Going to stick to Cameran's pov for a while
All I heard was a hiss and a scream and Derek was holding his arm as Katie bolted up stairs and hid under Lil's bed. I ran after her with Derek and Hunter following me. I went up and ran into Lil's room and reached under the bed to pull Katie out.
"Katie stand uo now!" Derek shouted at her
She stood up and bowed her head. Hunter went to move towards her and I shook my head and he stopped in his place.
"Hunter she has to learn some how and we are starting now with her first punishment. Katie pull up your dress and bend over my lap. Derek give me your belt." I said
He handed it to me and I started to whip Katie til she was screaming and kicking. I pulled her dress off and pulled her over to the cage in the corner and put her in it. Once it was locked I looked down at her.
"Til you can behave and learn that we are your masters you will still in this cage and get a spanking every day." Derek says
"Hunter come on. I will show you to your room. I will shop online for your clothes and other things" I said
I walked out of the room flipping off the light and closing the door leaving sobbing Katie behind. I walked down to the end of the hall and opened the door.
"This is your room. Your cage will be brought in later today. Sasha will come in and tell you the rules. Here is your collar for now. I will get your permanent one later today. Sasha come on in and explain the rules and then all of you come down for dinner. You have ten minutes to explain things." I said walking out Hunter's door
I make my way downstairs and find Derek sitting on the couch on his phone.
I plop down in his lap and kiss his cheek.
"Ok Sasha is explaining the rules to Hunter. Is the house done yet?" I asked
"No but you only have three more days to do you online shopping for Hunter and Katie's things and furniture for their house and anything else they may need." Derek says
"Ok well once we eat dinner I will get started. I may relax in a hot bath and take my ipad and shop in the tub. Maybe you could bring me up some strawberries and wine." I purr at him
"Hmmmm I would love to" I says in a huskily to me
"Ok guys dinner" I shout
Everyone comes running down and takes a seat at the table. Everyone is eating and talking about different things when I notice Hunter hasn't said much. I move out of my seat and pull him by his hand into the living room and sit him down.
'Hunter tell me what is wrong" I say
"I feel bad for my sister. I know she deserved to be punished. But she is so small and been through so much." He says sadly
"Well she has to learn and the same goes for you. You will learn we aren't harsh to our pets unless we have to be." I tell him
"I understand. Now can I go to my room?" He asked
"Yes you can. But stay away from Katie til I say otherwise. Do you understand?" I ask
He nods and walks off to his room.
" Babe I'm going to go start that bath." I say kissing him
He nods and i kiss Nick on the cheek on my way out. I here Derek sigh and walk into the kitchen. I make my way to our bedroom and walk over to my dressed pulling out some Lacy black undies and a silk purple top that is like a nightgown. I walk into the bathroom and place my clothes down and put the towel on top of my clothes. I turn on the hot water and plug the drain and then turn on the cold water to get it the right temperature. Once It's full I turn the water off and run back to grab my ipad. Once back in the bathroom I strip down naked and step into the tub and slowly sink down into the water. I pick up my ipad and pull up a furniture department store and start looking at things. I finally come across a couch, love seat, and recliner. I buy those and then everything falls into place. I buy lamps, coffee table, end tables, a rug, dishes, table and chairs, beds for all of them, tvs for every room, game systems, games, a lap top for Nina and Chris, Ipads, phones, and anything else I can think of they could use.
"Hey babe here are you chocolate covered strawberries and some white wine I thought you would like' He says kissing my head
"Thank you. I finished all the furniture and electronic shopping for their house. I'm about to start on clothes, electronics and toys for Katie and Hunter." I told him
"Ok baby." He says walking out
'Hey babe. Send Nick in please" I say
"Babe your in the tub let it wait" He says
"Oh my god he has seen me naked. Besides the bubbles are still good he can't see anything but my arms and head." I said
He grunts and walks out and a few minutes later Nick walks in.
"He buttercup what's up?" He asks
"Buttercup? Really?" I ask
"Yes I like it" Nick tells me
"OK that's fine I like it to. So how is your new pet?" I ask
"She is great. Drew loves her so much. I'm glad we got her. Oh and the pregnant girl I sent to a friend of mine for now. You will get her back when you open the shop. I thought maybe she could work there to make money to support the baby and maybe live here and pay so much in rent. I mean I would own her but I wouldn't treat her like a pet. She loves that unborn baby already and I don't want to see them hurt." He says
"Yeah that is fine with me. Is Drew feeling better?" I ask
"Yes he is. He has been asking for you. I told him you would visit him tonight before bed if you felt up to it." Nick tells me
"Sure I will. So I'm going to open the shop but I will still come to the auction house to look after things there. We need to hire another person to look after them if I can't be there" I say
"Sure I can get someone this week. Did you relax any while you were gone?" He asked
I looked down and shook my head no.
"Buttercup tell me what happened?" He said softly
"Mine and Sasha's spa day didn't go as planned so when we got back to the hotel room, Derek and I were in a argument and I told Sasha to meet me in my bathroom when she got her clothes and she interrupted me and Derek. Derek yelled and her and went to hit her and I jumped in front of her. I told her to come to me as soon as she was done. Derek should have been expecting her. But anyways he hit me instead." I whispered
'Excuse me what did you say?" He asked
"He hit me" I said a little louder
"WHAT!!!!" He yelled and I flinched
"Nick please don't" I said but before I could get out of the tub he was running down the hall. I grab a towel and wrapped it around me and took off after Nick. I found Nick in front of Derek about to punch him. I jumped in front of him and put my hands on his face.
"Nick honey I need you to calm down." I said softly
Just as Nick was about to speak Derek pushed me out of the way and I crashed into the glass coffee table breaking it. Nick looks at me and punched Derek in the jaw and then runs to me.
"Buttercup are you ok?" He asks
I shake my head no and look down at my legs. They are cut up badly and bleeding. My arms hurts and is bleeding.
"Ok buttercup I'm going to pick you up ok?" He says
I nod and he lifts me up. He carries me upstairs to his room and into the bathroom. He sits me on the sink and gets a wet washcloth. He begins to wash away the blood on my legs and cleans them. My legs are that bad but my arm is really bad.
"Buttercup I have to take you to the hospital ok." He tells me
"Can you get me some clothes please, Preferably sweats and a t shirt." I ask
"Sure. Sit still I will be right back." He says walking off.
I sat there for ten minutes and he came back with some clothes.
"I'm going to help you ok." Nick says
I nod. He pulls my panties up my legs and helps me stand to tug them up. I then bends down and helps me step into the sweat pants. After they are in place he helps me slip on a bra and the shirt.
"Ok now time to go down stairs." He says
I sigh and nod and he picks me up and carries me downstairs to the front door. He grabs his keys and walks out to the car and places me in the front seat and buckles me in. He jumps in the driver seat and we head to the hospital. After the thirty minute drive we finally arrive. We enter the emergency room and my doctor was already waiting on me. I'm guessing Derek called her.
"Let's get you in a room and I'll take a look" Doc says
"Sure. Nick can you carry me? My legs still hurt" I say
"Sure buttercup" He smiles at me
I giggle as he lifts me. As I think about it Nick is really like my brother. I love him like a brother. I honestly don't know what I would do if I hadn't met him. He has been there for me so much. He finally sits me down and stands beside me.
"Ok Cameran I'm going to take a look. Let's look at you legs first. Nick do you want to give us a minute?" Doc asks
"No doc it's ok he can stay." I say
She nods and Nick removes me sweats for me. She takes a look and sighs.
"Well your legs are fine. They are cut up but nothing major and they won't scar at all. Now your arm. There is some glass in it so I will have to remove it. This one will scar but it won't be big. I will also need to numb it and stitch it." She says
I nod and start to panic. Nick notices and stands in front of me and grabs my face.
'Buttercup I need you to breathe. Concentrate on my voice. Breathe in and out. I'm going to sit behind you." He says
He climbs behind me and wraps his arms around my tummy and hugs me from behind.
"There now breathe with me. In, out, in, out, there you go. See you didn't even notice doc numbing your arm or stitching it. She is already done." He says in my ear.
"Thank you." I whisper
"Your welcome Buttercup." Nick says
"OK Cameran use this medicine on all your cuts and here are some pills to help you sleep for the next few nights. I would advise staying somewhere else for a few days for everyone to calm down." Doc says
'I know. I'm not going back home for a few days." I say
"Don't worry doc. I will take care of everything." Says Nick
She nods and walks out. Nick picks me up and carries me to the car and starts the drive back to the house.
"Nick, I need you to take me upstairs to my room so I can pack. Do not let Derek near me. Go pack for Sasha, Katie, and hunter, also asks Zade if he wants to go or if he wants to stay with his parents. Send Nina to me right away please." I say
He nods and gets out of the car to come pick me up. We make our way inside. I see Derek in the living room sitting there alone. We ignore him and Nick takes me upstairs. He puts me down and I go in the closet and pull out my suitcase and pack a weeks worth of clothes. I grab my Ipad, laptop, phone and all my chargers. I look and notice Nina standing in the door crying.
"Nina come here" I say opening my arms
She runs into my arms crying.
"Hey I'm ok. just a few scratches. I'm leaving for a week. Here is my old phone it is still on. There is the charger on the bed. I will call you every day or you can call me." I tell her
"Ok. I hope you feel better soon" She says
Just then Derek walks in and I freeze. Nina steps in front of me.
"Get out" He yells at Nina
"Nina go get Nick now" I whisper
She runs off and I back away as Derek steps closer. Nick comes running in and comes over and grabs my bags for me. I put on some shoes and make my way out the door. Derek reaches for me and I flinch away from him.
"Don't touch me" I whisper to him
He freezes in his spot as I leave. I make my way down stairs limping. Katie, Hunter, and Sasha are all waiting.
"Did you guys pack for a week and bring the things you wanted to bring?" I ask them
" Miss Katie and I have no things yet" He says
"Shit I forgot. I will send someone to get you guys some stuff. I need you all to put on your collars and leash's for me. I can't hold on to you right now. Nick will get you three. Nicky what about your pets?" I ask
"They are in there car already. Zade wanted to spend time with his parents." He says
I nod.
"Where the hell are you taking my pets?" Derek screams
"I'm taking them with me." I tell him
"You can't they are in my name" He says smirking
"Actually only Sasha is. Katie and Hunter are in mine. Nick bought them for me with his money not yours" I smirk back at him
"Well take the leech's but your not taking Sasha" He screams
"Stop fucking screaming. You are scaring her. Look at her. She is fucking shaking cause she is terrified of you. I mean look at what you did to me. No wonder they are all scared of you. Just fucking leave me alone." I scream at him with tears pouring down my face.
"I'm sorry. Take her" He says
"I was planning on it anyways" I say dryly
He sighs and hangs his head. Nick walks back in and takes the three pets to the car.
"Do you have the extra card just encase?" Derek asks
" She wont need it. I got it covered." Nicks snaps
"You fucking planned this. You are just trying to fuck her" Derek booms
I gasp. "Nick wouldn't do that. He has been the one taking care of me unlike you. Besides I love him like a fucking brother you jackass." I yell
"Dude she is like my sister." Nick says calmly
"Nicky get me out of here" I say sadly
He nods and picks me up and carries me to the car. He puts me in and puts my seat belt on.
"Ok guys listen. Cameran doesn't feel good. So please behave because if you don't I will be the one to punish you and trust me you don't want that. So when we get to the hotel go to you room or you guys can hang out together but don't disturb me or Cameran" I say
"Yes sir" They all say
We arrive at the hotel and Nick gets all the pets our and then comes to helps me get out. WE walk to the front desk and another slutty girl is working the desk.
"Can I help you?" She purrs at Nick
I step up and say "Yes you can. We need a suite with four rooms. We will also need the kennel available at any time."
"Ok. Is that all?" She purrs at Nick again
"Look here slut just do what I ask and we won't have any problems. I don't have time for your shit." I say angrily
"Yes M-Ma'am" She stutters
She hands me the keys and Nick wraps a arm around my waist and helps keep me standing. We make our way up stairs and I unlock the door and we all head in. Nick puts our bags away and tell the pets where they will be sleeping.
"Buttercup we will be sharing so I can keep and eye on you" He says
"Sure. Will you order us some dinner. Also I need to call someone to go shopping for Katie and Hunter. Katie needs a car seat. Hunter needs a lap top and Katie needs something to keep her busy while we are here. They need clothes and shoes." I sigh putting my head in my hands.
Nick comes behind me and starts rubbing my shoulders.
"Buttercup don't worry. I already called someone to get everything they need. Now what do you want or need?" He asks
"I want tacos, and a massage" I tell him
"Ok i will order dinner for everyone and blood for the other two and then we will go from there" he says picking up the phone to call room service
He orders and says that it will be here in ten minutes. Finally there is a knock at the door and Nick answers it and brings our food in.
"Guys come and eat dinner." He yells
We all sit down and start eating and oh my it is amazing. After I finished I sat back and waited for everyone else to finish.
"Buttercup give me five minutes ok?" He said
I nodded and decided I would explain to them what happened. I leaned up and hissed. All of a sudden Katie was beside me. I jumped and then relaxed.
"Sorry Miss. I no mean scare you. Are ok?" She asked in a baby voice. I then realized for five she couldn't talk well.
"I fine sweetie. Guys Master got mad tonight. I ended up hurt because of it. We won't be going back for a while. At least til I'm better. I promise to take you guys to do some stuff when I can walk on my own ok." I told them
"Yes miss" They said
"Ok guys go watch TV and hand our. Lights out at ten. ok?" Nick Says
The nodded and head off. Nick scooped me up and headed to our room on the other end of the suite. He walked in and there were candles lite everywhere. There was a massage tale set up. He set me down and I looked at him.
"Get undressed and lay on your tummy and cover your ass with the sheet." He said walking into the bathroom
I removed my clothes and managed to crawl up on the table and cover my ass just as he came back in. He turned on some slow music and began to rub hot oil into my shoulders and back. I moaned and he chuckled.
"Relax buttercup. I will make it better." He whispered in my ear
I closed my eyes and relaxed my whole body. He worked up and down my whole back and then massaged me feet. I must have dosed off cause about ten minutes later he was waking me up by lifting me.
I jumped awake and he said "shhh it's ok. I ran you a hot bubble bath." I nodded and he lowered me in.
He went to walk away and I grabbed his hand. "Please stay" I said
He nodded and stripped down to his boxers and climbed in behind me.
(I know what you guys are thinking. Not a normal brother sister relationship but that's the way it is.)
He rubbed my shoulders and then wet my hair and started washing it for me. I sighed as his fingers worked on my scalp. Finally he rinsed all the soap away and step out wrapping a towel around him and then removing his boxers. He lifted me out and wrapped me in a towel and took me to the bedroom and got my jammies and helped me in them. He laid me on the bed and turned on my favorite movie (A Walk To Remember) and went to put on some clothes himself. He came back and crawled in bed and wrapped his arms around me. I curled up to him and relaxed everything.
"Thank you" I whisper low not thinking he heard me
"Your welcome buttercup. Love you" He says
"Love you too" I say as I fall into dreamland
All of sudden I'm being shaken awake.
"Buttercup come on wake." Nick yells at me
I jolt awake and sit straight up screaming. I look over at Nick and he looks at me scared.
"What happened" Nick asks
"I had a nightmare that Derek started beating me and your tried to stop him and he shot you." I said crying
"Aww buttercup that isn't going to happen. Tonight was a accident. I know he hurt you but it was a mistake cause we were fighting and he didn't want you to get hit again." Nick says rocking me back and forth
I sigh and lean back into him. "How about some ice cream?" He asks and I nod
He gets up and walks out of the room. He orders my ice cream and then I hear him talking to someone else. I listen in and I hear Nick scream "She is having fucking nightmares that you beat her and shot me." there is a pause and then "I don't care. You aren't coming here. She wants space away from you. Besides I planned something already." I heard nothing else and then he walked back into the room.
"Everything ok?" I asked
"Everything is fine. I made some plans for you and the pets. Once you can walk better on your own then we will go do it ok." Nick tells me
I nod and hear a knock on the door. I go to stand up and stumble.
"Easy there love" Nick says
"Nick I have to try or else your going to be carrying me everywhere." I tell him
He nods and I struggle to walk. I make it to the door and my legs are killing me where the cuts are. It seems to stretch the skin when I walk. I finally make my way to open the door and there is a waiter with my ice cream.
"Thank you" I say handing him a ten dollar bill
"Miss this isn't necessary" He says
"Trust me take it. You will be making more of these trips" I laugh
"Well thank you." He says
Once he turns I notice a bruise on the side of his face. I sigh and close the door.
I make my way back to bed. Once i sit down Nick asks "What's wrong?"
"The waiter that brought the ice cream has a bruise on his face. He only looks fifteen" I say
"Do you want to check it out? I know how you are. You have to help everyone" He says
'Yes I do. He was scared to take the tip I gave him" I told him
"We will check it out first thing tomorrow." Nick says and I nod
I finish off my ice cream and lay down on my tummy. Nick raises the bottom of my shirt and starts drawing patterns on my lower back. He starts humming in my ear till I finally pass out. I sleep so good and then I'm woken up by a scream. I jump out of bed and run own the hall.
"What's going on?" I ask
"Nick went to get Katie and she screamed at him" Sasha said then it registered that she called him by his name and she shrunk back.
"Sasha it's fine it was a accident. Katie come here" I tell her
She waddles over to me and I bend down to her level.
"Nick won't hurt you. He is my brother. He wouldn't hurt me or you. Nick come here" I say
Nick walks over to me and bends down in front of Katie. I nod at him and he raises his hand to her face and strokes her cheek with his thumb. At first she flinches but then relaxes. Nick moves his hand up and runs his fingers through her hair. She sighs and looks at him with teary eyes. He opens his arms and she jumps into then and cries her little eyes out. He strokes her hair while rocking her back and forth.
She looks up at him and says "You no hurt me"
"NO sweetie I would never hurt you" Nick tells her
"But my old daddy hurt my no touchy place." She cries
Nick eyes widened and he shoots me a look. I nod and he hugs her tightly.
"Sweetie can you tell Uncle Nick what happened?" Nick asks her
She shook her head no and looked at everyone. I realized why she said no. I nodded at Nick to follow me and bring Katie.
"Hunter, Sasha, Kris and Drew go watch a movie till I'm done." I tell them
They nod and walk away. We make our way to the bedroom and sit Katie on the bed.
"Now Katie tell us what happened?" I said
"My old mommy was gone. Daddy say he want to play game. He undressed me and stuck his finger in me. I scream and cry and say no daddy. My brother come in yelling at daddy. Daddy leave the house and my other brother come in. Hunter leave me to go to the store and Timmy (other brother) come in and undress me again. He stuck his thing in me and I scream at him that it hurt. I told him no touchy but he still not stop. Then daddy come back and stick his thing in me. I screamed and cry but daddy hit me and Timmy cover my mouth so I no scream." Katie tells us crying
I jump up and hug her. I was crying myself. No five year old little girl should have to go through that.
"It's ok baby no one will hurt you again ok. If someone touches you there you scream for us ok" I tell her
She nods and looks at Nick.
"Huggy Uncle Nick." Katie says wanting Nick to pick her up
He chuckled and picked her up. Just then we heard a banging on the door.
"Cameran go into the room with all the pets and lock the door" Nick tells me
I nod and run off with Katie in my arms locking the door behind me.
'Guys don't say a word keep quiet at all times" I tell them and they nod
I hear screaming and I stiffen. Sasha comes over to me and wraps her arms around me trying to help me relax. I rub her arm saying a silent thank you. She hugs me tightly and then all the pets come sit around me hugging me and rubbing my back. I start crying when I realize I love them like my kids not pets. Next thing I know there is banging on the door.
"Cameran open the fucking door. I need to talk to you" Derek screams
"Dude leave her alone. She wants time away from you and that is what she is going to get. Besides we are going out of town today" Nick says
"What?! You aren't taking my girlfriend on a trip" Derek yells
That was it. I was officially done with his shit. I jumped up scaring the pets.
"Sorry guys" I mouth to them
I unlock the door and yank it open. I throw my fist at Derek's face punching him in the jaw.
"Damn it. Sasha go call for a ice pack. Now Derek get the fuck out. I'm not your girlfriend right now. I'm done. Leave me the fuck alone. The past week and a half has been bull shit. I'm going out of town. I'm taking the pets with me. I need you to see the papers for me to take Sasha and Ryder. If you come after me you wont see me again" I yell at him
His eyes widened and he nods and walks over to the coffee table signing the papers and he leaves without a word.
"Buttercup let me see your hand." Nick tells me
Just then Sasha comes running back with the ice pack. I put it beside me as Nick looks at my hand.
"Well it doesn't seem to be broken or fractured. Nice punch by the way." Nick tells me smirking and putting the ice pack on my hang
"Thanks. Guys come here" I tell them
They all walk over to me and sit down.
"Thank you for loving on me earlier I needed it. We are going out of town so all six of you go pack your bags. Now Nick where are we going?" I asked him
"We are going somewhere warm, sunny, and somewhere I can put you in a bikini and lay with you on the beach." He says smiling at me
"Ok where exactly are we going?" I ask
"The Bahamas love" Nick says quickly
"Really?!" I squeal jumping up and tackling him in a hug
"Yes really and I have another surprise before we leave. Well actually two surprises. We can go see them before we leave." Nick tells me
"Thank you for everything" I kiss his cheek and snuggle into his arms hugging him like my life depended on it.
He kisses the top of my head and mumbles anything for you buttercup.
I go run and pack and throw on some clothes and shoes. We make our way to the SUV and we all climb in. We drive for about thirty minutes and pull up to this huge house. I look at Nick and he smiles at me.
"Nick why are we here?" I ask
"I bought this house for you. Just encase things don't work out with Derek you will have a place of your own. It's paid for and it is in your name. You can have you pets and play room. Plenty of room for other pets, other guests. Plenty of acres to build other things." He says
"Get out" I tell him
He nods and gets out of the car. I open my door and jump out, I run to him jumping in his arms and kissing him. After a few seconds I realize I kissed him and I jumped down. I look at him and he is shocked.
"Sorry. I got a little carried a--" I'm stopped mid sentence
He bends down and kisses me with so much passion I get lost in the kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck and his arms wrap around my waist to lift me off the ground. I know I just broke up with Derek but there is something about Nick. He finally breaks away and sits me down.
"Do you want to go inside?" He asks
I nod and tell all the pets to get out and follow us.
"Oh by the way. The gate will be locked at all times. You can choose a code and the fence goes all the way around the property line. So the pets can go out and wonder around without running away." Nick tells me tossing me the keys.
I run to the front door and unlock it. I push open the door and walk in. I gasp at how beautiful it is. It already has furniture. I turn around and jump back on Nick who chuckles at me.
"Can I move in right away. I don't want to go back." I mumble into his neck
"Buttercup you are already moved in. That is why Derek showed up earlier. He came home for lunch and noticed your stuff gone. Now about Nina, Chris and Zade. Derek doesn't want to give them up. He will let you keep Sasha and Ryder but not the other three." Nick says sadly
I look at him shocked. I bust out crying and Nick just holds me and whispers sweet nothings in my ear.
"Shhhh it's ok. We will work something out. Now let's go check your room" He says
I nod and he sweeps me off my feet and takes off running to my room. I giggle the whole time there. He stops on the stop floor and sits me down in front of big double doors. I look at him and he nods for me to open it. I push it open and I gasp.
The walls are painted a deep purple, there is a huge bed that hangs from the ceiling so my bed swings. There is a mirror above the bed and the comforter matches the walls. The sheets are silk and there is a huge walk in closet. My en suite has a huge tub and walk in shower. I turn around and see Nick smiling at me. I walk over to him and kiss him deeply.
"When does our plane leave?" I ask
"Not till later tonight. We have five hours till we have to head to the airport." He says
"Let's show the pets their rooms and then we are coming back here I need to talk to you" I say
He nods and follows me down stairs. I find all the pets sitting in the foyer.
"Ok guys follow me. I will show you to your rooms. Your rooms will be on the second floor. Mine is on the third. Do not come up there unless it's an emergency. Now first Katie." I say opening a door.
"Katie this is your room. Yes you guys will still have cages for when your bad. Now Sasha your next to Katie. Hunter your across the hall and Ryder your next to him. Drew your are at the end of the hall of the left and Kris you across from him." Nick says
"Well what are you waiting for go check it out. The other empty room is you guys game room. Go watch a movie" I say
I grab Nicks hand and sparks shoot up my arm. I look at him and just shrug. I walk upstairs to my room and Nick walks in behind me closing the door and locking it. As soon as he turns around I kiss him hard. I back him into the door and then all of a sudden I'm flipped around and he has me pressed to the door. He grabs my hands and holds them above my head. I kiss him like he was my oxygen. i pull away and look at him panting.
"What do you say we break in my new bed" I say shyly
He growls at me and picks me up walking over to the bed tossing me on it. He pulls his shirt and jeans off kicking off his shoes and socks. He crawls up the bed and yanks my shirt over my head and unclasps my bra throwing it to the floor. So much for the brother sister relationship I think to myself. He finally pops the button on my jeans and removes my shoes and socks and then yanks my jeans down. He removes my panties and starts kissing up my leg. He reaches me hip bone and sucks on the spot right about my left hip. I gasp and he sucks hard most likely leaving a hickey. He starts kissing up my tummy and up the valley between my breast totally ignoring them. He lays on top of me and then leans down to hover over my lips. I slam my lips to his and he growls in approval. I use my feet to push his boxers down. He yanks my legs up around his hips.
"I don't have a condom" He says panting
"I don't care. I'm on birth control" I say
He nods and slams into me. I scream. I didn't realize he was this big. He stops to let me adjust. I nod and he pulls back and slams into me again. He picks up pace and I rake my nails down his back. He groans and I moan as he swirls hips his in a circular motion. I moan again and he starts pounding into me and scream his name and find my release. He pulls out and shoots his load all over my chest. He hops up and comes back with a wet wash cloth to clean me up. He tosses the rag in the laundry bin and jumps back in bed beside me.
"That was amazing" I said panting
He chuckles and kisses my forehead.
"There is something I need to tell you" He says and I start to panic
"ok" I say sitting up
"Cameran I'm a werewolf. As in I'm a shape shifter. I'm the alpha. I bought the house on my land. You are my mate. I tried to ignore our bond cause I knew you like Derek and all I want is you to be happy. But when you kissed me I couldn't hold back. Derek knows your my mate. I wanted to tell you but when he gave you that ring I knew that I couldn't. Then when he hit you I lost it. My wolf took over and he knew it. He thought I would hit you so you would hate me." I said
"So everything he told me was to keep me from finding out?" I asked
"Yes buttercup. He told me to keep quiet or he would tell you I raped Lily" He said sadly
"Oh my god. I'm going to kill him. Ok I need Lacey from him." I said
"Babe lacey is in the kennel out back." Nick says
"Thank you. Can we reschedule the trip for a few days. I want to get things figured out about Sasha." I tell him
"Sure." He says kissing my forehead
"umm can I.. I mean if you wouldn't mind.. Uh can I see your wolf?" I ask shyly
He chuckles and says "Sure love come on"
"Why not here?" I ask
"Babe I don't think you want your new rooms destroyed do you?" He asked
I shook my head and hoped up throwing on some clothes and running down stairs and out the back door with him chasing me. He walked out to the middle of the back yard and stripped down naked. A few minutes later I heard bones cracking. I looked up and seen a massive black wolf looking at me. I stepped forward and then froze. He noticed my reaction and lowered himself to the ground and crawled over to me. I raised my hand but didn't move. He raised his head and rubbed against me. I started petting his head rubbing his ears. He growled and I froze.
"Did you like that?" I asked him
He nodded and I did it again. All of a sudden he licked my face and I squealed and swatted at him. He shook his big wolf head and nudged me. We heard screeching tires and a guard come running to the back yard.
"Miss there is a man here wanting in the gate. We don't have your list of who to let in so we couldn't let him in." Taylor said (the guard)
Nick shifted back and got dressed and we took off to the front gate. Derek was at the gate pacing back and forth.
"You son of a bitch. You done this shit on purpose. I told you not to tell her." Derek booms
"Fuck you Derek. This was my decision to leave you. Look at how you treated me. Then you tell my mate not tell me what he really is. Derek he is my mate. I want Sasha and Ryder to stay here with me till we can work out some kind of arrangement. We can swap weeks. I take them one week and you can have them the next. Just something. I don't want to lose them. Hate me if you want to but don't take this from me. I love them and you know that." I say teary eyed
"Cameran I'm sorry but I can't do that. We can do that with Ryder since he is in both of our names but Sasha has to come back with me" Derek told me
"I will go get her" I said crying and walking away.
I make my way into the house and go to the game room to get Sasha.
"Sasha sweetie I need you to come with me" i said
She followed me outside and down the driveway to the gate.
"Sasha you have to go with Derek." I tell her crying
"No please. I will be good I promise. I want to stay with you miss" She cries
All i could do was hug her. "I know sweetie. But Derek won't let me keep you. I'm so sorry." I say walking back to the house leaving her there crying. I can hear her screaming for me to come back and get her. I walk in the house and straight to my room and into the bathroom locking the door behind me. I fill the tub with cold water and step in sinking down in the water. I feel myself go numb and then I black out.