The two members quickly and more aggressively asked again "Show me where he is!"
"I don't know." Winston replied. America shoot the two members an angry look.
"He only said to meet at the Junkrat fraction, go there if you want him." America told the two.
Winston and America then get shoved out the way, as they walk off, they look behind them with stares, America can tell if he wasn't there, they would be back, she smiles though, as she has avoided conflict and looks around her, making sure she can say without anyone else hearing.
"To meet at this fraction called align." She whispered to Winston.
Winston was confused. "Align? Nothing else?" He asked curiously.
America shrugs. "No idea, might be cut off, as he tried to write another letter but stopped, looks like an m."
The two think about it but are unsure of what to do. Nearby a hooded figure with a mask comes by, the figure hides, watching for the two that are there, the figure follows them as America walks ahead of Winston, leading the way.
While America leads the way, Winston wants to know what she is doing. He catches up and looks at the paper that America is holding up.
Winston notices a glimpse of the "M" and blurted "Have you notice how it looks like a symbol on its side with... What looks like another attached?"
"Yeah, that's why i thought we head to the Create Store. I know a gal with ideas of what it could be." America replies quietly but excitedly, hoping to meet her friend again.
Soon the figure pops up with two others with the same uniform and type of masks. They come towards Winston and America quietly and catch them off guard. They stand in front of the two, who are unsure who they are. America stands in a fighting pose, while Winston looks carefully and sees numbers on them. They all show the same "76"
"Wait a minute, The symbols, they are numbers altered. I didn't know there was a soldier 76 fraction." Winston called out with surprise, but then changes to a more serious and worried tone "Why are you here? Is there something we've done?"
"No, don't panic, we were sent by a someone who said you guys might be interested, now, with all these idiots going mad with there idols. We blended in and followed our own to help our purpose. Please, let us show you why we exist, if you would like." The main figure chatted in a voice altered by the mask.
Winston is intrigued and wants to look, he smiles and nods. While America is unsure, but trusts her guts and goes along. The figures lead the way. They walk for thirty minutes, when some armed's block the way, surrounding the group.
The feminine member walks up to the group and yells "Think you two there can trick us with thi-"
"Oh, blah blah blah. Just leave them alone, you just hate anyone not a doppelganger of your idol. Let us pass already, we are close to somewhere we have to be." The figure sighed annoyed and impatiently.
"Fine you can take the first beating!" The guy shouted enraged for being mocked.
The masked man just laughs as his opponent rushed forward towards him with knifes, he simply used a tackle stance and knocks the knifes out of the guys hands with carefully place punches. The other two 76 soldiers attack some other occult's. America joins in, happy to beat them up, while Winston stays back. Picking up a knife that was dropped to protect himself. While the 76 soldiers fight, they knock out half of the attackers with only hand to hand combat. The followers begin to retreat, grabbing their fellow members and leaving. America insults them while the figures laugh and mock them.
"Aw that was it? I was expecting some robot or mech to show up. Hn hn ha ha ha." One snickered.
Winston then coughs and asks "Should we head to the place now?"
The figures stop laughing and shrug. One turns and answers "Yeah that's cool, just try to have a little fun will ya?"
They walk to a small apartment building and one soldier stand to the door and knocks in a pattern, which the door can be heard unlocking and people talking inside. It opens up and they group enters in. The main figure removes the hoodie and mask and looks back to Winston and America.
He grins while cheerfully announcing "Welcome to The 76 Alignment!"