As it was late, Atia didn’t move to the Poseidon cabin until the next day. When she did, she met Percy at the door, Percy lead her inside the cabin. There was one nook in the corner where she and Percy shoved the spare bunk bed, The bunk bed he slept on had a spare spot, but of course that belonged to Tyson.
The two spent the rest of the day setting up her stuff and laughing at each others actions that made no sense at the time. That night she sat on her bunk, whispering to Percy until she fell onto the soft pillows and finally drifted off. Only half an hour later she was up again and sitting on the cold, tile floor in the small space between her bunk bed and the wall that separated her from the rest of the cabin. Atia finally let the silent tears that had been building up fall, silently sitting with her back to the wall was soothing to her.
After another half hour she stood at the small pool of water in the cabin. Percy sat next to her, when had he gotten there? It only felt like ten minutes before the sun was rising and she made her way to the bathroom to get dressed. Will approached her before she could reach the dining pavilion for breakfast.
”Hi.” Will said as he gave her a quick hug.
”Hi?” She asked.
”Umm, well, I’m doing to Texas to visit some friends and family for a couple days.”
”I was wondering if you want to come see your mum?”
”NO!” Atia yelled, drawing the attention of many Demi-gods.
”You have to eventually.” Will pushed.
”No.” She didn’t cave.
”Ok.” Atia looked at Will with a only pure anger in her eyes when he gave in.
She was NOT going back anywhere near that place. Ever. Again.
Atia felt kind of bad for Will, he only wanted to help. As usual, plates where flying around everywhere, if you didn’t pay enough attention you would be hit by one. Atia sat across from Percy, who was eating something that looked like blue pancakes but it was difficult to tell under the Flood of maple syrup that was already dripping on the table.
”Are you going to tell me why your mad at Will?” Annabeth asked as she came over to say good morning.
”No.” Atia continued to drown her waffles in maple syrup.
”Ok.” Annabeth had given up on trying to push her, “What is up with Poseidon kids and drowning their food in maple syrup?”
Atia smiled and Percy let out a small giggle, it was odd to feel so happy with thoughts of her mother swirling around her mind.
An hour later she sat on the beach in solitude.
”Uhh, Dad? If you can hear me, I have a question.” She swallowed before continuing. “Why am I so different? I know most demigods fell like that before they arrive at camp, and I did, but its still there. Like a shark waiting to eat a fish.”
Staring at the waves was calming, but no answer came.
”This is stupid. I’m sorry.” She sighed.
Atlantis walked up to the Poseidon cabin, witch wasn’t that far from the beach. She quickly got changed into her swim suit, being back on the beach and taking a running leap into the water seemed to take away everything else that was in her mind.
A tickle in her lungs told her that she needed to go breath air, she knew she could always just dive back down but when she kicked her legs it felt like she was disturbing some sort of peace. Except something was stopping her from moving upwards. Atia looked down and was horrified to see some sort of mermaid looking thing holding her foot.
the things grip was as deathly as the looks Nico could give. Atia squirmed and struggled agenst the tight grip but nothing deterred this creature from its mission.
The belt. Her mind screamed.
Her belt, witch held a extremely extensive amount of weapons, was still secured onto her waist.
but I’m under water!
Atia was running out of time. Her lungs screamed and her vision was starting to go fuzzy. Without much option she opened her mouth and breathed. The water never pooled in her lungs, only the purest air she had ever breathed took place in her lungs.
Ok, that’s one problem down, now black to the thing that is dragging me under water.
Oh yeah, the creature hung off her ankle and it’s grip wasn’t loosening.