It is really out of my expectation, Rivers is the creator of the most formidable biological weapon on the entire Planet! And, for Heaven's sake, he will use it to kill the people of his own blood, who are of the same ancestors as him! How can such a cruel person exist on this Planet... he is even far below the animals, because even animals will not kill their own species! Looking at his face, everyone will surely think of him as an appealing and lenient person who is kindhearted and gentle as a lamb. But really, don't judge a book by its cover. Look at me, I have been totally fooled by his appearance. Schynn Rivers, I've really been misjudging you this whole time!
Marine keeps observing Stairmount who is now opening the box containing Sierra Pathogen, as well as listening to the irrational mutterings he talks about because his agitation has reached the most severe level. What did he say? My Sierra? So you consider that pathogen as your own little cute baby? And you said, you are very proud of it?! He suffers from mental illness for sure... really, really frightful... I really want to take his life right now! Marine is very annoyed at his superior's orders, since he is not allowed to shoot Stairmount directly, but only observes him from afar. What he is urged to do, is to take Stairmount's life right then and there.
"I am supposed to be so proud of you..." Stairmount mutters again. "But it's precisely because of you... what I really want to do is to kill myself... which is so shameful... if only I can..."
Once again, Marine Marine is stunned by Stairmount's words. After he believes that Stairmount is an extremely vicious demon, his words at this time instead reflect the contradictory fact.
"Why is the greatest achievement of my life supposed to be this pathogen? Why don't I have the same accomplishment as the king Marine has ever told me, helping needy people suffering from natural disasters? Or, am I destined to be like the king whose tomb was excavated - to bring misery to his people? But, why? Why can't I choose my own destiny? Why do I have to go through this fate although I hate it so much?!?..."
Stairmount's distress reaches its extreme point; he slams the box containing Sierra Pathogen onto the table, then closes it. He lets out a loud, harsh breath.
"I can't do it."
Marine has to stretch his head so as to hear more clearly.
"That's right. I can't do it. I can't see Marine die..." Marine feels his heart beat hard, not expecting Stairmount to mention his name, "...can't see Marine's wife and daughter die... as well as the rest of Saturn Delegation Team member... and... and if I keep spreading this pathogen... but Saturn people are very enthusiastic and happy to meet me... they are very kind to me... they believe that I will help them instead of harming them... so how... how do I destroy their hopes instead? By murdering them?!?"
Marine's eyes dim. He has to admit that the voice of Stairmount's dilemmatic words lets him feel uncomfortable though he doesn't understand with the reason. But, if he doesn't want to do it, then just don't do it, finished. Why does he still have to worry like that?
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But Stairmount is only silent for a moment. After his logic is back and dominates his mind again, he reopens the box containing the Sierra Pathogen, and this time, he also opens the box containing the extract of blood samples.
No matter what, I have to do it anyway.
For my parents. For Mom and Dad!
Stairmount grabs a micropipette containing the extract, and points it at the Sierra Pathogen. Marine gasps. Hey, he just said that he didn't want to do it, why did he change his mind now?! The electron gun which he has lowered, now is pointed once again to Stairmount.
As the President has instructed. If Stairmount really spreads Sierra Pathogen, then he must kill him on the spot.
However, just as Stairmount's quivering hand-holding micropipette is only halfway through the Sierra Pathogen, flashes of thought enter Stairmount's mind.
"Nice to meet you, Mr. Rivers!"
"We're just worried that we can't ask him for his treasurable advice, we are worried that he only has a very little time in Saturn, and has to return to Jupiter soon!"
"It is we who should thank you! You have become a hero by saving all of us!"
"We also want to thank you. You bring the dignity to the name of ethnic Saturnian all over the Planet!"
Those delightful faces... the faces indicating which they wholly believe in him, that he is saving them, that he is bringing their lives for better lives...
His hand which is holding the micropipette containing the extracts stops halfway. Stairmount is stunned, doubt dominates his mind.
Another flash rushes into his mind. That is, the vision if his parents die.
If he is reluctant to spread Sierra Pathogen, then it is his parents who will die.
Stairmount appears as if he is just being bewitched. He moves his hand holding the micropipette again. The micropipette is now above the Sierra Pathogen.
He is about to pour the extract inside the micropipette, to be paired with Sierra Pathogen.
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