In the cold, vast border area of Neptune and Jupiter.
The third shot which just hits his stomach is the most painful of all. Stairmount can't stand for it anymore. Actually, he is so desirous to keep looking at Daphne. He yearns to look at Daphne as much as he can, as long as possible. Because he is worried, when he dies, he will never be able to do it again.
But for this third shot, the pain he suffers is really unbearable. Stairmount really can't bear it anymore. Earlier, his eyes - although only a half - can still open, but now they are completely closed. Be unable to bear these worldly sufferings anymore.
Dad... Mom... I'll be following both of you soon.
However. He is still alive.
No, he doesn't get the reason. Is he supposed to die? But why does he still stay awake? Yes, all he can see was total darkness. But he knows it very clearly. He is still alive.
What actually is going on here?
Stairmount's eyes blinks, then slowly, they starts to open.
The situation in his surroundings is dimly lighted, though he can still form it into what seems to be a large hospital room. Even the room itself is dark, with dull paint on the walls that adds to its darkness due to a lack of light in the room. Just as he had regained consciousness, the cold air began to blow and cover all of Stairmount's skin. It is not a pleasant feeling to experience this aura. Rather, this aura makes him believe he has died and gone to Hell if only he didn't catch that sight.
The jolt was so intense it pricks Stairmount's body so much, causing him to rise from his laying position in an instant. However, it turns out to be a bad idea. A terrible anguish that is difficult to explain suddenly attacks his entire body before the scream of the name has left his lips. It stops the split second automatic action.
"Are you awake, Mr. Rivers?"
The voice that asked him in Jupiterian language is piercing and frigid, and spoken with a foreign accent. Stairmount feels his heart skip a beat. Does it mean, that Chrono has figured out what I am planning to do.. and now they are trying to stop it?! By helping my life?!?
Stairmount has his eyes widened immediately. He also gains the strength to get out of his resting position right away. Furthermore, he has just sensed that notion, and it aggravates his terror.
If she is really Daphne, then it means, they are now holding Daphne as a hostage to replace my parents?!?
"Aarrggghhh!" But still, the intense pain which grips Stairmount's entire body finally wins. The anguish strikes him once more, forcing him to return to his original lying-position.
He watches some hands extended before his eyes, immediately support his whole body. "You haven't fully recovered yet, so don't push yourself," An icy voice with a thick foreign accent utters.
Stairmount is powerless to control his body, but he still has the full control over his eyes. He forces his eyes to expand wide and swirl around. It turns out that some people are standing in his surrounding. Stairmount counts. One, two, three, four, ... or even more. But, there is something wrong with the faces of those who are standing right in front of him. Although they are Jupitunes, their faces don't look very similar to the people who live in Jupiter. And more, usually Chrono's crew can be of a variety of nationalities, while they are all but one ethnicity. An ethnic groups he is already familiar with, since he has spent the previous four years working in the country they belong to...
"I am in Pluto?" Stairmount's question is out of his mouth in an instant.
A woman in her late 40s laughed. "No, Mr. Rivers. You are in its neighboring country. Neptune."
"Nep... tune?..."
"We managed to save you just in time; or else, your stupid actions will trap us in violations of international human rights, for having dared to shoot dead a Jupiterian, who is also claimed to be The Young Hero of the Century!"
Now Stairmount turns his attention to the man in his early 50s. Different from his colleague who has just spoken, this man speaks in Jupiterian's native tongue, with no trace of a foreign accent in his speech.
Stairmount stares at him in the eyes, asks, "Who... are you?"..."
Instead of making any respond, the man shifts, making a motion as if requesting someone to come forward. Stairmount gasps.
"Daphne." That's correct, she is really Daphne. It turns out that his view is not unreal; Daphne is standing right in front of him. Standing before him and staring at him with serious face, she is indeed the woman he deeply loves. Despite her serious and tense countenance, there is also a noticeable sense of relief and happiness emanating from her.
"Thank God, you're still alive..." Daphne murmurs.
The woman pats her on the shoulder. "Tell your lover not to do anything stupid like this, especially if it will trap all of us into trouble."
"Not only Enigma who will be facing trouble. Hydro will also face the same consequence."
A man steps forward. Stairmount, however, recognizes him, "Mintsand?!"
Marine smirks. "Death is not a good method for handling any problem, especially if the problem remains unresolved.."
"You are... Hydro?!..."
"I must tell you something, Schynn. That I, am not an official member of the Health Delegation Team. I am an agent of Saturnian Hydroflux Intelligence assigned to observe you the Delegation Team from Jupiter."
"Observe us?!..."
"But, rather than observing you, we instead figure out a truly unexpected reality. We have found the true enemy, the ones that poses a shared threat to the entire world."
Stairmount blinks, ignorance emits blatantly from his face. He really hopes that somebody can appear and explain everything to diminish his disturbing ignorance.