I stood there in shock for a few minutes before I rushed to Drew's side. He must have jumped in front of Carrie when she tried to attack me.
"Drew sweetie I need you to stay awake. The doctor is on his way." I say
"What the fuck happened?" Derek asks
"Carrie was going to attack miss Cameran and I jumped in her way and she stabbed me. I want her dead." Drew says
"Drew don't worry I will take care of it right now and you can watch." I say
I stand up and walk over and grab the gun a body guard of ours has and walk over to carrie and drag her over to stand a few feet away from drew.
"Drew what do you want me to do?" I ask
Drew looks at Nick and I look at Drew.
"No Drew you tell me what to do. You got hurt protecting me so tell me. Nick don't you dare open your mouth or you will deal with me." I say sternly
"First shoot her in the leg and arm. Next I want to stab her like she stab me." Drew says
I raise the gun and shoot Carrie in the arm and leg and then walk over and drag her over to Drew. I give him a knife that Luke our guard hands me. I put it in Drew's hand and throw carrie down beside drew.
"Ok drew do what you need to do to her." i say softly
Drew raises he knife and jabs it into Carrie's stomach. Carrie screams and starts trying to crawl away but Drew stabs her in the leg. He gets on his knees and turns Carrie over. He then proceeds to stab her in the stomach repeatedly. Finally Carrie takes her last breathe and dies. I look at Drew and notice he is crying I kneel down beside him and throw the knife away. I take him into my arms and just let him cry.
"Nick I want you to take Drew to our house and give him a bath. Put him in a spare bedroom and let him rest and check on the other pets. I'll bring the new pets after I pay and take them by the mall, and make sure Drew eats something. If Mr. Collins shows up please ask him to wait for us to return." I say
"Sure Cameran." Nick says
"Nick he needs you to be there for him. So forget your his master and just be his lover for once." I told him
"Drew baby Nick is going to take you to out house to clean you up and feed you and I will see you in about a hour." I say kissing his forehead
He nods as Nick picks him up and carries him to the car. I turn around and the staff has cleaned up carrie's dead body.
"Come on pet let's go get my pet and go shopping." i say
Nick's new pet follows me along with Derek and Nina. As soon as I get to my new pets cage I open it and he backs up into the corner.
"Pet come out now. I'm not in the mood for this." I say
He crawls out but doesn'y stand up.
"Stand up" i say
"No miss. We were taught now to stand" he says
"Well I'm telling you as your Mistress to stand your ass up or your asking for a punishment already." i yell
He stands but keeps his head down. I clip on a leash and pull him towards the exit. Once outside we all pile in the car and head towards the mall with Derek following in his car. After the thirty minute drive we arrive at the mall.
"Ok pet tell me your names" i said
"I don't have one miss." he says
"Neither do I miss." she says
"Ok well I will name you. Yours will be Kris. And your will be Ryder." i told them
"Yes miss. Thank you miss." they say
"Ok lets go get you two some clothes and then head home. We will get you two a new collar and leash as well." i say
Once inside I take Kris and send Ryder with Derek and Nina comes with the girls. We take Kris to get some pants and shirts and shoes. We only got her winter clothes Nick can decide later what else she needs. Once done we head into the pet shop to let Kris choose a collar and leash. Once done we head to me Derek and Ryder. After a hour at the mall we head home. I notice that Ryder's collor has mine and Derek's initials on it. We finally make it back home and walk in to find all hell broke loose.
"What the hell is going on here?" i ask
"Well I took Lily out to go to the bathroom and she ran from me. I found Sasha fingering herself so now she is freaking out and Nick is upstairs with Drew." Rose said
"What about Zade?" I ask
"Oh he is out back with Chris playing. I thought it would be ok for them to have some time together." Rose says
"That's fine rose. Go call them in please we have a announcement to make." i said
She nods and walks away. I lead Kris and Ryder to the living room and sat them down and waited on everyone. Finally Nick walks in carrying Drew and then Sasha, Lily, Chris, and Zade all follow in.
"OK everyone we have a new pet. This is Ryder. This is also Kris she is Nick new pet and Drew's girlfriend. Yes Nick I named her I couldn't go around calling her girl all day. Now Nick I bought her nothing but winter clothes you can decide later if she needs anything else. I also bought her a collar and leash but you can always change them and I can keep those here. You three will be staying with us til Drew is better no exceptions unless your going to work Nick. Now Rose I need you to prepare a big lunch in the big dining room we have guest coming over. But first Lily come here." I say
She walks over to me still naked and I bend her over my lap and proceed to blister her ass red. he is screaming and kicking and telling me to stop.
"Get your ass in your room and into your cage your on punishment now MOVE!"i yell
She runs away crying and everyone is just looking at me Derek goes to say something just as the doorbell rings.
I walk to answer the door and open it to find Mr. Collins and his pets.
"Please come in Rose is preparing lunch for us." i say
Just as we walk into the living room Rose comes in and says lunch is ready. We make our way to the dining room and we all take a seat. Nick of course places Drew beside me and he just stares at his plate.
"Drew sweetie what is it?" i ask
He just shakes his head and I realize Nick hasn't said he can eat.
"Nick do you make him ask permission to eat?" i ask
"yes i do. why?" Nick asks
" Do not make these pets ask to eat. Once you start eating they can eat. You aren't going to starve them. Now drew and kris eat before I feed you myself. Nick so help me god if I find out your mistreating them I will beat your ass myself. You may be like my big brother but I will take you over my knee like I do them." I say realizing that I raised my voice in front of everyone.
Nick's eyes widened and he just nods.
"Go ahead you two. Once I start eating you guys can eat." Nick says
"Rose take Lily a plate and feed her and then put her in her cage with the light off." Derek says
"Now everyone enjoy your lunch. Afterwards Nina take Ryder and Kris for a bath and get them dressed and set them up in the game room for a movie. You choose the movie so there is no arguing and place Sasha and Zade in there as well. I want you and Chris to watch them while Derek and I talk to Collins. Nick you can take Drew to bed and spend some time with him." I say
Everyone mumbles a ok and starts eating. We all make small talk til everyone is finished eating and everyone heads off to do as I said.
"Mr. Collins lets take this to my office" Derek says
We head to the office and close the door since the room is sound proof.
"Ok we want to build a house in the back part of our land. It is a wedding present for our two servants. We need it done in a month. We need it to be at least six bedrooms, three bath, basement, and attic. Of course kitchen, dining room, living room, maybe a game room. Get someone to design it and I'll give the ok." I say
"Sure I can have it done in that time but it will cost you twice ass much to speed it up." Collins says
"Money is no option. Just have it done. Also use the back entrance I don't want anyone seeing what is going on. I want it to be a surprise." Derek says
'Ok no problem I can have the design done by next week." Collins says
"You will have to email us the design and we will ok it. We will be out of town. If you get the ok you can go ahead and start building. I will let me staff know to let you and your crew in. No one is to come to the main house. Call me and we will come to you." Derek says
"Ok sounds good. I will see you in two weeks." He shakes our hands and leaves.
"Ok that is taken care of now house about we explain the rules to Ryder and then go have some alone time." Derek says
I nod and he sweeps my off my feet and carry's me upstairs to the games room. We walk in to find everyone watching A Walk To Remember.
"Ryder come with us. Oh babe what happened to Robin?" i ask
"Oh the orphanage people came to pick her up. She begged to stay but I sai no." Derek says
We walk into Jake's old room and tell Ryder to have a seat.
"Ryder tell us about yourself." I say
"Well I am a rank one. I will obey everything you say. It was the way I was trained. I have no family. I was born at the facility and they took me from my parents who are breeders as soon as I was born. I love my collar. I'm a virgin for males and females. I prefer males, females gross me out no offense miss. My favorite color is purple, I hate the rain and thunderstorms, I love little kids, I hate being alone or stuck in cages." he says
"Well as you can tell you have your own private cage. You only get stuck in it if your bad. Lily our eight year old hates thunderstorms as well. Now for the rules. 1. you do not leave the house without permission, 2. You can't sexual encounters with anyone but us unless we say otherwise. 3. You can go into any room except Derek's office or our bedroom or basement. 4. We are always to be call Miss or Master. 5. If you misbehave we may give you the choose of punishment or we may choose it. Any questions?" I ask
" No miss, No questions right now." Ryder says
"You don't have to ask permission to speak or ask questions but do knock before you enter into any ones bed room." Derek says
"Yes master. Can I go back to the movie now?" He asks
"Yes you can. Tell Nina to watch you guys for two hours and then we will come find you." i say
He nods and walks out and into the game room. Derek looks at me and smirks before he bends down and throws me over causing me to giggle at him.
"We have two full hours to ourselves so how about I finally give you your Christmas present." i say
"OK sure" Derek says
Ok I'm going to have a quick shower so why don't you give me twenty minutes and check on our brats" i say laughing
He nods and walks out of our room. I hurry to the closet and find my hidden bag and hurry to the bathroom locking the door behind me. I strip out of my clothes and jump into the shower. I quickly wash my hair and then shave my legs, under arms, and pussy. After everything is shaved and im clean I jump out and dry off quickly. I turn on the blow dryer and dry my hair. I start to put on thigh highs once they are on I put on some red silk panties and then put on the red and black corset. I run my straightener through my hair and add some eye liner, mascara, and red lip stick. Once done I peeked out the door and seen Derek laying on the bed with his eyes closed. I slipped out of the bathroom and quietly made my way over to him and crawled on the bed and straddled him.
All of a sudden his eyes shot open and grew in size. His eyes roamed my body and his hands ran up my sides. I slowly grinded on him and he groaned.
"Baby what do you think your doing? Not that I don't like it but your suppose to keep your brace on." Derek says
"I was being careful. But if you don't want to then I'll just go change" I said trying to get up
"No no baby. I didn't mean it like that I just want you to be careful on your ankle." Derek tells me
"Well how about you let me get you out of those clothes." i say unbuttoning his shirt.
I work my way down undoing his buttons and kissing his chest along the way. I finally finish the last button and help him take it off. Next I pop the button on his pants and slide down the zippier and removed his pants. I crawled back up him accidentally rubbing his growing erection and hooked my fingers in his boxers and slowly removed them. I kissed up his legs and when I got to his dick I kissed the head of it and worked my way down leaving wet kisses down his length. I kissed my way back up but this time I took him into my mouth and started bobbing my head up and down. I sucked on him and then started to deep throat him. I felt him hit the back of my throat and I moaned which vibrated up his dick and I felt him twitch so I knew he was getting close. I started to go up and down faster and took my other hand to fondle his balls and then he hit the back of my throat and started to shoot down my throat. I milked him dry and then sat up and watched him come down from his high.
Once he finally opened his eyes he looked at me and smiled. He shot up and grabbed my hips and flipped me under him and looked down at me. He leaned down and kissed me and then started to undo my corset and slip it off of me. He flung it across the room and sat up to roll my thigh highs down my legs and then removed my panties. He kissed me and then down my neck to my sweet spot and sucked on the spot when I moaned load. He moved down to kiss the valley between my breasts. He slowly made his way down my tummy leaving open kisses. He kissed just above my pussy and then spread my legs wide open and blew air up my slit. His tongue darted out and licked up my slit. He found my clit and sucked on it hard causing me to arch my back. Just as I was about to cum we heard a scream that made us cover our ears. we looked at each other and jumped out bed grabbing our clothes and throwing them on. I was done first and ran to find out what was going on.
I made my way into the game room to find Drew crying and laying on the floor. Nick was holding Ryder by his tail and was yelling at him.
"What the hell is going on here?" I asked
"This fucking pathetic pest tried feeling up Drew and when Drew said no he punched Drew in the stomach." Nick says
"Ryder to the basement now. Get naked and wait on me and Derek. Now move your ass." I said
I bent down by Drew and lifted his shirt to check on him. 'Drew sweetie your going to be fine. Nina go get me a ice pack. Nick take Drew to the spare room turn on his favorite movie and I will be back soon. Sasha come with me." I said
Just as I walked out of the room Derek came walking down the hallway and I motioned for him to follow me. As we made our was into the basement Derek was shocked to find Ryder waiting for us. He still had his collar on and that was the first thing I was going to take from him. I walked up to him and reached up to unsnap his collar and his hands flew up to keep it in place.
"Lower your hands now." I yelled
He flinched but lowered his hands I removed his collar and handed it to Derek. I noticed I hadn't even began his punishment and he was already crying.
"Please miss don't take my collar." Ryder whimpered
"That is to bad. You wont be getting it back til I think you deserve it. Now lay on the bed with your hands above your head." I told him
He layed down and put his hands above his head and I handcuffed them there.
"Sasha take off all your clothes." I told her
She whimpered but did as I said. I walked over to the table and picked up a ten inch dildo and walked back to Sasha.
"Sasha our not in trouble but your going to help me ok. I need you to do everything I say and I will reward you with anything you want within reason after we are done." I say
"Yes miss" she says
Derek just sat in a chair and watched me work. He was smirking at me and I walked over and kissed him.
" Now Ryder tell me why your in trouble." i said
"I tried to feel up another masters pet and then when he said no i punched him." He says
"Ok Sasha sit on his face. Ryder you are going to eat her. If you make her come in three minutes I will drop one of your punishments. Because right now you have four coming your way. One for touching another pet without permission. Two you touched another pet without their masters permission. Three you hit another pet out of anger. Four you moved when I took your collar." i said
Sasha crawled up and sat on his face. I pushed his knees up So Sasha was leaning back on them.
"Start now!" I said
He started to eat her and he groaned. Sasha didn't make a sound. I knew she wasn't feeling any pleasure from this. Just as he groaned again I shoved the ten inch dildo into his ass with no prep or lube He screamed out and Sasha moaned.
"You better get to it, you have two minutes left." I told him
I switched the vibrating dildo on and shoved it against his prostate. He moaned and licked her even more. After the three minutes was up Sasha still hadn't came yet. I pulled Sasha up.
"Sasha go get a cock cage for me please." I say
She nods and goes to find what I asked for. Eventually she can't find what I was looking for and Derek went to help her out. She walked back over to me and handed it to me.
"Here you go miss." She says
"Thanks sweetie. You may get dressed and wait over by Derek." I said
I placed the cage on him and locked it in place. I walked over to Sasha and pulled her back over to Ryder.
"Get him hard." I said
She nodded and started to pet his tail. He started to grow hard but couldn't cum.
"Please miss take it off and let me cum." Ryder says
"No this is your punishment. You will not come til I say otherwise. We are leaving tomorrow for a week. It will only be taken off for you to pee and shower and then goes back on. If you come once while it is off I will whip you til you pass out. Pshhh and they called you a rank one. More like a pathetic bitch. Get upstairs and into your cage and stay there." I said
"Sasha come with me and we will discuss your reward. Derek honey will you make sure Ryder is locked up and check on the others and I'll come find you after I talk with Sasha's." i said
"Sure baby. I will see you in a few," He says walking out.
"Ok Sasha what do you want?" I ask
"Can I go with you on this trip?" She asked
"Are you sure that is what you want?" i ask
"Yes miss. I thought we could take one day to go to the spa and get to know each other better" Sasha says
"Let me talk to Derek and I will let you know. Go pack just encase." I said
She jumped up clapping and laughing and hugged me before she realized what she was doing. She let go and bowed her head saying she was sorry. I opened my arms and she walked into them and snuggled into my chest.
"Ok go on and pack then go watch a movie." i say
She ran to her room to pack and I walked to find Derek. I found him in the living room talking with Nick. I walked over and sat down by him and snuggled into his side.
"Nick we are going out of town for a week. Can you stay here and look after things while we are away?" I asked
"Sure. Where are you two off to?" He asked
"It's personal. There is something I need to do." I said
"Ok I understand." Nick says
"Babe what did Sasha want?" Derek asks
"She wants to go on this trip with us. I told her I would discuss it with you and let her know. She is packing now just encase." I say
"Go tell her she can go. And you may want to help her pack. I'm sure she hasn't packed a suitcase at all." Derek says
I nod and kiss him and walk up to find Sasha talking to Nina. I listen in on their conversation and Sasha is yelling at her mother.
"Mom she said she would talk to master about me going. I really want to go." Sasha says
"You don't need to go. This is her time with the master." Nina says
"But mom!!" Sasha yells
"Enough you two. Sasha go wait in your room for me. Nina I told her if she did what I asked she could ask for something. She asked for that and I talked to Derek and we are going to let her go. She deserves this. We are going to take one day to go to the spa to get to know each other better." I said
" Ok. As long as it is ok with you two." Nina says
I nod and walk to Sasha's room to find.....