Winston pockets the note while he walked through the smoke filled streets. The smell of tobacco and other drugs filled the air, as slim people skated around on rollerblades. Loud music rivaled each other, giving the blonde a raging headache.
The Lucio Fraction was like this almost every single day. What the society was run on was drugs, music and the constant pressure to be completely skinny. Ah yes, Winston remembered when Overwatch was a fun game to play and not an occult. The good old days.
Though he supposed the Lucio Fraction was much better than the Dv.a or Junkrat fractions. Dv.a's were constantly forced to be their one holy savior and if you don't pass the test of being a clone of her you are austrocized from society. Males and people with a tendency to gain weight always had the worst luck with the Dv.a fraction. They would force you to throw up or get plastic surgery to become their one idol.
The Junkrat fraction was complete madness. They had a certain number of people to kill and loot from every four months to fill a quota or else the individual will be murdered themselves. They were starved and their food goes to the sister clan of Roadhogs were their parents force feed them.
"Hey, Starfox!" one of the only people he didn't mind walked up to him. Her name was America due to her parent's inability to find a name from her child. She was chubby with tan skin and thankfully was always sober. Why she called the blonde Starfox was beyond him, but oh well.
"What're doing out at this hour, Meri?" at my words she waved her hand dismissively.
"Did you hear about the kid who was kicked out of the Reader Fraction?" Winston raised an eyebrow.
"What? Did he not kill a dude for the acceptance ceremony. Or was he just not edgy enough?" at his word America laughed.
"Probably both. Total timid crybaby and can't stand the sight of blood. He wears a lot of bright colors and looks like a child. But get this, he says he was harolded as a cool dude when he lived at the Reaper Fraction and left on his own accord."764Please respect copyright.PENANAQ7UIMEkjcv
"And why would that be?" Winston asked, amused.
"Said he got a letter about dreams and was told to meet at this fraction-"764Please respect copyright.PENANAl7SpwXmqRR
"Show me where he is," a very feminine looking male with a deep voice demanded. He had immaculate make up, a small stature and long curly hair. A chubby girl stood next to him with similar facial features and straightened brown hair.