Winston was surprised by how many 76's cheerfully greeted them, and turned to the man, and took a deep breath, "This is nice and all Mister-"
"Allen." the man nodded and waited for Winston to continue.
"Allen," Winston's eyes darted as he took in the rather elegant interior of the '76 Alignment, he turned to America and thumbed back at the way they came in, "but we're supposed to be meeting with someone."
"We know," the authoritative man nodded briefly, "so we took the liberty of escorting her here."
Allen stepped to the side, revealing a young woman with brown, short trimmed hair. She was lounging, her feet up on the table and a '76 trying to swat her foot off it, but she swatted her arm in turn, smirking smuggly, "Isn't that a Tracer?" Winston smiled tiredly and gazed pleadingly at America, "Ha...ha is that your friend, then?"
"That's her alright." America waved as Tracer noticed her friend and Winston, "Hey, didn't expect to find you here!"
"Same here, but these guys told me they needed my help, your help, and the help of someone named Winston," Tracer studied the young man and nodded, "I suppose the Alignment has plans to teach him how to handle himself in a fight."
Winston glanced worriedly at the soldier standing next to him, and before he knew it, they were having him hit the gym regularly, and he thought he saw some mech armor in a closet once. The arms on the hulking armor looked rather heavy, he believed one day he would be able to handle it, though the whole thing reminded him of Overwatch's Winston a little too much for his comfort.
A month of hard training followed and soon Winston could merge with his suit in a heartbeat. Between him, America--secretly also a Tracer--and the 76's, he was sure they could fight off the D.Va's who were still probably trying to chase them down for their golden boy, that was, until a giant mech landed in the middle of the city.
"So, what was the plan again?" Winston turned to America, now in Tracer uniform, waited hopefully for a reply. There had been no plan as far as he knew. For all he knew, they got in an air carrier for no other reason that escaping the titan looming over the city.
"Jump!" Winston felt someone shove him out of the open doorway, and behind him as he screamed, plummeting towards the sleek metallic body of the robot, he heard a cry of "The cavalry's here, love!"