The creature gripped Atias leg and was slowly pulling her down beneath the ocean waves. Atia was out of breath (Out of water?) from struggling and allowed herself to be dragged beneath the ocean waves. Soon a large palace came into view, the mermaid thing grabbed her writ and lead her to the large expanse of a palace.
”Atlantis.” A deep voice stated.
Atia wiped her head around, looking for the source of the voice to find herself face to face with her father. Or should she call him Poseidon? He looked nothing at all like the descriptions in books. Poseidon was wearing a bright, Hawaiian pattern t-shirt and surf shorts, his pitch black beard was only slightly over grown and behind him was a beautiful women wearing a pastel purple Greek-style dress who did NOT look happy.
“Uh, Hi…………dad.” The word sounded strange to Atias mouth. “Um, you can call me Atia if you like.”
“Atlantis, this is my wife Amphitrite.” Poseidon introduced his wife.
”We will call you by your birth name.” Amphitrite tilted her nose to the ceiling and looked down at the girl.
”Okaaaay, so, why am I here.” The look of confusion on Atias face must have satisfied Amphitrit for she smirked and continued to look down at her.
”I only wanted to see you and have a small……chat….” Poseidon said. “Hmm, your eyes are different colours.”
”It’s called heterochromia.” Atia didn't quite trust these people, sorry, gods.
Amphitrite Hissed through her teeth “don't Talk back to gods.”
Atia didn’t blink at her statement, she just kept her mouth closed, she was quite used to people telling her that, this seemed to startle Poseidon as the look on his godly face declared that to the world.
“They will come in handy one day.” Poseidon almost admitted.
“How? I’ve only been told that their just weird my entire life.”
“I-“ Poseidon started
”Don’t Talk back!” Amphitrite snapped.
”Father!” A Merman swam into the room, pausing when he saw Atia. “Your her……”
”I’m who?” Atia asked.
”Your you.”
“I’m who?”
”TECHNICALLY MY HALF SISTER!” Triton Yelled, ignoring his mothers glare.
”WHY ARE WE YELLING?!” Atia shouted.
”I DONT KNOW!” Triton yelled back.
”QUITE!” Amphitrite Screamed over the chaos.
”what where you going to tell me son?” Poseidon massaged his temples.
”Oh yeah, Tyson wanted to meet her.”
”I have a name ya know.”
”And it should be ‘significant annoyance’” Amphitrite muttered.
Atia glared but only said “Tyson is the cyclops Percy was talking about, Right?”
“Yes, and he is going to meet you at camp tonight.” Triton said.
”OH SHOOT!” Atia glanced at her wrist, which was vacant. “I need to get back!”
“Do you want an escort?” Poseidon asked.
”Nah, I’ll swim.” As soon as Atia said it she was back in the ocean and doggy paddling her way to the surface. As soon as her head broke the water she hoisted herself onto the dock and started walking to the Poseidon cabin. Well, walking probably isn’t the right word, waddled probably sums it up.