As soon as Atia heard Annabeth calling her name and Percy’s sneakers hitting the ground, trying to catch up, she ran, faster than she ever had before. If she didn’t want to be found, she wouldn’t be. She wouldn’t appear for as long as she liked. She knew what she was capable of, she had hidden it and suppressed it for so long that she could barley remember. Yet that was the point, she didn’t want to remember. She didn’t want to remember what happened to Rosemary.
Atlantis kept running until she reached the border of camp, the pale blue shimmer in the air indicating the end of the barrier against monsters. She stood there for a long time, contemplating running. Staring at the icy shimmer consumed the next four hours, Atia heard footsteps slamming against the rigid twigs and leaves on the forest floor.
“ I FOUND HER!” A voice screamed, Atia recognised it as one of the Aphrodite campers. More footsteps disturbed the piece as the Aphrodite camper tried to grab her arm to drag her away from the barrier but Atia was frozen. She didn’t want to hurt people anymore, but yet she spun around and swung her fist at the face behind her. The camper let out a shrill scream and fell to the ground, her long black hair falling around her face as blood seeped through her fingers. Atia only had a few seconds as the footsteps where approaching way faster now.
Atia launched herself at the closest tree and swiftly clambered up the rough bark, allowing her hands to tear the tough bark. From her perch in the canopy she saw Nico being the first one to arrive at the crime scene.
”Atia?!” He yelled, “I know your still here!”
Atia smiled, her time had finally come, she tied a vine around her ankle tightly and leaped out of the tree, bouncing behind Nico.
”No you don’t.” She said when she was at the exact right spot. Nico screamed and yelled her her to show herself while she sat in the tree trying to suppress laughter. An Ares camper was nest to the scene, followed by Will and Percy. Will crouched by the wounded camper, calling her by her name, Amelia, while Percy called Atias name.
Atia jumped from tree to tree, the rustling leaves giving a clear indication to her whereabouts, most of the campers that had gathered in the clearing started running after her. Atia stopped in her tracks. The campers stoped right under the tree she was in, calling her and yelling for her to get down. Atia smiled. These dim wits won’t catch on fast enough. She reached for the dagger attached to her belt and threw it with all her might in the direction which she was going. As soon as all the campers took off after the goose chase she jumped from the tree, instructing the vines to lower to the ground without saying a word.
Atia screamed as arms from behind her grabbed her, laughter followed. Atlantis spun around to see Percy laughing.
”let’s go find the others” he smiled.
His smile was lost when Atia turned back around. The other campers where just outside the clearing , no time to climb, but there was another option. Atia grinned and pointed a finger at a tree, a crack blasted through the air as a tear in the air grew at rapid speeds. The other campers had already arrived and Nico was trying to compare the split in the literal universe to shadow travel.
”Nice try.” Atia smiled, stepping closer to the tear. Percy grabbed her arm, trying to pull her away. “No touch.” She slapped his hand away.
”Atia, I’m sorry, but please come over here.” Annabeth said.
”See you later.” Atia now sat on the small ridge between the purple and black void and the campers.
”Atlantis!” Chiron galloped into the clearing.
”Ally Oop.” Atia leaned back and as soon as she was through the tear she closed it.