connor98Please respect copyright.PENANA6X5cbD027e
3:45pm98Please respect copyright.PENANAL4Fjkyou1G
ricky's garage98Please respect copyright.PENANA2F1cSX0qj9
98Please respect copyright.PENANAoB9dyq9E5x
"c'mon, i know you have alcohol, i've been fully sober for, like, four hours." leah's practically begging ricky for something to drink, because after we made out this morning, she hasn't drank. i don't even think she's had water.
"jesus, gimme a second. fuck." he runs a hand over his slicked-back hair, and rifles through his fridge. he pulls out a beer, but that's apparently not good enough.
"nah, we need booze, not beer. we did the first day of school! celebrate!" lana shakes his shoulder, her eyes wide, like she's on cocaine. she might be, she went to mexico.
"oh! i'm next door! i'll be back. watch this." leah then decides it's a perfect day to run out the sliding door, jump up onto ricky's garbage can, climb up on to the fence and, from there, do a terrifying leap of faith from there to the porch roof.
"...she's crazy." i mutter, as she clambers up to her window, and lets herself into her room.
"now we all know how to rob leah, you guys want some music?" ricky doesn't even have to ask, because he's already doing it, and he's playing justin fucking timberlake.
"oh, come on." elijah complains, taking a seat on the amp gabe specifically asks him not to touch every time he breathes.
somehow, he doesn't notice, and he's instead waiting for booze on the couch. that's oddly polite, knowing him. i don't think he's changed too much, because he's just doing it to get drunk.
"what? what's wrong with justin?" ricky looks personally offended, like that's his dad.
"what's right with justin?" lana's grin is so wide, that i almost question it, until i see that she's sat right up next to spencer.
he's doing that thing people do, resting their arm on the back of the couch, but since she's in love with him she's probably pretending it's around her.
"he single-handedly brought sexy back!" ricky sits on his tv cabinet, which is a really weird place to sit.
"alright, ricky, you can believe that if you want." rosa bends down to pat his knee, and then falls into a beanbag, watching him blush.
"guys!" a distant call from over the fence redirects everyone's attention. "someone catch me!" oh, shit, it's leah.
before i can even move, elijah's out there, with that shit-eating grin on his face. he knows i like her, so he knows what he's doing.
she jumps into his arms, with a gigantic bag of liquor in her own. he catches her bridal style, which, by the way, jealous.
"you okay?" he asks, looking into her eyes.
"yeah! i have booze! let's go!" she then looks around, with her nose scrunched up. "who's playing justin timberlake?"
"oh, for fuck's sake!" when no one gives ricky a reaction to gush about justin, he rushes over to her, and snatches the bag, so he can put it on the floor and open it.
we all dive in like he just smashed a pinata, and grab a full bottle each. by the time they're all gone, half of them are open. shit, i'm so much slower than everyone.
i open the bottle of jaegermeister, and take a long, agonizingly painful sip. ow. oh, my god, i should stick to beer. holy shit.
"that's so good." leah cackles at her bottle of malibu, smiling like she's going crazy. for all we know, she already was.
"oh! guys! this weekend," lana takes a long drink of smirnoff, and then continues. "this weekend, carly invited me to a party that rich kid, phillip, is throwing. you guys are coming."
"i love parties!" rosa throws her hands in the air, but keeps a tight grip on her drink, because all hell would break loose if she dropped it.
"who doesn't?" gabe's such an asshole. i know you guys hear that a lot, but seriously, sometimes i want to scream at him.
"you only like them 'cause you end up fucking every girl that looks at you." spencer calls him out, but the last one we went to was different.
"only when leah's not there. asshole. i didn't get any last time." he's so dramatic, but maybe it's the jack daniels.
"that's 'cause you beat me up in front of everyone! i still have the scar from the glass you threw at me!" she pulls her tank top up, but not high enough, because we all know what we really want to see.
"fuck, gabe. didn't know you were a wife-beater." lana joined in on our little running joke that they're married pretty quick.
"shut up. i only did that 'cause she was telling the girl i was trying to hook up with that she could do better!" alright, i didn't know that. i would've been pretty mad too.
"she could! she had an ivy league scholarship! she so could've done better!" leah, after shouting at him, takes the longest drink i've ever seen.
"why are you drinking so fast! it's not gonna run away, alcoholic!" that's rich, coming from gabe.
"oh, right, like you're not one. you're such a hypocrite!" it was funny at first, saying they were married, but now they're actually starting to sound like it.
"says you! oh, you're all 'i'm a slut, and i'm fine with it', but the second i call you one you flip out!" he should stop drinking, very soon.
"when have i ever called myself a slut? go on, tell me! also, i hate you calling me a slut, 'cause i hate you!" she lunges forward, bottle in hand, about to cause a very huge scene.
"good! i hate you too! you're a bitch!" he's swinging his bottle, too, and together, they're two abusive drunks, screaming at each other.
a match made in hell, i guess.
"oh, you fuckin-" she then punches him in the stomach, so he backhands her across the face.
rosa, after only having seen this relationship in its most civil form (lunch spat), leaps over the back of the couch, to step between them.
spencer gently pulls her back, whispering something that looks like 'it's not worth it, they do this all the time'.
elijah and i skirt the psychopaths to sit with everyone, and talk about what happened today.
"anything good happen?" lana asks us, pressing her back into the couch, and taking a sip of her drink.
"i made out with a hot girl today." i'm not telling them who it was, obviously. gabe knows, but he's a little occupied right now.
"what? who? what the fuck?" spencer's absolutely amazed that i didn't tell him straight away.
"i can't say, but she's really hot. i might ask her out." whenever i think about her, my stomach hurts, like i'm going to be sick.
"don't do that, man. if you get a girlfriend, you'll stop hanging out with us." elijah sounds a little gay right now, but i appreciate it.
"nah, i'm not gonna stop hanging out with you guys." i brush off his statement, and take a swig of my drink. fuck, i forgot what it was. oh, my god. give me four days to start breathing again.
"hold on, i call bullshit. you made out with some mystery hot girl, and you expect us to believe you?" of course ricky calls bullshit.
"shut up, fuck off!" leah shouts, and then sits herself down right between me and elijah. "that was me, by the way."
"wh- you made out with connor?" now ricky looks like he's going to throw up, which i love.
"yeah, but i'm not talking about that. look at gabe!" she points at him over the back of the couch, and he's leaning on that amp he loves so much, puking.
"fuck, leah, what did you do?" rosa's not accustomed to this yet, which i understand fully. it took me, like, a week.
"punched him in the stomach, like, eight times." she's so proud of herself, and it's really cute. i nudge her leg with my fingers, and she slips her hand into mine like it's nothing.
"why the hell would you do that!" rosa cries out, and she honestly looks like she's about to jump up and help him.
"he scratched me! look at this shit!" leah lifts the side of her top again, showing us her waist, which has three pink, raised claw marks that go for about five inches. "fucking hurts!"
"gabe! get over here!" i forgot to mention how motherly rosa gets, and it really shines through when we fight. i'm glad to have her back.
he stumbles over, clutching his stomach in one hand, and his bottle in the other.
"why did you scratch her? are you five?" she stands up to berate him, pointing her finger at leah. she's nursing the scratch marks, obviously milking it.
"she was gonna break my nose again! i had to get her off me somehow." i remember when he got his nose broken by her, it was kinda funny, except for all the blood.
"alright, that's it. no more fighting, or i'll snitch on you, and get you grounded." she might come across as annoying to people who don't know her, but she's really just doing what she knows is best for us. like a real mom.
"oh no, my parents grounding me, however will i sneak out now?" ironically, the only people gabe won't be an asshole to is his family.
"you wouldn't sneak out, you love your mommy too much." ricky doesn't have a mom, so he makes up for it by being as much of a dick as he can manage.
"ricky, you don't want me to say what i'm gonna say in a minute, so i think you should shut up about my mom." that's the most warning gabe's ever given anyone, so he should probably take that advice.
"anyway, do you hear me? you're not fighting each other anymore!" rosa moves on, to keep being their mother.
"...can we fight with words?" leah asks, like she's a kid trying to find a loophole in her parent's rules.
"fine, sure, but if you need to have a screaming match, please, for the love of god, do it outside." silently, we're all thanking her.
"okay. deal?" gabe sticks his hand out for a handshake, but, unfortunately, he's aiming it at the tv. leah stands up, positions his hand towards her, and shakes it.
"for the record, i'm only doing this for rosa. this does not make us friends." she flashes a fake, polite smile at him, and sits back down, right on my hand.
i don't move. neither does she.
"believe me, i don't wanna be friends with you, skank." he sits on the floor next to elijah, even though there are several free seats.
"don't start, i don't want more scratch marks, fuckin' toddler." she hisses, trying to hold her foot back from slamming into his head. i know that's hard, i grew up with him.
"get a room." lana says, resting her elbows on her knees, with her bottle between her hands.
"god, can you imagine them alone together?" rosa's question would be funnier if she didn't just join them in holy screaming matrimony.
"we were alone earlier, and we didn't kill each other, so." leah says this like it's something to gloat about. that's cute.
"you put my hand on your boob!" that was a bomb.
"and you're complaining?" elijah raises his eyebrows, and, actually, he's right. that's a blessing!
"yeah! she was pissed off 'cause i'm not into her." he just shrugs, as if it's not that big of a deal.
"...you're not into her?" ricky asks, and the look on his face is pretty valid, considering the fact that she's the hottest girl in the entire history of... ever. "i mean, sure, have your preferences, but come on."
"aw, stop it! you're gonna make me blush." she pauses for a second, shifting in her seat. oh, wow, my hand is in a very different place. "no, but really. some guy asked me out in the doorway of the girl's bathroom."
"gross, what did he look like?" rosa screws her face up, and i can't tell if that was her drink, or the mental image.
"i don't know, he ran away after i told him to crawl up his ass and die." she shrugs. i honestly don't know what to do about my hand, do i just leave it here?
"i wonder why?" news flash, gabe's still an asshole.
"hey, guys! look who we found wandering around!" three pairs of footsteps walk in behind us, and when i turn around, i almost physically leave this plane of existence.
britnee, bailey and becky. the most popular girls at school, or maybe everywhere. they're universal. they never take their cheerleading costumes off (except for parties), they're never out of style and they never hang out with us.
"...hi, leah. hi, you guys." i think that's leah's brother, mike.
"mike? what the fuck? how do you know- how did you find- what?" she's still drunk, so i don't think she's taking this too well.
"we found him hiding in the girl's locker room after cheer. he said he was your brother, but if he's not, we can just kick his ass again." becky's the most talkative out of the three.
"yeah, he's my brother. thanks for bringing him here. you want drinks?" she holds up the only unopened bottle of vodka.
"yeah." mike does the exact same smirk she does, except it's not hot, 'cause he's a guy, and i'm not gay. my parents might tell you otherwise.
"shut up, perv. i was asking the girls." she shoots him a glare, and then offers up the bottle to the others. holy shit. they're walking over. what do i do? just don't blush, or sweat, or fidget. i definitely can't fidget, or i'd accidentally be fingering my friend.
"sure. thanks, leah." bailey takes the bottle, and drinks out of it, as the whole group watches. how come it's hot when she's a dyed redhead, but when i'm natural it's weird? i'm a quarter black, so it doesn't look the same, i guess.
still looks good in my opinion.
"i'm not even kidding, leah's literally the best. did you guys see her in p.e? she looked totally hot in our cheer uniform." britnee gushes over leah, and i'm stunned.
she's the queen of the three. however, it's like if karen smith took regina's place.
"aw, thanks, brit. you looked hot too." she turns back, and winks at her, and is she blushing? what?
"they're total lesbians, you should've seen them in the locker room. they were in the shower tog-" becky, please, i have a boner, keep talking forever.
"sorry to interrupt, but every guy here is about to cum. just wanted to let you know before you finish that story." i think lana's charm is universal, as well as the trio's popularity. she makes everyone laugh.
"jesus, gabe, eyes up here." britnee's clearly flirting with him, judging from that look she's giving him.
"sorry. busy." he keeps staring at her boobs, like they're the ones flirting.
"hold on." leah kneels on the couch, and grabs them, so he can't see them anymore. britnee just giggles. for a second, i swear she looks at me, with that same look in her eyes she was giving gabe.
"no! why would you ruin my view?" he glowers, with his whole face twisted in disgust.
"...she's squeezing her boobs and you're mad about it?" elijah's dumbfounded, watching the scene play out like it's genuine porn.
"you're a pervert." mike huffs, as if he wasn't staring before leah covered her up.
"i'm sorry, did you say something?" bailey looks him up and down, sizing him up like she's about to fight him again.
"no. sorry." his confidence shrinks, as he sits on a beanbag i didn't even know was there.
i take another sip of my drink, when leah returns to normal, and i don't think i care about how bad this tastes anymore. i'm kinda used to it. no, nevermind, this is satan's pee.
"shit, what happened to your eye?" becky points out gabe's black eye. it makes me laugh whenever i look at him, but he suits it, which is annoying.
"leah." he sneers at her, even though he absolutely had it coming.
"he scratched me!" she pulls up her top again, to show them the scratch marks from clifford the big red asshole.
"fuck! why did you do that?" oh, no.
"well," i know you've heard a fair amount of swearing, but i don't think i can tell you how their argument sounds with a clear conscience. sorry. it reaches a peak, and that's when rosa has to step in.
"you're a fucking fuckhole who's in love with his own fucking mom!" see what i mean? what even is a fuckhole? like an asshole, or a vagina?
"you're a coked-up cumslut with no tits!" that's just, like, not even true.
"you wish i had no tits, you've been starin' at 'em all day, butt-fucker!" now she's just contradicting herself, shouting down at him from the couch. everyone who's known them for more than a day looks so bored.
"how am i a butt-fucker if i've been staring at your tits!" i think he's looking at them now, actually.
"so you admit it! you've been staring at my tits! i see the fuckin' half-chub you get whenever i punch you, you depraved pervert!" this is a lot harder to ignore than their fighting.
"that's enough, outside!" rosa stands up, and points to the garage door, face screwed up in anger.
they both grumble and follow her order, bumping into each other as they walk. the second the door shuts behind them, the muffled screaming starts, and i'm just glad they're outside now. i hope they lose their voices.
"...why do they hate each other so much?" becky looks mortified, after taking another sip of vodka.
"no one knows. they met, like, a month ago, and they haven't stopped fighting. it's getting pretty fucking boring by now." spencer crosses his arms, staring at the tv we haven't been able to hear for the past ten minutes.
"we could try and get them to get along?" britnee suggests, and i'd love to hear what she thinks is going to help. i can literally hear them slamming each other on the garage door.
"how? that's like trying to get russians and americans to be friends. it won't happen." ricky's world view might be a little skewed. just a little.
"easy. at the party, we get them both super drunk, and we put them in the same bed together when they pass out. they wake up, think they had sex, then they'll stop being dicks to each other." wow. bailey's actually pretty smart.
"yeah, or they'll just scream and freak out and get even worse." but ricky's more realistic, because he knows gabe really well.
"good point. oh! sleepover. the night before the party this weekend! we can play seven minutes in heaven, and lock them up together." lana's idea is the best, i think.
"perfect. we're invited, right?" britnee looks super excited about this.
"duh, of course you are." spencer's acting like a dumbass. he always does around rosa. speaking of, she's glaring at the two idiots walking back in, covered in new bruises.
"come on, i said no fighting! we're having a sleepover on friday, and you have to stop before then." she gives them their instructions, so they both mumble their 'okay's, and sit back down.
"hold on, is that a hickey?" elijah points at gabe's cheek, which has what looks like an aggressive hickey on it. weird placement, but alright.
"kinda, 'cause leah bit me, then she tried to rip my skin off!" he looks genuinely pissed off about this, but i can't tell if he's lying.
"...did you guys make out?" i ask, kind of jealous if they did.
"no! i'd rather kiss the rim of a toilet!" leah's absolutely offended that i even thought of it, which definitely means i'm never making out with her again.
"harsh." bailey says, and that shifts every eye in the room to her. "i mean, we've all made out with him. it wasn't that bad."
"thank you! see, this is what a sane person looks like, not someone who gives people face hickeys!" he points to the dark, purple-red tooth-mark bordered contusion on his face. she's really good at those.
"at least i don't scratch." she mumbles, patting her side again.
"what was that? you're a bitch? i know! finally, we can agree on something." gabe rolls his eyes, like he'd even be remotely relieved if they agreed on something.
"the only reason you're not getting your jaw broken right now is because i don't want to piss off rosa." leah takes a breath, and then releases a calm, yet violent sentence.
the room almost erupts into cheers of relief, but we hold ourselves back so they don't get angry again.
"anyway, sleepover at mine friday night. this street, house 112. be there at six." lana orders, before the song changes over to 'rock your body'.
oh, no, is ricky gonna dance?