I walked into Sasha's room to find Lily out of her cage. They were fighting about Sasha going on this trip.
"Lily what are you doing out of your cage again?" I asked
"Momma tell Sasha she can't go on this trip that I'm only going." Lily says
"Actually Lily Sasha is going. You are now staying here. You will behave or Nick will punish you and then you will be in trouble with me and daddy when we get back. You have been very bad this week and can't seem to listen to me. I want you in your room waiting on me. Sasha I will be back in twenty minutes to talk to you" I said
I walk out of the room to go grab Derek.
"Babe come with me." I said
We walk down the hallway and into Lily's room.
"I decided Lily wont be going with us. She was out of her cage again arguing with Sasha about going with us. Now Sasha and Ryder will be going with us. We will also be taking Shelby with us so Lily can't get her hands on her.She can't seem to listen so this is her punishment along with something else you choose." I said
Lily was full blown crying now. She kept her head down and wouldn't even look at us.I was so disappointed in her. Now I wasn't going to deal with her anymore.
"Lily you are getting to attached to us. You will start calling us Miss or Master from now on. I will start treating you like the other pets til you can behave now take off your collor and hand it to me." I told her
"Please mommy don't take it from me. I like calling you mommy. I will behave I promise" Lily says
"No take it off. And you will call me Miss. I'm done trying to be nice." I said
She takes off her collor and hands it to me and I walk over to stand by the door. Derek walks her over to her cage and pushes her in and locks it and walks out the door flipping off the light on the way out.
"I'm going to pack for Sasha and Ryder. You go talk to Nick about Lily and Zade." I said
He nods and kisses me and walks out to find Nick. I walk into Sasha's room to see her suitcase empty.
"Miss I don't know what to pack." She says
"Ok go get five pairs of jeans, five panties and bras, get socks, get five shirts, sweaters, two jackets, and choose any three shoes you want to take. Get you lap top, charger, and anything other stuff you want to take." I said
She brings me her clothes and I fold them and place them in her suitcase and then place in her lap top and charger. She brings me make up and jewelry. After her bag is packed I decided she needs a phone incase she gets seperated from me or Derek.
"Ok pick a outfit for tomorrow and bring me jammies to we almose forgot those. Then we are going to run to the mall. Go down stairs with your collor on and wait for me" I say
I go to Ryders room and unlock his cage and let him out. I go over and pull out his suit case and start adding the things he needs. I guess when I go to the mall I will pick him up a lap top and phone. Maybe some other stuff like more shoes.
"Please Miss don't take me back I will behave." he says silently crying
"Ryder I'm not taking you back. You are going with Master and I on a trip. Sasha is going with us and you are going to be her boyfriend. I know you don't like girls but you better get use to it. Now get dressed we have to go to the mall" I say
I walk down stairs to find Derek still talking to Nick.
"Nick honey. Lily in to stay in her cage unless you are giving her a bath or she has to pee. She is to stay in the dark. If she gets in trouble you are only aloud to spank her with your hand, a paddle, or a belt. She will ask for her bear but she gets nothing." I said
"Cameran calm down I got this. Just enjoy your time away. Take one day for you two, go have fun and don't worry." Nick says standing up and walking over to hug me
I snuggle into his arms and just relax.
"I'm just worried. I know I should relax but I can't." i said
He starts rubbing small circles on my back before he says "Derek dude take this girl for a massage get her to relax. Cameran sweetie I promise I will look after everything. Derek already told me about the contractors coming next week. I will make sure the animals are fed and bathed and that the pets are taken care of." Nick says
"Derek honey we have to run to the mall. Do you want to go or do you want me to take Nick?" I asked
"Take Nick. I still have a few things to do before we leave. Go enjoy some sister brother bonding time. And leave Saha and Ryder here. Just enjoy your self and spend some money on yourself." Derek tells me
I smile and walk over to him and kiss him and he wraps me in his warm arms and then kisses my forehead and lets me go.
"Ok brother dear let's go," I say
"I'll drive you relax." Nick tells me
I nod and he opens the passenger door for me. We start off to the mall just making small talk.
"Is it weird that I have only known you for a few days and I think of you like a brother?" I ask
"No I think of you like my sister. You are the only person besides my mother that has ever talk to me like that and gotten away with it. I love you like a sister and would do anything for you." Nick tells me
I whipe my face and notice I was crying. Nick reaches over and grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze.
"I love you too big brother. Nick we all get along so well and there is plenty of space would would use say about moving in with us? We can move you and your pets to the east wing of the house and then only thing we would share is the living room and kitchen. I mean of course I would have to talk to Derek but I'm sure he wouldn't care. Besides I'm more happy with you around and I feel safe with you and Derek." I say
" Let's discuss it with Derek tonight and if it's ok I'll have movers move my things this weekend. We will be adding another animal to our animals." Nick says
"That's ok. I love animals. Oh shit I forgot to have the movers move my stuff from my apartment." I sigh
"Cameran give me the address and I'll have it done by time you get back." Nick tells me
"You really are a life saver. So is Kris going to be your pet or just Drew's girlfriend? She seems like a sweet girl. She deserves to be happy." I say
"Oh no I will use her but she seems closed off. Maybe when you get back all of you can have a girls day and we can have a guys day maybe you can get her to open up to you and trust you." Nick says
We finally arrive at the mall and head into the electronic store. I picked out two Iphones, some head phones, a ipod for Ryder, and a lap top. After paying for everything we walked into the shoe store and picked up some more shoes for Ryder and some really cute heels and boots for me. We ended up in Dillard's and I seen this really nice watch so I bought it for Nick without him knowing. I even picked out a nice suit for Derek that I knew he would like. I picked out some perfume for me and some colone for my boys. I bought me a new red dress and a pink dress so I could wear the heels Zade got me for Christmas. Nick had went to put some bags in there car before coming to find me again.
"Cameran do you have a cell?" Nick asked
"No I haven't gotten myself one." I said
"Well here. I bought you one. I need to be able to get in touch with you. It's a galaxy S5." Nick said
"Nick you didn't have to do that. I could have bought myself one." I said
" Oh I know but I wanted to buy you this. I know that you bought me something without me knowing so I bought this for you. Oh look a photo booth. Let's go take pictures!" Nick said dragging me over to take pictures
We got in and he put his arm around me and we smiled at the camera. We took one sticking our tongues out, another one with funny faces, one with me blowing a kiss at the camera, and another one with me pinching Nick's cheeks. After we were finished we grabbed the pictures and headed to the car.
"Nick I know that I have to punish Ryder. Well I mean finish his punishment after the cock cage comes off. Do think It would be weird for me and Derek both to fuck him? I mean I new to this. I still hate punishing them. I cry every time after punishing them." I say
"Cameran try it and see how it goes. If you don't like it like it leave the sexual abuse to Derek. But that doesn't mean you can't use vibratos or clamps. I can go over a run down with you with Kris when we get back." Nick tells me
"OK sure. Just go easy on her, It is her first time." I say
"I will stretch her before I go in. This is not a punishment this is a demonstration. I will make it pleasurable for her." Nick tells me
By time we finish out conversation we are back at the house. I start to get out of the car and get dizzy. Just as I stumble Nick grabs my arm.
"Are you ok?" He asks
"Yeah I'm a little dizzy but it's probably because it's almost dinner time and I'm hungry." I say
"Well eat dinner then we will go on with the demonstration." Nick says
I nod and walk in the house to find Derek in the living room talking with Zade, Kris, and Drew.
" Nick run up and get Sasha and Ryder for me please." I ask
He nods and walks off and comes back a few minutes later with them trailing behind him.
I pull out the lap top, phone, and ear phones for Ryder and phone for Sasha.
"Now Sasha Ryder got more cause you already have the other stuff. Ryder got put your lap top in your suit case but you can play with your phone. Here are some more shoes since I only got you one pair yesterday. GO pack them and then you can go to the game room to watch a movie. Sasha take Zade and Drew to the game room and watch a movie with Ryder. Ok NIck are you ready?" I ask
"No Cameran I said dinner first." Nick says glaring at me
"Oh yeah I forgot. Guys dinner first then movie." I said
We all head to the dining room where the chef had made spegetti and garlic bread for dinner.
"Honey did you know that the have vampires at the auction houses now?" Derek asks me
"No I didn't maybe we should go have a look. I mean we have four pets but you know that thing we talked about after the wedding we will be down a pet." I say
"Who miss? None of us want to leave. We like it here" Says Zade
"Well since everyone is here there is two things I want to discuss. One Nina, Chris once you two are marries Zade will come back to you. We want him to have a normal childhood. Now you know we still own you or else you go back to a auction house or Neko shop. But you will take care of Zade. Sasha will be staying with us and only visit you. She is of age but you know we will take care of her. Lastly Derek I talked to Nick and I was thinking he could just move in here I mean we have plenty of space. We can put him in the east wing of the house." I said
"Sure love that is fine with me. I mean I know you two have become close and I know you feel safe around him so sure." Derek says
"Ok well i will have my stuff moved this weekend." Nick says
By time we were done talking everyone had finished eating and headed up for a movie except for me, NIck, Derek, and Kris.
"Kris come with me." Nick says walking to the basement
After we were all in the basement NIck turned around and looked at me.
"Now Cameran you want a run down of this. So your going to help me. Remeber it is all about pleasure. I'm going to stand behind you and tell you what to do. I'm not going to fuck her you are." Nick says making me gasp
"Bu-but I can't." I say
"Yes you can. Now tell her to strip slowly." Nick whispers in my ear
"Kris strip slowly for me." I say
"But why Miss?" Kris asks
"Sweetie this isn't a punishment this is for pleasure only." I say
She nods and slowly starts to remove her clothes. Once she is done Nick sticks his hands up my shirt and all of a sudden Derek yells.
"What the fuck are you doing Nick?" Derek asks
"Dude she wanted to know how to fuck a pet if she had to. I am going to show her but she can do it with clothes on. I promise it is nothing like that. I'm going to teach her how to do this. Just like I taught you." Nick says
Derek sighs but nods. Nick removes my shirt and then my shoes, socks, and pants.
"Ok Cameran just stay in your bra and panties for now. We have to get Kris going before you removed those. Now you are going to wear a vibrating strap on to fuck her. But first you need to stretch her you don' t want her to feel any pain." NIck says
I nod and he hands me some lube and tells Kris to lay down on the bed.
"Ok tell her to spread her legs. I want you to lay on top of her and kiss her get her into it and then work you way down her neck til you find her soft spot. Suck on that spot and when she moans shove one lubed finger in her and slowly thrust it in and out." NIck says
"Spread your legs pet." I said
She opened her legs and I crawled in between them I started to kiss her. She kissed me back and then I worked my way down her neck til I found her sweet spot. Once she moaned loud Nick added lube to my fingers. She was still moaning so I shoved a finger inside of her and she screamed. I started thrusting it in and out and she started moaning so I added another finger. I worked those fingers in and out of her. All of a sudden I felt my panties being taken off and a vibrating dildo strapped onto me.
"Ok Cameran she is stretched enough now add some lube and push into her fast to get it over with. If you go slow it will only hurt her more." Nick says
I nod and add the lube and turn on the Vibrator. I lined the dildo up with her entrance and slammed into her causing her to scream and ask me to take it out.
"Please Miss it hurts. Take it out." Kris says
"Talk softly to her tell her everything is ok and that the pain will go away." Nick says
"Shh sweetie the pain will go away soon." I say
"Ok Cameran go at it." Nick says
I pulled back and slammed back in. I started pounding into her and Nick added nipple clamps. After pounding into her for twenty minutes she looked at me.
"May I cum miss please?" Kris asked
"Yes you can go ahead." I said
Kris screamed as she found her release. I pulled out of her and took off the strap on and pulled on my clothes.
"So Cameran what do you think?" Nick asked
"I like it," I said shyly
"Ok babygirl don't be shy. It's normal for you to like it." Nick said laughing
"Now why don't you make sure Kris is ok and then take her for a shower and maybe you can get some pleasure out of her." Nick told me smirking
"I'll go run her a bath but that is it. I'll meet you upstairs in a few" I said to Derek
I walked up stairs into the east wing of the house and into the room Kris was using and saw her sitting on the bed crying,
" What's wrong sweetie?" I asked sitting by her
"Why did you do that to me?" she asked
"Would you rather I do it and me make it nice or would you rather Nick do it as a punishment and it hurt like hell?" I asked
"I guess you. But why didn't you let me return the favor?" Kris askd
"I'm just not in the mood. If you still want to play I can see if Drew is up to it. I mean you are his girlfriend." I said
"I would like to spend some time with him." She said
"Ok well let's get you a shower and then I'll go ask Nick if you two can spend some time together." I said walking into her bathroom to start the water in the tub.
After the tub was full Kris stripped out of her clothes and got into the tub and just sat there.
"Go ahead and wash yourself and I'll lay you out some clothes." i told her
"umm can you help me i don't know what to do. We weren't taught how to bathe ourselves." Kris said
"Sure"I said
I grabbed the shampoo and started washing her hair. After I rinsed it I soaped up a rag and washed her all over and then rinsed her off.
"Ok sweetie now you know how to do it next time by yourself. Get out and dry off and put on the clothes I lay out for you." I say walking out the door
After laying out her clothes I walk downstairs to find Nick. I walk into the living room to find him watching Iron Man.
"Nick Kris wants to spend time with Drew. Is it ok if I set them up in a room. Or you go do it and explain to the the rules if you have any for them. I'm going to find Derek." I say
"Cameran, Derek ran to the office to pick up some stuff. He will be back in about a hour. Why don't you go check on Lily she seems pretty upset" Nick tells me
I walk up stairs and into the west wing of the house and into Lily's room flipping on the light. I pull a chair over to the front of her cage and sit down. She is still crying and won't look at me.
"Pet do you know why your in trouble?" I ask
"Yes momma. I keep doing stuff you tell me not to." Lily answered
"How many times do I tell you to call me Miss. You are going to stick to that til you can learn to repsect and obey me." I say
"Yes Miss" she says
"Now I'm going to leave you in the dark to think about what you done." i say walking out flipping the night off and closing the door.
I walk into my room and pick up my phone and start downloading music. I must have fallen asleep cause I was woke up to Nick shaking my shoulder.
"Whattttt?" I said whinning
"Sweetie get up and come eat something and then I'll have a pet run you a bath so you can go back to sleep. Derek called he wont be back til midnight. He has to catch up on some stuff." Nick said
"Ok will you just let the pets eat and come up and eat with me and maybe put on a movie?" I asked
"Sure I'll be right back with our plates. Why don't you go ahead and have a bath. Dinner will be ready in a few." Nick says
I nod and walk over to my dresser to grab a bra, panties, and some jammies. I headed to the bathroom and filled the tub with water and adding some bubble bath. I stepped in and sat down letting the hot water work wonders on my sore muscles. I must have fallen asleep again cause I oke up with a jolt from sinking down in the water and me breathing it in. I sat up coughing. All of a sudden the door busrt open and in walks Nick covering his eyes.
"Oh my god Cameran are you ok?' He asked
"yeah i'm fine I just dosed off. I'll be right out." I said
He walked out and then I heard arguing. Damn I don't feel good to deal with this I thought to myself. After I was dressed I walked out to find Sasha arguing with Nick.
"What is going on you two?" I asked
"She seen me coming out of the bathroom and threatened to tell Derek," NIck said
"Sasha it is none of your business. But just so you know I fell asleep in the tub and chocked on some water and Nick rushed in to check on me. Now go to your room I'm to tired for this shit." I said
"Yes Miss." Sasha said
"Instead of what we are having for dinner I fixed you some chicken noodle soup. I know you don't feel good and you need to rest." Nick says
I crawl in bed and he sits the bowl on the tiny fold out table over my lap. I start eating and he puts on Grown Ups 2. I love this movie it's so funny. After I finished my movie Nick took my bowl down stairs and came back to sit with me. I fell asleep have way through the movie and the next the I know I'm woke up to shouting.
"Hmm what's going on?" I ask
"What the fuck was Nick doing in my bed with you?" Derek asked
"Babe chill" I said grabbing my head
"I will not chill, What is going on with you two?" Derek asks
"Man you need to chill for real. Cameran fell asleep and I woke her for dinner. She didn't feel good so I made her some chicken noodle soup and watched a movie with her. She fell asleep and I stayed here encase she needed something til you got back. I must have fallen asleep." Nick explains
"I don't give a fuck. You shouldn't be in my bed with my girlfriend." Derek yells
"Derek shut the fuck up. I have been running a fever, I'm tired and ill. Your fucking screaming is not fucking helping my damn head. Now cause you want to act like a dick, I'm going to sleep in a spare room. Do not follow me." I say getting up and walking out.
I find a spare room and crawl in bed. I slowly start crying. My crying turns into sobs and my whole body starts shaking. A few minutes later I hear the door open and then feel the bed dip on the other side.
"Shhh don't cry babygirl. It will be ok. He is just upset and worried about you. I'll stay right here with you. Get some sleep." Nick whispers.
I nod and close my eyes. I hear Nick humming in my ear and I slowly drift off to sleep. After I finally got to sleep I slept really good. I was woke up the next morning by Nick pulling his arm out from around me. Apparently I was sleeping with my head on his chest.
"Morning." I mumbled
"Hey sweetie. I didn't mean to wake you. I got to go take care of a few things at the auction house." Nick tells me
"I don't have to leave for another five hours, can I go with you? I just want to get out of the house. After last night I'm not ready to be around Derek. Can you go get me some jeans a shirt a jacket and my shoes?" I ask
"Sure I'll be right back." Nick says
I lay back down and close my eyes. All of a sudden I hear shouting agian. I run down the hall and into the bedroom just as Derek throws a punch at Nick and hits him in the jaw.
"What the fuck is your problem?" I ask running to check on Nick
"Why did you sleep with him last night?" He yells at me
"Because he was there for me when I was sick and there when you acted liked a jealous dick. Then layed there with me and hummed in my ear til I fell asleep. He is like my fucking brother. Just chill out. Nick go down to the kitchen and let me get dressed and I'll meet you down there." I said
Nick walks out and I turn to walk into the closet and grab the things I need. I throw on my clothes and shoes. I walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth and to brush out my hair. All the while Derek is just watching me. After I'm done I walk back into the bedroom and sit down on the end of the bed to slip my shoes on.
"Where do you think your going?" Derek asks
"With Nick if you must know. He has some things to take care of and I'm going with him. Besides I bought him something I want to give him. Besides we don't leave for another five hours." I say and walk out the door
I walk down to the kitchen and grab a banana and walk over to Nick who has a ice pack on his face. I remove it to have a look at his jaw.
"It's not swelling but it probably with bruise later on." I say
"I know. You ready to go?" He asks
I nod and we walk out the door without looking at Derek, We hop in Nick's car and head to the auction house. Once we get there we head in the back door and to the office.
"Why are we in the office?" I ask
"Cameran I own the auction house." Says Nick
"Then you wouldn't mind if I headed to the cages to have a look would you? I heard you were getting some vampires in." I ask pouting my lip
"Sure but take a guard just encase." Nick says
I nod and motion for a guard to follow me. We walk down to the cages and I see that all the pets have no clothes on. This pisses me off. It is cold as hell and they are going to get sick.
"Nick" I scream
He comes running in quick.
"What?" he asks panting
"Why don't they have any damn clothes. I understand they have to be naked during the auction but it is cold as hell in here they are going to get sick. You and I both know you can't sell a sick pet. Get them some clothes delivered here now and I'll have them dressed. No shoes just thick socks. No underwear or bras just sweats for all of them. It will keep them warm and they won't get sick." I say
"Ok i'll call someone now and it will be here in a hour" he says kissing my forehead and walking back to the office
I start looking in the cages and notice one pet is pregnant. I bend down to her cage and look at her. She shrinks back and hides her tummy.
"I'm not going to hurt you. Do you know when you will have your baby?" I ask
"I'm not sure miss. My old master got me pregnant and then sent me back here. I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't want to lose my baby." She cries
"I'l figure something out for you ok." I tell her
She nods and I stand up and keep walking. I finally come to the vampire cages. I see the females first. I come to one cage and there are two in the same cage.
"Guard why are there two vampires in this cage?" I ask
"They are mates miss." he says
"We I like the male. Separate them and put him in his own cage. I'm going to talk to Nick and I'll be back." I tell the guard
On the way back to Nick's office I hear two guys talking about stealing some of he pets. I quickly run to Nick's office to only find him with a beautiful blonde girl.
"Excuse me. Nick I need you now." I say
"Sure sweetie what's up?" Nick asks
"I hears two guys down that way talking about stealing some pets. I have a guard doing something for me." I say
"Ok I'll deal with is. Did you find anything you like?" Nick asks
"Yeah a vampire about 18 or 19 he was in his cage with his mate but I had them separated." I say
"Ok that's fine. Oh the clothes will be here in a few." He says
"Ok the pregnant neko in there. I want her set up in a different environment. She wants to keep her baby so I'm going to help her keep it. I also need the neko doctor in here to have a look at her and tell me how far along she is." I say
"Ok i'll call them soon. Hey you should work here taking care of them til they are sold." Nick tell me
"sure, maybe. I'll discuss it with Derek when he cools off." I tell Nick
After getting all the pets dressed and feeding them properly I headed home to get ready to hit the road. After arriving at home I found Derek pacing.
"What's wrong?" I ask
I must have startled him cause he just about jumped out of his skin. He looked at me and walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me. I rested my head on his chest and just stood there.
'Baby I'm sorry." Derek says
"It's ok. Let's pack the car and get the pets and get going. We have a five hour drive ahead of us." I say
"The car is already packed. Let's go say bye to everyone and let's get out of here." Derek says
We walk down stairs and find everyone in the living room hanging out.
"Alright guys we are heading out. Sasha and Ryder go put on your shoes and meet us by the door" I say
I hug Nina, Chris and Zade saving Nick for last. I move over to Nick and stand in front of him and look up at him. He sweeps me into a hug pulling me off my feet.
"Remember to relax and enjoy yourself. Don't stress and have fun." He whispers in my ear
"I nod and kiss him of the cheek and walking over to the door. I grab Sasha and Ryders hands and take them to the car. After they are in i crawl into the passenger seat and buckle up.
"Guys you have phones and head phones you can use those or I can turn on the radio for us" I say
"Turn on the radio miss" Sasha says
I nod as Derek gets in the car. He starts up the car and we hit the road.
"Ok let me explain the rules to you two. We are going to my adoptive parents house. You will behave or so help me god I will punish you like you have never been punished. Two you will respect them. You Ryder are still on punishment. When we are here you will only speak when spoken to. My parents believe in beating their slaves. They have one his name is Alec. When we are here you will have to be on your leashes at all times. We won't be staying with them we are staying in a hotel. So i beg you please behave or I won't be able to stop what happens to you." I say
"Yes Miss. we promise to behave" They both say
I sit back to relax and fall asleep instantly.
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