It turns out that the gunshot wound Stairmount suffers from is not too severe. A few days later, he has been able to work like any other vigorous man, a little pain still remains, but it doesn't make him so disturbed, he can ignore it. After all, the Saturn government has given direct orders to provide Stairmount with the best healing facility in the entire country to help him regain vigor as soon as possible. Thus, it allows him to recover quickly and get back to work a little while later - with the location where he works has now changed. He no longer works at the Pathogenology Laboratory of Millennium University or the Mist Laboratory, but instead at the Orbs Pathogenology Laboratory. And, his team has completely changed. He doesn't work not only with Jupiterian scientific team, but also, with Saturnian medical team.
"But, I have to tell you something; Sierra Pathogen has been designed in such a way to attack rapidly, and viciously. And because of that, no Anti-Pathogen has been made for it. So I've never created a ready-to-use Anti-Pathogen. I've never provided any solutions to settle it either, since the pathogen is designed only to make bring significant harm to numerous individuals, like the intentions of other weapons of mass destruction. If you expect that, then let me tell you the truth; it's useless."
In a very spacious laboratory with amazingly-complete facilities, Stairmount is now explaining Sierra Pathogen thoroughly to his new team consisting of around sixty people, as well as to the high officials of Saturn Ministry of Health attending there - even including the Minister of Health, Deputy Ministers of Health, and some military generals working in the medical field. As Stairmount has guessed, they are all wide-eyed in disbelief.
Copyright © by boundless_universe
"No Anti-Pathogen for it?! So, we have to wait?!..." Mr. Pool asks agitatedly.
"Well... just like all creations of every anti-pathogen in general. We have to wait at least a year."
"One year is a long time, Mr. Rivers. Now the death tolls are in the tens, even though Sierra Pathogen just spreads in two weeks!" Mrs. Solvent says anxiously.
"This is indeed the atrocity of Sierra Pathogen. As long as it gets the right blood samples, or any other things having similar DNA or RNA of its target, it can recognize its victims by spreading via aerosol (air) without the need of physical transmission like other pathogens," Stairmount explains again. "But you said, the victims number in tens? That's a relatively small number. According to my calculations, the death tool should have been in the thousands in two weeks. So, at least we can be assured."
Mr. Splash sighs. "But still, it doesn't mean that we can unwind, Mr. Rivers!"
"I know," Stairmount replies flatly. "I am also thinking about the best way to solve it, besides using anti-pathogen..."
"But, you are its creator, aren't you? And you said, you can't fix it? What do you mean, actually?" Somebody asks.
Stairmount decides to ignore that question. His action is soon followed by the others. Therefore, the question which sounds sarcasm but is actually unimportant to be asked at this crucial moment is immediately blown away by the wind.
"Do we have to put the areas under quarantine?" The Minister of Health asks.
"But I am afraid, it will disrupt the national stability, Minister. Moreover, our country still has to face several conflicts with various regions because of the provocations of Jupiter and Nature Continent," The Deputy Minister expresses his opinion.
"There's no point in putting the areas under quarantine," Stairmount answers. "Even if everyone is separated from each other, as long as Sierra Pathogen is placed near the person and spreads via aerosol, without needing to contact physically with humans, Sierra Pathogen can still infect its victims because they have acquainted with their blood."
Everyone sighs as they grows tense. Even including the Jupiterian Team Member, to be exact, Gasoline. "And we can also get attacked since we have similar DNA to the Saturnians," He turns to a team member named Kurtz Dellimann, a Jupiterian scientist of mixed race of Jupiterian and Saturnian.
"I also have the same prospect of death, even though I am its creator," Stairmount chimes in.
"They don't like non-Jupitune races. That's why racial discrimination is so rampant, isn't it?" Gasoline said.
"Don't say that. Look at me, I'm standing on your side," Lucas makes comment.
"This is no more than a work of racists, we ourselves have been totally fooled by their propaganda. And we are now joining hands to defeat these discriminators," another Team Jupiter member named Keith said firmly. His remarks are immediately greeted with cheers of approval.
"Looks like, only one way we can do for this moment..."
After the atmosphere calms down, Stairmount's quiet speech soon echoes throughout the room.
Everyone immediately has their looks stared fixedly at Stairmount who just speaks up. "Yes, Mr. Rivers? You get the solution?!" Mr. Pool asks excitedly.
"Yes. According to the way how Sierra Pathogen works, apart from using anti-pathogen, this is indeed the most appropriate and effective way to deal with it. But I need to tell you. This method has only been successful in other studies for similar cases based on symptoms, not because of the pathogens themselves, let alone Sierra Pathogen. I just use the results from research based on the similarity of symptoms. And maybe we will go a very different way from the conventional methods, so please be mentally prepared for that."
"That's fine, Mr. Rivers. Just tell me your method. We are dealing with a very urgent situation right now," Mr. Pool says pleadingly.
Stairmount takes a deep breath, before saying, "The way is; By Strengthening the Mind."
Copyright © by boundless_universe