Finally Derek's POV
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After we finally got on the road and Cameran had explained the rules to them she immediately fell asleep. God I love this woman so much. I know her and Nick are close but it bothered me that I wasn't there when she needed me, I guess i got a little jealous. After three hours of driving we were almost there. I leaned over and ran my fingers down Cameran's face and she woke up.
"What?" She whined
"We are almost there. Wake the pets." I said
She nods and turns around and wake Sasha.
"Yes miss?" Sasha says
"Wake Ryder we are about to be there." I say
She nods and leans over and shakes Ryder. Ryder shoots up and slaps Sasha across the face.
"What the fuck was that?" Screamed Sasha
After she realized what she said she bowed her head.
"Sorry Master, Miss. It shocked me and it hurts really bad." Sasha said
"We will let it go this once. We will fix that once we get inside." I said
We pull up to the house and a young guy runs outside. Cameran jumps out and runs to him. She jumps in his arms and wraps her legs around his waist. I felt a sting of jealousy. I walked up behind them and cleared my throat. She turns her head to look at me and jumps down.
"Honey this is my brother Carson." Cameran says
"Nice to meet you" I say sticking out my hand
"Likewise" Carson says shaking my hand
Soon two more people run out and scoop Cameran up in a hug.
"Derek this is my mother Ellie and my father Brad." Cameran tells me
"Nice to meet you." I say
"You too sweetie. Now please come inside." Says Brad
WE get inside and take a seat with Sasha and Ryder sitting at my feet. Sasha is still holding her cheek and leans her head on Cameran's leg. Before I can ask for a ice pack Ellie jumps up and pulls Sasha off Cameran.
"Listen slut you don't touch your masters without their permission." Ellie screamed
"Woah listen here lady. She does not listen to you. We are her master. Now take your hands off my pet. We have certain rules. Like one being if they are hurt or sick or just upset the lean on us so we know. Now I forgot about Sasha's cheek. Brad can I have a ice pack and a place to punish my male pet." I ask
"Sure" Brad says walking away
"Who are you to speak to me like that in my own house" Screams Ellie
"I am Derek Cambell I will talk to you anyway I please. You may be Cameran's parents, excuse me adoptive parents but you will show me some respect." I finish saying as Brad and me a ice pack.
"Sasha sweetie put this on you face and let it sit there for twenty minutes. If you have a bruise Cameran can do your make up so you wont see it." I tell her softly
"Thank you master." She whispers afraid to talk to loud
"Look what you did. You scared my pet have to death. You owe her and us a apology for touching her without our permission and her for scaring her half to death." Cameran tells her mother
"I will not apologize to that thing." Says Ellie
"Well then we will be leaving. Carson we will come get you tomorrow to spend the day with us. Daddy how about a father daughter day one day this week." Says Cameran
"Sure sweetie. Sounds great. I'm off work Thursday." Says Brad
"Ok well I will see you Thursday and Carson I'll be here at eleven to pick you up." Cameran says
We wave bye and I drive off.
"Sorry about my mom" Cameran Says
"It's fine lets get to the hotel and get some food and maybe some alone time" I say
Cameran nods and looks out the window. We arrive at the hotel and I reach over and grab Cameran's hand making her jump.
"Yes" She says
"We are here baby." I say
She sighs and gets out and walks over to me taking her tiny hand and placing it in my hand. We get to the front desk and there is a slut working the desk.
"Hello how may I help you?" the slut says
"Derek Cambell. I need my room key. We are already pain in full." I say
"Here you go Mr. Cambell." slut says handing me the room key
"Also I get off at ten if you would like some company." The slut says
Before I can say something Cameran steps forward.
"Excuse me I would like to speak to your manager now." Cameran says trying to stay calm
"Why" The girl asks
"Because I have a complaint. Now get him or I will start screaming for him." Cameran says
"Right away miss" the girl says
A few minutes later the manager appears. " What seems to be the problem?" he asks
"This woman was flirting with my fiancé and offered her slutty self to him after she gets off work. Now I know a fine hotel like this as a policy against employees sleeping with the guests. I wont something done about this now." Cameran says angrily
"I did no such thing sir." the slut says
"Oh really?" Cameran says
Cameran pulls out her phone and pushed play. The sluts voice comes on with her says what time she got off if I wanted company. The sluts eyes go wide and she starts screaming at Cameran. Cameran smirks at the girl and puts her phone away.
"You young lady are fired. Mr. Cambell I deeply apologize and your room is on the house all this week and free room service. Also the kennel is open for you as well." The manager says
We thank him and head up to our suite. Once inside we find our bags waiting on us.
"Sasha go put this on." I says handing over a bag
I pull Ryder into the room that is suppose to be his and tell him to strip and lay on the bed. Cameran walks over and hands me the black bag we brought it contains hand cuffs, whips, floggers, vibrators, dildos, nipple clamps, cock rings, and rope.
I tell Cameran to go fetch Sasha and then come back. Sasha walks in wearing this sluttly outfit I mad her put on.
"Now Ryder I'm going to fuck your ass. No stretching or lube. Sasha is going to sit on your face and you will make her cum three times before I cum or you get another punishment." I say
"I'm going to fuck him to. I'm going to make him so hard he will wish he was dead." Cameran says
I nod and hand over a condom. I roll on down my length and pick Ryder up sliding under him. Sasha crawls over his face and sits there waiting on Cameran to get into position. Once Cameran slides the condom on him she puts his dick at her entrance and slams down on him. Sasha starts rocking back and forth on his face and just as Ryder moans I slam into his ass. He starts screaming and trying to push Sasha off him but I bring my hands to her hips and hold her there. Cameran is bouncing on him and finally comes. She gets up and just stands there and watches for me to finish. Sasha comes once and then I come shortly after her. Sasha stands up and looks down at the floor. I throw Ryder off me and get up pulling on my boxers.
"Sasha what is wrong?" Asks Cameran
"I didn't ask permission to cum Miss." Sasha says softly
'Sweetie when we are having your participate in something like this you don't have to ask to come." Cameran explains
"Yes miss. May I have my bath now?" Sasha asks
I nod and she runs off. I grab the hotel phone and call for someone to come get Ryder and take him to the kennel. I place the shocking cock cage on him and make him stand.
"Ryder you will be staying in the kennel while we are here. This is your punishment. You will be alone all week, I will deiced if you eat or not. Oh and the new cock cage your wears will shock and vibrate every hour on the hour. It will shock you then vibrate for twenty minutes. If you come you will add to your punishment. Your suppose to be a rank one but I don't know about that anymore." I say
There is a knock on the door and Cameran lets in a man rolling a cage. I pull Ryder over to the cage and throw him in.
"He is not to eat unless I say otherwise." I tell the man
"Very well sir." he says
"Can you come back in twenty minutes and take our other pet to the play room with the other pets till we call for her again" I ask
He nods and rolls the cage out the door. I turn to Cameran and just look at her. She looks exhausted.
"Babe I need to talk to Sasha and then I'll be right back." Cameran says
I nod and walk to the bathroom to start the water in the big Jacuzzi tub. I poured in bubble bath and bath salts. I could hear Cameran talking to Sasha explaining what's going on. I hear sweetie you are going down to the kennel o their play room with the other pets for a little while, You wont stay there its just for a few hours. Just then there is a knock on the door and I answer to the same man that came to get Ryder.
"Sasha we will come after you in a few hours. Please behave." I say handing over her leash
"yes sir." Sasha says.
The door closes and I pull Cameran to the bathroom and pull off her shirt and bra. I get on my knees and pop the button on her jeans and pull them down her legs followed by her panties. I pick her up and sit her in the rub and then walking over turning on some soft music. I light all the candles and turn off the light. I strip down and crawl in behind her. She leans back against me and I can feel her start to relax. I slowly start to massage her shoulders and her upper arms. I hear her groan and lean her head to the side. She straightens up and kisses the side of my jaw.
"Thank you" I hear her whisper
I kiss her head and whisper "anything for you baby."
After washing her hair and her body I get out and wrap a towel around my waist and pick her up out of the tub and sit her on the counter. I grab a towel and dry her off then I grab a brush and the blow dryer and carry her back to the bedroom. I place her on the bed and bend over to plug in the blow dryer and I start brushing her hair once I'm finished brushing her hair I start to blow dry it. Once it is full dried I go over t the dresser and pull out a night gown and some red lace panties and put them on her. I know it looks like I'm babying her but I just want her to relax. She has had so much stress on her lately.
"Baby." She says
"Yes love?" I say
"I found a vampire I want." She says
"Ok we will go have a look when we get back" I say
"There is something else I want to talk to you about." She says
I nod for her to continue. "Well I want to work at the auction house. Nick said it would be a good idea. The guards aren't doing right by them. At least if I'm there they will be properly taken care of. Also one is pregnant. She wants to keep her baby so I have to figure out what to do about that." I say
"What if we open our own pet shop. They girl can move to the pet shop and she can have the baby and raise it and we will find a loving owner that will take her and the baby. You can quit as my assistant and run the shop. You can even take the pets and put them to work. Sasha and Ryder can work and own there own money for things they want it will give them some responsibility. The house should be finished by time we get back or at least the week after. So we will have three pets moving out it will give us less to worry about. I think it's a great idea." I tell her
"Really? I think it is a great idea. Let's do it." Cameran says smiling at me
"Ok we will start looking when we get back." I say
"Lets go down and get Sasha and grab some dinner. It's still early let's take her somewhere since she's been good and is trying with me." Cameran says throwing on a dress and some heels
I nod and throw on some black skinny jeans, a t shirt, and my red vans. I grab her hand and my wallet off the table and we head down to the kennel. We finally make it there and see Sasha in the corner crying. Cameran runs to her and drops down to her knees and pulls her into a hug.
"Sweetie what is wrong?" Cameran asks
"The other pets told me that you weren't coming back for me. They say pets get left here all the time and their owners don't come back for them." Sasha tells us
"Oh no sweetie. We sent you here so we could be alone for a little while. Now come on let's go. We are taking you anywhere you want to go." I tell her
"Really? I can pick anywhere?" Sasha asks
"Sure sweetie" Cameran says
"What about dinner and a arcade. I've always to go to one." Sasha says
"If we go there let's go change into some jeans. We can do fast food and then the arcade. I don't want to beat you in those games wearing a dress." Cameran teases
"No I'm going to beat you" Sasha says
Sasha and Cameran take off racing back to the room leaving me there laughing at them. I wait in the lobby for them just looking around. My phone rings and I answer it and Its Nick.
"Hey man" I say
"How is the trip going?" he asks
"It's ok. Had a problem with her mom but other than that it is great. We are about to take Sasha out since she is being good." I say
"Ok good. Look man is Cameran around. I need to tell her something" Nick says
"Yeah she just got back." I said
"Ok" Nick said
I put the phone to my shoulder and say "Babe it's Nick he wants to talk to you." I tell her
She takes the phone and says "Hey bubba" I smile at her and kiss her forehead and walk over to Sasha to give her time to talk.
"Sasha do you like it here?" I ask her
"Yes master" She mumbles
"Sweetie tell me honestly." I say
"Yes sir I do. You treat me better than my last master." Sasha says
"Great. Now I know you know you won't be moving in with your parents. Well maybe we will see. I want you to have fun Sasha you are young. But if you get into trouble you know you have to be punished." I say
"Yes sir. I understand. I would like to be with my family if you would let me." She says honestly
"I will discuss it with Cameran and let you know." I say
She nods as Cameran comes back. She had a worried look on her face.
"Babe what's wrong?" I ask
"Someone wanted the pregnant girl and Nick said she was already paid for that she was waiting on her owner. He just saved her for me. The guy just wanted her and not the baby. I can't let anything happen to that baby. I don't know here but I'm attached to that helpless baby already. So I told Nick to put her into Sasha's room for now and make sure she is fed good for the baby." Cameran tells me
"Ok baby. That's fine. Also Sasha wants to live with her parents what do you think?" I ask
"Well Sasha I will agree to this. But you will work in the shop that I'm going to open so you can buy the things you want. Your mom is pregnant and will have to worry about Zade you are almost grown you can take care of yourself. But if I find out your misbehaving I will punish you." Cameran says
Sasha jumps up and hugs Cameran like her life depended on it.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you" Sasha squeals
"Your welcome now come one lets go get some food." Cameran says
We walk down the sidewalk with me holding Cameran's hand and Cameran holding onto Sasha's leash. We make our way down to Mcdonalds and Cameran and Sasha take a seat while I order our food. While standing there waiting I pull a little remote out of my pocket and flip on the switch to start the vibration on the cock cage that Ryder is wearing. I think I'll let it go till we are done eating them give him a shock. After retrieving our food we began eating and making small talk. We learned that Sasha wants to become a Doctor. I sat there thinking to myself that I would get Sasha some home schooling.
"Sasha if I can get you some homeschooling will you go to school so you can become a doctor?" I asked
"Umm I can't read or write. We weren't taught that." She says
"I know but I can have someone come to the house to tutor you so you can learn the basics and then you got a laptop so you can do your classes on that." I say
"I would love that." She says smiling at me. She stands up and moves over to me and opens her arms. I stand up and wrap her in a hug and hear her mumble a thank you. I smile at her and Cameran stands and we make our way down the street to find a arcade. Once we finally found one I went to the ATM and took out a hundred dollars and then changed into tokens for Cameran and Sasha. They started playing Skee-Ball, WAK-a-mole, basketball, and a ring toss. They spent all the money and then went over to count tickets. They had one over 10,000 tickets so Sasha got a big bear and Cameran got a big monkey. We decided we were done there and we headed to get ice cream. Once we got our ice cream I decided it was time to head back to the hotel and check on Ryder. We walked the fifteen minutes back to the Hotel and straight to the kennel.
"Sasha since he slapped you, you may pick one thing to do to him." I say
"Umm I don't know" Sasha says
"It can be anything you want to do." I say
"I want you to beat his balls with a ruler" She tells me
I look at her and my eyes widened. "Are you sure?" I ask
"Yes. I have a bruise on my face from him. He deserves this so much" She says
"Ok go to the front desk and ask for a ruler but come back straight away" I tell her
She nods and walks off. I take the cock cage off him and lay him on his back. Sasha walks back in carrying a plastic ruler.
"Ryder lay on your back and pull your knees to your chest and wrap one arm around them and stick another down to hold your dick up so it will raise your balls up. Hold your dick unless you want that hit as well." I say
"Why do I have to?" He asks
Before I can do anything Cameran walks over to him and pulls his legs up and sits on them and reaches down and holds his dick up.
"Now for you questioning me I was only going to hit you twice but now I'm going to hit your balls five times. Then the cock cage is going back on." I say
I bring the ruler down and hit is right ball. He screams in pain and I repeat that process back and forth til he is crying. I slip the cock cage back on and walk out the door following Cameran and Sasha. I give the ruler back to the lady at the front desk and thank her. We make our way back to our room and Cameran picks up her phone.
"I'm going to give Nick a call and check on Lily and Zade." Cameran tells me
I nodded and she walked into the bedroom.
"Sasha why don't you get changed for bed and head into your room and you can watch tv for a hour then it's lights out ok." I said
"Yes Master. Can I ask a question?" She asked
I nod and she says "Are we getting a vampire slave"
"I'm not sure yet. why?" I ask her
"No reason I just heard they are mean creatures." she says
"They can be mean if you don't know how to deal with them." I say
"Oh ok well I'm going to go shower and probably go to bed." She says
I nod and walk into my room. Cameran is still on the phone with Nick and she is laughing. After about ten minutes she finally says her goodbyes and hangs up.
"Everything ok?" I ask
"Yes everything is fine. Lily is still being rude, Zade had been very good he is spending a lot of time with Nina and Chris which is fine. The pregnant neko is fine. Nick had her looked at and she has about a month left till she has the baby. I don't know what to do about Lily. We have tried everything. But I have a idea. I want to take her to the auction house, I don't want to tell her why we are going but when we get there I want to put her in a cage with the other pets but have her be in a cage for the ones that aren't be auctioned to scare her. I don't want to tell her anything. I want her there for a week and then we will bring her home and see how she behaves. Maybe this will scare her into behaving." Cameran explains
"Ok we will give it a try, She has been rather bad. Now it's time to shock Ryder. Oh we are turning on the vibrator all night." I say
"Ok that's fine with me" Cameran says getting up and walking over to change clothes. I pull out the remote and hit the shock button on level one. I change into my sweats and crawl in bed and the hotel phone rings.
"Hello' I say
"Sir your pet is screaming in some major pain. He has been crying bloody murder since you left earlier." The lady explains
"I'll be right down" I say hanging up and throwing on a shirt.
I walk out of the room and to the elevator hitting the bottom floor button. Once I finally make it to the kennels I can hear Ryder screaming.
"What are you doing?' I scream at him
"Master please it hurts." He says crying
"Move your hands" I tell him
I look at his balls and they are black and blue. I feel bad for him but then I remember he is on punishment.
"Give him a ice pack for twenty minutes and a piece of bread only and then take the ice pack. Give it to him again in the morning for ten minutes and then leave him be. I do not care if he is screaming he wants to die. Do not come in here or call me about anything unless he really is dying. Do you understand?" I say
"Yes sir" The lady says
I make my way back up stairs and find Cameran in Sasha's room cuddled up to her. I smile at the two girls and walk over lifting up Cameran bridal style and carrying here back to our room. I laid her down on the bed and pulled off my shirt and crawling in behind her and wrapping my arms around her. I kissed her head and drifted off into dreamland.
Time skip to Cameran and Sasha's spa day (Cameran's pov)
I woke up and decided that today is the day I spend it with Sasha and Derek could spend it with my brother.
"babe I'm taking Sasha for our spa day. GO hang out with my brother please." I said
"Sure babe. I'll see you later. Oh stop and peek in on Ryder and maybe give him a slice of bread but nothing more. We leave for home tomorrow morning so he needs a little bit of strength for the ride home." Derek says
"OK baby. I will see you later." I say kissing him and walking out
"Sasha are you ready to go?" I yell for her
"Yes miss." She says handing me her collar
"Well let's go" I say
I drive for twenty minutes to the spa I had booked for us. Once inside we are made to strip down and put on robes. We head to get facials and then to get our nails done. We finally make our way to get our massages. We lay down on the tables and pull the sheets up over our butts and just try to relax.
"Miss?" Sasha asks
"What is it?" I ask
"I'm scared what if they try to hurt me?" Sasha whimpered out
"Sweetie that is why I booked our massages together." I said
"Oh ok. Thank you" She said reaching over and touching me arm
I flip over to look at her and she shrunk back.
"I-I'm sorry." She whispered
"Sweetie it's ok." I said grabbing and holding her hand
Finally two men walked in to start our massages. I finally started to relax and then I heard Sasha whimper. I flipped over to check on her and the mad had his hand under her sheet between her legs. I jumped up and punched him in the jaw.
"What the fuck do you think your doing?' I screamed
Just then the manager comes running in. "What is going on in here?" She asked
"This bastard had his hand between my pets legs. She was whimpering saying please stop. Now I want him fired right now and I'm pressing charges." I told her
"Sir you are fired. You know we do not tolerate that stuff here. Now that Miss Cameran here is pressing charges I would advise you not to go anywhere till the cops comes." She says
"Miss Cameran I am so sorry to you and your pet. I have a female pet of my own so I know how you feel. Please let today be free of charge and you will have a free weekend here whenever you would like." She says
"Thank you. Now can you help Sasha get dressed and maybe a bite to eat while I deal with the police?" I asked
"Sure anything. Come on Sasha let's get you dressed and anything to eat you want. You can talk to my pet while you wait on your mistress." She says
Sasha nods and walks away with the manager. Once the police had arrived I explained what happened and that I wanted to press charges which the happily let me do. They left and I grabbed my things and walked to the managers office. I found Sasha in there talking to a younger Neko maybe a few years older than Lily.
"Sasha it is time to go. We are going to have dinner with Derek and then it will be time for bed. We are leaving tomorrow. Tell the manager thank you. And if your ever in our area please stop by. We have a wedding happening next month. You two should definitely come." I say
"Thank you miss." Sasha says
"Your welcome sweetie. Also we would love to come. Here is my address and phone number." Oh and my name is Whittni by the way." She says
"Well it was a pleasure meeting you. I look forward to seeing you soon" I say walking away
Once in the car and we are headed back to the hotel Sasha starts telling me about Whittni's pet. She seems to really like her. We finally arrive back and I go to check on Ryder. I look at him and notice he is holding his balls and crying. I walk over to him and move his hands away. Once I look at his balls im appalled. I run to the front desk and tell the lady to call the neko doctor now. I then call Derek,
"Derek get your ass o the kennel now." I yell
"Baby what is wrong?" He asks
"Ryder's balls are black and blue and really swollen. The doctor is on his way." I say
"Babe he will be fine. Don't worry about it." He says
"Derek so help me god if you don't bring your ass down here I will personally come drag you down here by your balls and beat them as you did Ryder's. Now move your ass." I yell into the phone and hang up
A few minutes later Derek walks in the same time the doctor did.
"What seems to be the problem?" the doc asked
"He got his balls beat as a punishment and now the swelling wont go down." I say
"Well let's take a look. Shall we?" Doc says
The doc examines Ryder and tells us that he is perfectly fine and prescribes Ryder some pain meds and tells us to make him use a ice pack till the swelling goes down. Soon after we feed Ryder and head back to the room and I explain what happened at the spa to Derek. He is mad at first and start looking over Sasha to make sure she is ok and then hugs her for dear life.
"Sasha how about a hot bath in the big bath tub with me just some girl time since we didn't get to finish our spa day and then we can all have a movie night." I say
"Sure that sounds great." Sasha says
"Ok go get your jammies and meet me in the bathroom in five" I say
She nods and runs off . I head into the bedroom and grab my jammies and head to the bathroom to start the water. Derek is following me but doesn't say anything. He wraps his arms around my waist but I remove them.
"Babe what's wrong" He asks
"You acted like you didn't even care that Ryder was in pain. He could have seriously been hurt and you wouldn't have cared." I said angrily
"Babe he was on punishment." Derek tells me
"I don't care. We still have to make sure they are ok after punishments. You of all people should know that." I say
Suddenly someone clears their throat and I look up to see Sasha standing there with her head down.
" Do no interrupt us again" Derek yells getting ready to slap Sasha I jump in front of Sasha and Derek slaps me.
I fall to the floor and Sasha screams and bends down to check on me.
"Miss are you ok?" She says crying
"I'm fine sweetie. Let's get to the bath shall we?" I say
She nods and helps me up. Derek goes to grab my hand and I yank it back.
"GET OUT NOW!" I yell at him
He hangs his head and walks out closing the door. I strip down and step into the hot water and Sasha follows me.
"Miss are you sure your ok? Maybe I should go get you a ice pack and then come back." She says
"Yes please": I mumble
She jumps up and grabs a towel and runs out to find me a ice pack. She is gone a good twenty minutes and finally comes back. She places the ice pack on my cheek and holds it there for me.
"Thank you sweetie" I tell her
"Your welcome. It is the least I can do. Why did you jump in front of me. I should have been punished for interrupting." Sasha says sadly
'No you shouldn't have. Derek knew you were coming in here he should have been expecting you." I say
"Oh ok" She says smiling at me
"OK that's enough. Lets get washed and then we can have our movie night and order room service and pig out on junk for but only this once. I don't need you hyper all the time" I said laughing
"Really I can order whatever I want?" She asks
"Yes sweetie. Now let's get out of here" I say
I step out and grab a towel drying off and putting on my jammies. I walk out into the bedroom and Derek is sitting there with his head in his hands. His head snaps up and stands and try's to move towards me. I shake my head at him at walk into Sasha's room and crawl on her bed and flip on the tv. Sasha walks in and crawls onto the bed and snuggles into me as we watch Need For Speed. The movie was half way done and Sasha was asleep already. I decided to sleep with her tonight. I closed my eyes and finally drifter off to sleep.
I was waken up the next morning by Sasha shaking my shoulder. I rolled over and looked at her and said " What is it?" "Its time to get ready to leave Miss" Sasha said
I nodded and headed back to my room to change clothes and pack my suit case. Once I was done Sasha and Derek were waiting for me in the living room.
"Ok let's go" I said
WE made our way to the kennels to fetch Ryder. Once we had him, He had to walk through the hotel naked and ride home naked.
Time Skip to back home
We finally pulled in the drive way and Lily came running outside. We could hear Nick yelling at her.
"Lily bring you ass to me now. Sasha go over to the bush and bring me a long switch." I said
She nodded and ran over to bring me a switch. She ran back and handed it to me.
"Lily drop your pants now" I yelled at her
She pulled them down and I proceeded to switch her legs for twenty minutes.
"Go wait in your room till I come for you" I yelled
She took off running and I told Nick to follow me while Derek brought in our things.
"Nick is there a extra cage at the auction house? I want it separate from the other pets. I want to scare lily by taking her there and act like I'm leaving here there. I want her there for a week without any contact from us what so ever." I said
"Sure sweetie. We can go now if you would like" He said
"Yeah I'm going to get her and I'll meet you at the car." I said
I took off to track down Lily and found her crying in her bathroom.
"Lily let's go, You are leaving right now." I said
She followed me to the car and I threw her in the back and we headed to the auction house. Once we arrived I pulled her out of the car and took her clothes from her and drug her in by her leash. Nick lead me to a spare cage that had a combo lock on it. I threw Lily and left.
"Oh by the way your staying here till your sold pet." I said laughing
As I walked away I could hear her screaming for me to come back. I knew I had to torture her so she would behave. I made my way to the office and found Nick.
"I know you don't like doing this but it will straighten her out. Do you want to have a look at the vampire?" He asked
I nodded and he led me to all the vampires. I walked up to the cage and knelt down beside it looking inside.
'What is your name?" I asked
"I-i-i don't have one miss." He said
"Would you like to come home with me?" I asked
"Yes miss" He said sadly
"What's wrong?" I asked
"My sister is here. I don't want to leave her. She is only five." He said crying
"Well let's get your sister and go home shall we?" I said smiling
His head snapped up and he smiled at me. "We can really take her with us?" he asked
"Yes we can. Now which one is she?" I asked
"Can we look Miss. I don't know which cage she is in." He asked
"Sure let's go." I said
I grabbed his hand and we walked along the cages. Suddenly he darted from me and in front of a cage. I heard a little girl crying. I sighed. I bent down to look inside and she shrunk back into the back of the cage.
"Come on honey I'm not going to hurt you" I said
She crawled out and attacked me in a hug. I hugged her back ad picked her up. I walked out and into the room with the nekos.
"Look who replaced you pest." I said to Lily
"Why" She cried
"Cause your are a bad pet. You never listen and I'm just done" I said walking away with the two new pets following me
"I need to put on our collars and leashes. You two know you have to wear them." I told them
They nodded and we walked to the car and got in. We headed back to the house and once we made it back I picked up the little girl and headed inside.
"Everyone to the living room now" I yelled
Five minutes later everyone was sat in the living room.
"Ok these are you knew house mates. Be nice and explain the rules to them. Sasha explain Lily's rules to her she is only five. But this one over here is eighteen. Now it's time to name you." I said
"I like the name Hunter" Said the boy and I nodded
"What about you little one?" I asked
'I like Katie" She said
"Ok everyone this is Hunter and Katie. No play nice." I said
I heard Katie tummy growl and laughed.
"Sasha go get Katie a blood bag out of the fridge and stick it in the microwave for 2 minutes and bring it here. Hunter go with her and get one for yourself." I said
They nodded and walked away. Derek walked over and went to take Katie from me and she hissed at him and clung to me. Hunter came running back in looking at Katie.
"Umm Miss, Master can I talk to you in private?" Hunter asked
We nodded and I handed Katie to Nina. We walked to Derek's office and closed the door.
"Ok first for bringing us here. Second Katie does not like males. Our father and older brother raped her not to long ago. She doesn't trust males easily. She doesn't even trust me right now. Miss she really likes you and I'm surprised she went to the older lady neko. She is going to have to get use to you master" He said sadly
"It's ok Hunter. I will talk to her." Derek said
"No i don't think that is a good idea" I said
"I don't care. She has to get use to me somehow. Now i'm going to talk to her" Derek said
I nodded and walked back to the living room. Derek walked up to Katie and reached for when...