" he raises an eyebrow. he's awkward when he actually likes someone, but he's smooth when he's comfortable.
i think i'd rather him be comfortable around me.
"oh, absolutely." we both laugh, even though i'd love to say yes seriously.
"i knew it! still got it." he flexes through his sweater, but i can still see his bicep's peak through the fabric. oh my god. say something.
"shut up, you get no girls. i think i get more girls than you." a step away from my goal, definitely.
"only 'cause you're a lesbian." not for you i'm not.
"am not. surprised you haven't come out yet, i saw you watching that slideshow of young JFK." i think everyone had a boner that day. that man was so fine, even with my mental betrothal, i'm going to say it.
"don't bring john into this!" his eyes widen, in total embarrassment.
"i'm gonna bring john into it! oh my god, wait, do you remember the first time we went swimming with rosa?" that's one of my worst memories of him, because it solidified his crush on my best friend.
"...no. no, not this story. anything but this story." he grovels, leaning his head on my shoulder.
"you saw her take off that big t-shirt, and i saw your dick stand up like it was gonna walk away!" i love teasing him, because he always gets so flustered.
"no! no, it just happened, it wasn't 'cause of rosa." he's always said this, but i don't believe it for a second.
"you swear?" i lean in, with my pinky out, and watch him get closer to me. much closer.
his face is inches away from mine.
"swear." he links our pinkies, and i'm trying not to start giggling like a little girl.
the bus pulls over, right when i'm about to throw our whole friendship away by kissing him. with my heart racing, i pick up my bag, and share one last glance with him before i get off the bus.
oh, no, gabe sat with leah. at least i think he did, because they're still sat down, shoving and hitting each other.
jesus, maybe they really don't get along.
connor stops in front of me, and gently pulls leah off of him, letting her keep swinging at him. she calms down pretty quick, so we can all get off the bus without waiting for them to stop fighting.
gabe picks himself up off the seat, staring at the floor. when he catches me looking at him, he winks at me.
i gag, and get off the bus, to walk with connor and leah. they look like they're hitting it off, so i think i'll ruin that.
"i'm so excited!" i wedge myself between them, to connor's despair.
"...really?" leah smiles at me like i'm crazy, which, to be fair, i kinda am.
"no. i think chemistry might kill me. speaking of, connor, can you stop fucking her with your eyes? thanks." i'm an agent of chaos when it comes to my friends trying to get girls. i just think it's so funny.
"i wasn't! i don't- i don't fuck with my eyes, that's weird." as much as he denies it, he obviously was. i don't think leah minds.
"you can fuck with more than your eyes in a sec, connor." she leans forward, and looks at him like she genuinely wants him. i wonder if that's real.
"guys, shut up, there are kids here!" i don't think freshmen are kids. are they? i guess fourteen is pretty young.
"what? where?" connor looks around, with an eyebrow raised.
"here. me. i don't wanna hear that." i cross my arms, watching both of them roll their eyes, and pretend they weren't about to have sex.
"you're cute, lana, i like you. what music you listen to?" she asks me, throwing an arm around my shoulders, swaying closer to me.
"amy winehouse, rihanna, and david bowie." i list my three favorites, as we walk up to the school's entrance. i like how she hasn't even questioned where she's going.
"are you kidding? amy winehouse is the best! i love literally every word she's ever said!" she sounds a little drunk, and i'd love it if she actually was. drunk on your first day of a new school? that's hilarious.
"aw, did gabe let you drink out his flask?" connor knows what's happening, so, naturally, he's already annoyed.
"no. he didn't let me, i stole it." she slips the flask out the back pocket of her miniskirt, and takes a swig. whatever's in it sloshes. she offers it to me, and it smells absolutely potent, so i drink some. about two-three shots worth. "i love you!"
"i love you! thank god, the first day of school's gonna be bearable." i hate school sober. one time i came in high, and it was the best day of my life.
there's a brief pause, where we're just drinking, and there isn't any chaos.
until there is.
"hey! bitch, gimme that back." gabe runs at her, as we pass through the gigantic doors of the school. he tackles her, pushing her up against a pillar, to try and wrestle the flask out of her hand.
almost limp, leah tightens her grip on the flask, grinning like they're doing more than fighting.
"no way, you have to kill me first." she giggles, and connor looks like he's about to step in, when he pins her wrists to the pillar.
"i'll kill you, i'll throw you off the building." his head lolls to the front, almost on to her shoulder. the bell just rang, but i'm not that buzzed about going to class. connor lingers around us.
"not if i do it to you first." wow, jesus, that smile on her face could give me a hard-on.
he chuckles, like an absolute asshole, and then lunges at the flask, holding it to his stomach with his hands clamped around it.
leah swings her fist at his head, knocking him to the ground. she pounces on top of him, trying to pry the drink out of his hold, but he won't let go.
she rapidly wrenches his hands from side to side, however, this gives him the upper hand, and he throws himself on top of her.
i share a worried glance with connor, who looks like he's about to step in. it's honestly surprising he's not more of a pussy, because he was a complete wimp last year.
gabe throws the flask over his head, right at me. before i can even react, it hits me in the mouth, probably busting my lip.
"fuckin'- ow!" i cry out, and kick him in the shin. he flips me off, only to get slammed onto his side by leah. she swings a leg over him, and mounts him like a horse.
"hah! i win! gimme the booze, i win." she reaches back, with a knee kicked up into his chin, stretching his head up.
"gimme a sec." i take a long sip, and connor does too, which i didn't expect.
i hand it to leah, and i've just realized we're drunk on the first day of school. sick.
"kids, what the hell do you think you're doing?"