Warning: you may want to get some tissues, because this chapter, as well as the episode itself, is by far the saddest. Ever.
Long ago, Earthia's ship cruised through space in search of a new home.
Inside it, Starla, Daisy, and Chrysanthemum were standing around Galaxina, who was cradling a new baby (her new baby sister) in her arms. "So this is the only baby that can grow from the seeds Galaxina?" asked Starla.
"Yes," said Galaxina sadly. "None of the other seeds had any signs of life."
This wasn't good. "If this keeps up, our clan won't last for long," said Daisy. "What should we do?"
"Earthia has been able to hang on for so long due to the fake planet egg," said Chrysanthemum, "but as time goes on, I can see she's definitely getting weaker. That's her last child."
The baby wailed in fear. "Don't cry, dear," said Galaxina comfortingly and joyfully. "I almost forgot: we haven't given her a name yet."
"Cosmo," said a voice.
The quartet gaze up to Earthia in surprise. "Cosmo," she said. "She's the last of my offspring and the last hope for the galaxy. Guard and protect her. Our future depends on it."
Galaxina smiled. Her baby sister was someone special. "Did you hear Mother?" she asked a calm baby Cosmo. "You're a very special baby!"
Years later, a now much-older Cosmo was now involved in a battle that would change the fate of the galaxy. Currently, she and everyone else were looking at Final Mova, which had entered its second phase. "It looks so strange," said Amy quietly. "What is that thing?"
"I don't know," said Creecha. "Looks like a giant nut."
"Or maybe a black, shriveled-up heart," said Lightning.
That just earned him glares from everyone. "What?" said Lightning. "It's pulsing like one."
"Dude, that's more gross than it looks," said Butch.
"Yuck," Junior shuttered.
"Tails, get back to the ship," said Sonic. "I'll be okay."
Tails nodded and flew off. Everyone looked on.
Cosmo placed a hand on her amulet, which glowed. "Mother…" she said softly as Tails came running in.
Climbing into the captain's chair, he looked at Final Mova's readings. "This doesn't look good!" he said. "Its energy is increasing so rapidly... our scanners can't measure it!"
"Blast!" exclaimed Eggman crossley. "The forestation process is getting too powerful for us to stop!"
Shadow leapt towards Final Mova. "Shadow!" called Chris.
"Let's help him!" said Sonic.
Chris nodded and flew towards the pulsing seed. "You better hurry!" Amy warned.
"Ring Tunnel!" said Chris, firing a long line of rings. "Go, Sonic!"
Nodding, Sonic leapt through the rings and impacted Final Mova, sending waves of energy all across its surface. Final Mova emitted a purple-black gas that pushed him away, and the spaceship also. Not even Shadow's wave of Chaos Spears could do any damage. The purple gas just surrounded him and knocked him away. Chris's ship crashed through a few of the palm trees as it slid on the runway. Amy flew towards the Typhoon after being thrown off Chris' ship. "I gotcha, Amy!" Sonic called as he flew after her, catching her as they collided into the ship and landed on the ground together.
"Thanks, Sonic!" said Amy.
Chris was hurt, but luckily not in a fatal way. Shadow skidded to a stop on the runway.
Meanwhile, everyone else came back to the ship and entered the bridge. "We got all the Emeralds," said Vector as he, Charmy, and Espio presented the petrified Chaos Emeralds.
And by "petrified," I mean that as in dull-colored and completely drained of power. "But look," said Twilight, "they're useless now."
"Those poor Chaos Emeralds…" said Cream sadly. "All their power is gone."
"Chao chao…" agreed Cheese.
Knuckles was cross. "Well now, that's just great!" he complained. "We don't have a single working Emerald! How can we fight back without extra power?"
Just then, Eggman appeared on the video screen. "Eggman!" said Tails.
"Listen," said Eggman. "According to my calculations, there's a chance we could restore the power of the Chaos Emeralds. However, it will take the energy of both our ships."
But Bokkun spotted something else. "Doctor, something's happening!" he exclaimed.
Final Mova emitted wave after wave of purple energy across the ship and the entire universe, instantly forestating all the planets that had their Planet Eggs removed. When hit by the wave, Amy started to collapse. "You okay?" asked Sonic, checking on her.
Plants even started to grow on the Typhoon, and a strange energy surrounded everyone. "I'm starting to feel weak…" said Chris.
The Chaotix dropped the Emeralds, also infected by the purple energy. In fact, literally everyone was infected by it. "What's happening, Tails?" asked Cosmo.
"Dark Oak is taking the life energy out of our bodies," said Tails, "just like they did to all the planets they attacked."
"And non-organic beings aren't even immune," said Junior.
Robyn was confused. "What are you talking about?' she asked.
"Simple," answered Junior. "Look at what's happening to Buzz-saw Louie."
Said toy looked down at his hands. "Are you kidding me?!" he exclaimed.
"You're not the only one, Buzz-saw," said Orbot. "It's doing the same thing to us robots, too."
"Ugh. That guy's a complete psychopath," said Bokkun.
"I'm not feeling so well," groaned Cubot. "I feel like I need to lay down."
"It's drawing in all life energy it can find to spread plant life across the galaxy," said Eggman. "It's the last stage of the forestation process."
However, there was one member of the group that wasn't affected by it. Tails realized this when he noticed Cosmo putting the dead Chaos Emeralds in a handkerchief. "Cosmo?" he asked. "What're you doing?"
"Dark Oak cannot take my life energy away from me," replied Cosmo, "because we both come from the same species of plant. I'll take care of this."
"Be careful, Cosmo!" Tails called after her as she left the room, the doors closing behind her. He could do nothing else. He just hoped that she would be okay and make it in one piece.
At that point, Tom looked around. "Where's Creecha?" he asked. "I could've sworn she was with us."
Confused, Sunset looked around. "Wallflower and Grace are gone too!" she exclaimed. "Where are they?"
Everyone was concerned. Where could they be?
Arriving outside the ship, Cosmo looked for a way to board Eggman's craft. The only option she had was climbing upwards. "I'll take these Emeralds to Dr. Eggman so he can restore their power," she said.
As she climbed the vines surrounding the Crimson Egg, memories past and present flashed through her mind. The Metarex want to wipe out all animal life in the galaxy, she thought to herself, but I still believe it's possible for plant and animal species to coexist in peace. Just like I made friends with Tails and the others.
"Dark Oak," she said bravely, "I know you're hearing and seeing this, but there's still enough time for me to stop your plan!"
Images of other planets and its inhabitants that she and her friends had been to previously also flashed through her mind. "We're doing whatever we can to survive this journey," she continued, "and we won't stop until it's over. What we're doing isn't for chaos like you planned it to be. Even if we are being forced, we make mistakes and struggle, but as long as we're alive, we can always try again."
Deep inside Final Mova, Dark Oak spoke to Cosmo inside her mind, hoping to intimidate her. "You cannot win…" he said. "... It's hopeless. What can one girl do to stop the Metarex?"
But Cosmo wasn't so easily frightened this time as she had been previously. "Nothing you can say will make me give up!" she said. "I have hope! Hope for a better future - a future of true peace! That's the kind of future my friends and I are fighting for!"
Cosmo's words were so inspiring that Sonic was able to use all his energy to stand up. "Why are you doing this, White Seed?" asked Final Mova. "You know the consequences for working against me."
"I guess you're not as intimidating as you always portrayed yourself as," said Cosmo. "At the end of the day, you badly miscalculated. I love my friends more than I fear you." It was clear that over the course of her journey, having friends with her had given her courage and had boosted her self-esteem dramatically. Now she felt like she could stand up to anything.
Final Mova was cross at Cosmo, not liking this change in her. "No, you miscalculated!" he exclaimed. "You should have feared me MORE!"
Suddenly, Final Mova emitted a red wave of energy that causes one of the branches surrounding the Crimson Egg to grow and attempt to grab Cosmo, wanting to teach her a lesson. "Cosmo, look out!" cried a voice.
At that, several thorns came flying in and pierced through the branch completely, destroying it. Grace, who had warned her, came flying in and landed in front of Cosmo, glaring at other branches that had now started to grow and move around them. "Go, Cosmo!" she said. "Get the Emeralds to Eggman! I'll stall them for as long as I can!" It was clear that Final Mova was determined to kill Cosmo.
Nodding, Cosmo climbed on while Grace immediately got to work. She shot thorns and swung strong water whips at branch after branch, getting them all in skilled, precise shots. When she started to get overwhelmed, Creecha came in to help with a blast of fire. Working together, mother and daughter made little work of the snagging branches. Suddenly, a loud scream was heard. One was able to get Cosmo and slammed her into the side of the Crimson Egg so hard she was knocked out cold. "You betrayed the Metarex the moment you met that despicable Sonic and his pesky friends, you useless, worthless White Seed!" Final Mova declared. "You are therefore guilty of treason and betrayal! I hereby sentence you to death!"
Everyone was alarmed, but none more so than Tails. "COSMO!" he screamed.
Thanks to her getting knocked out (and getting squeezed to death in the vine that caught her), her grip on the handkerchief loosened, causing the Chaos Emeralds to easily fall out. Luckily, at that moment, Wallflower appeared and, with her Force powers, got the Emeralds back in a handkerchief of her own, which she tied to her belt loop for better security. Branch after branch tried to get at her, but she was too quick for them, jumping around like a mosquito and cutting them with her lightsabers. "That's right!" she said. "Follow me, you murderous villain!"
In the meantime, Creecha and Grace helped Cosmo. By breathing fire onto her sword (which was made of some pretty strong, magical metal), Creecha used it to cut through the branch holding Cosmo, allowing Grace to catch her. Then, after getting the cut branch unwrapped from her, Grace caused a rose to grow from one of the plants, allowing them to land there so Grace could heal Cosmo. With water and rose petals swirling and glowing around her, it wasn't long before Cosmo stirred awake. "Are you okay, Cosmo?" asked Grace, carefully helping her sit up.
Suddenly, everything came rushing back at Cosmo, causing her to gasp. "I lost the Chaos Emeralds!" she exclaimed.
"No, they're still here," said Creecha. "Wallflower here was able to recover them."
Looking up, the young Seedrian saw that it was true. Then, looking back at the girls before her, Cosmo noticed something else. "You three aren't affected by the purple waves either," she said. "Why is that? I thought I was the only one immune."
"Simple," answered Creecha. "Wallflower and my daughter here can control plants. As for me, I got a healing shield to help with that." Grace nodded in agreement.
At that moment, Wallflower landed next to them, panting. "It's no use," she said. "Those branches are pretty relentless in trying to get me."
"Is it because you have the Chaos Emeralds tied in a handkerchief hanging on your belt loop?" asked Grace, gesturing to them.
"Probably," said Wallflower. "But it's something else entirely. Final Mova's gonna stop at nothing to kill Cosmo. Which means he won't rest until she's dead."
Then, as if a lightbulb went on in her head, Wallflower glanced up at Final Mova. "Unless…" she said.
"Unless what?" asked Grace curiously.
"Unless I can stop this," finished Wallflower.
Creecha immediately connected the dots and realized what she was going to do. "It's risky," she said, "but there's nothing we can do to stop you. This is your choice to make."
Cosmo didn't say anything, but her horrified expression seemed to say it for her. Wallflower noticed it. "It's okay, Cosmo," she soothed, hugging her close. "If it means that you guys and the galaxy will be safe, it's a risk I'm willing to take."
She headed off the rose and onto the branch it was growing on, preparing herself for the deed. "Wallflower, I love you," said Cosmo.
Wallflower turned to her and smiled. "I love you too, Cosmo," she said.
With that, she leapt off, heading straight for Final Mova, the branches heading after her. "Please be careful!" called Grace. She was worried.
Chris used what little energy he had left to look up and see Wallflower floating away towards the pulsing seed. The branches tried getting at her, but since they were in space, they ended up freezing into ice and shattering into pieces. Wallflower could feel herself freezing into ice as well, but she was determined to help, her friends and family, no matter the cost. Sonic tried to move, but Amy held him back, not wanting him to get hurt. Shadow was about to move as well when suddenly, a glow caught his attention. Up above, just as she finally turned to ice, Wallflower saw it too. And there, in the light, was Jesus himself, smiling down at her. "Your faith in this war has proven to be unshakable against all odds," he said. "Therefore, by the will of my Father, your prayers will be answered. You will win this war."
He touched her geode, which suddenly became brightened with magic. It swirled around Wallflower, melting the ice from her and transforming her into her Friendship Power form. Wallflower smiled. "Thank you, LORD," she said.
Jesus smiled in reply and vanished from sight. Now more determined than ever, Wallflower flashed out her lightsabers. "This is impossible!" cried Final Mova in disbelief. "What do you think you're doing?!"
"Duh," said Wallflower. "Thwarting your plans to take over the galaxy, that's what."
With that, she cut a line through the middle of the seed with her lightsabers. At that, another glow came from Final Mova, who was vertically split in half. This glow was a rainbow-colored one that surrounded Wallflower as she touched the cut line. "We still have a chance to save the galaxy once and for all!" she called down to the others still on the ship. "Because as long as we have faith, anything's possible!"
Saying this, with a wave of her hands, she emitted waves of green and rainbow-colored energy, which not only destroyed the weakness, but healed everyone, organic and robot alike.
"What's happening?" asked Knuckles.
"I don't know," said Tails, "but for some reason, we stopped losing energy!"
Then, from the ground, Grace saw something else. "Look!" she cried, pointing upwards. "Something's glowing along with Aunt Wallflower!"
Creecha realized… "It's the Chaos Emeralds!" she said. "They've regained their power! But how?"
"It's because of the Planet Egg," said Eggman in realization.
"It appears the life force that the Metarex stole from the planets is responding to the Chaos Emeralds."
The Emeralds continued to glow. Grace was excited. "Aunt Wallflower's plan!" she exclaimed happily, jumping up and down. "It worked! It really worked! Woohoo!"
Creecha smiled. "Wallflower, you big risk-taker," she said, happy and relieved that her friend was still alive.
Cosmo, watching it all from the rose, was happy too. The Planet Egg– it responded to the prayers of our hearts! she thought happily as she jumped down from the rose and floated to the ground.
With happy tears in her eyes, she watched as Wallflower floated down, followed by the Emeralds. Thank you, she said to herself.
Wallflower landed on the ship, looking around until her eyes landing on Cosmo. Happily, she headed towards her, pulling her into a hug as soon as they were at arms length. "Are you always like this?" asked Cosmo, gesturing to her Friendship Power outfit as they separated.
"When times like this arise, yes," answered Wallflower.
"You look amazing," said Cosmo.
Wallflower chuckled. "Thanks," she said. "I'm just glad that risk was worth it. And I'm glad you're still alive."
Cosmo smiled. "Wallflower!" called someone. "You're okay!"
There was Sunset, racing over to her. Wallflower smiled as the two hugged, soon being joined by the rest of the Guard. "Don't you ever scare us like that again, darling!" said Rarity.
"We were so worried!" added Jerry.
Wallflower just smiled. "It's okay, guys," she said. "I'm fine. Same with Cosmo. Sorry for giving you all a heart attack, though."
Twilight smiled as she hugged her. "It's okay, Wallflower," she said. "We're just glad that you're still alive and in one piece."
Chris was also happy. "Hey," he said, noticing no aches in him, "the pain's gone away."
"Look, Sonic," said Amy as the Emeralds finished floating down. "They're back."
That was when Sunset and Shadow heard a familiar voice. "Shadow! Sunset!"
In their minds, there was Molly and her memorial. Her words rang through their heads: "Someone out there will be able to carry on my dream."
Wallflower and Cosmo watched happily before looking at each other. "You've really gained some confidence, Cosmo," said Wallflower. "A very stark contrast of what you used to be."
Cosmo looked up at her. "Really?" she asked.
Wallflower nodded. "You see," she said, "over the course of our Metarex war adventure, we've been through so many things together, and through it all, I've seen you grow up so much. You're not the sad, traumatized Seedrian that crash-landed on Mobius anymore. I guess, what I'm trying to say is, I'm so proud of you."
Cosmo smiled before looking down at the ground. "Everything is going to be different after the war ends, are they?" she asked.
"Yeah," answered Wallflower, tucking some of her hair behind her ear. "They are."
"What if…?" asked Cosmo hesitantly. "What if I don't come back?"
"Cosmo," said Wallflower, "don't say that. Of course we'll come–"
She was interrupted by Cosmo jumping up and giving her a hug. Though startled, Wallflower returned the embrace before putting her down and, after giving her a reassuring look, went to join everyone else. Pinkie raced over to give her a quick kiss on the cheek. "That's for encouraging us to keep on fighting," she said before reaching back to the others.
"You and the others ready, Shadow?" asked Sonic.
"All set!" said Shadow. "Let's finish this!"
They closed their eyes and absorbed the power of the Chaos Emeralds, letting them turn them into Super Sonic and Super Shadow respectively. At the same time, magic swirled around the Guard, transforming them into their Christian Guard forms. They looked up at Final Mova, ready to take him down. "Let's do this!" said Rainbow, cracking her knuckles.
"Dark Oak/ Metarex, here we come," said Larry with a confident grin.
They all jumped up into space, prepared to take on Final Mova. "DARK OAK OF THE METAREX," said Creecha, glaring at Final Mova as her legion voice boomed out, "YOU AND YOUR ARMY HAVE DEVASTATED THE BALANCE OF THE GALAXY FOR FAR TOO LONG. AND NOW, YOU SHALL FINALLY PAY THE ULTIMATE PRICE."
Cosmo and Grace watched from the ship. "We're gonna win this, Cosmo!" said Grace happily. "I can feel it! It's so close I can just give it a bear hug right now!"
Saying this, she hugged Cosmo from behind and pulled her into her lap. Cosmo laughed at the gestures just as Cream and Cheese ran outside. "What's going on?" asked Cream.
"Chao?" asked Cheese.
"Sonic, Shadow, and the Guard," said Cosmo. "They're all teaming up to stop the Metarex."
The group flew inside Final Mova's crack.
Chris joined the others on the bridge. "They'll be okay. I hope…" he said.
"Oh, they'll be okay, all right," said Robyn confidently. "They're tougher than some people give them credit for."
The group flew in and out of Final Mova, allowing it to finish splitting. It glowed intensely as they finished. "Ha! And we didn't even need to use a nutcracker!" laughed Trixie, sharing a high-five with Starlight.
Everyone else was happy too. Well, everyone except Twilight. "I don't think this is over yet…" she said.
Getting out her sensor, she held it up at where the seed was, seeing that many clouds surrounded the area where Final Mova once was. Something was wrong. "Weird," she said. "The energy levels are starting to reverse. Hm... It seems like it's imploding now– Wait… IMPLODING?!"
Her eyes widening at what was happening, Twilight quickly turned on her comlink. "Eggman! Eggman, come in!" she said. "Final Mova's not down just yet! Something's happening out there!" She sent him the numbers.
Eggman's hench-bots were cheering happily. Eggman was smiling victoriously when he got Twilight's call and the numbers. Looking up, that was when he saw it. "Twilight's right! It's not over yet!" he said.
Upon first glance, Eggman's hench-bots were shocked at what they saw.
The clouds moved away. Now Final Mova had the appearance of a black planet. Phase Three had begun. Everyone else was shocked too. "I knew this wasn't over!" said Twilight as she and the others floated down to battle it.
"Foolish heroes!" said Final Mova angrily. "With the help of the Planet Egg, you have indeed prevented me from transforming the galaxy, but you can never win this battle. If the Metarex can't rule the galaxy, then we will destroy it!"
Laughing evilly, it began pulsating with massive energy. "Uh oh," said Sunset.
"Okay, now that's what I was afraid of!" said Twilight.
Creecha turned on her comlink. "Tails! What the heck is going on now?!" she asked.
"I don't know," said Tails, "but somehow, the readings here are off the charts! The pressure inside that thing is growing fast!"
"What's Dark Oak tryin' to do?" asked Vector.
No one had an answer until Chris spoke up "I know," he said. "He's producing a huge gravitational force, because he's trying to crush the Planet Egg."
"He's trying to WHAT?!" exclaimed Buzz-saw.
"But why is he doing that?" asked Knuckles.
"More like 'how'," said Chris. "Imagine it's like a big balloon, and you keep on squeezing it tighter and tighter. You know what happens sooner or later, don't you?"
"Yeah!" said Charmy. "It goes bang!"
"Hold on," said Espio. "Are you telling us that thing's going to explode?"
"And destroy the universe and us with it?" asked Spike.
"I'm afraid so," said Chris.
Everyone gasped. "WHAT?!" exclaimed Topsy. "WHAT'RE WE GONNA DO?!"
"I don't know, but that sounds bad," said Rouge.
Cosmo, Grace, Cream, and Cheese looked on with dread as black energy continued pulsing out of it. "Dark Oak really is trying to destroy the galaxy," said Cosmo.
Sonic, Shadow, and the Guard tried to penetrate its energy, but it was so strong that nothing was done. "We can't get through!" said Bob.
"You're telling us!" said Wallflower. "Not even our lightsabers can't cut through there!"
It was as if things had gone from bad to worse.
"Isn't there anything we can do to help break through that gravity field?" asked Bokkun.
"Well…" said Eggman. "I've got one plan that involves you robots, but you won't like it."
The hench-bots were confused. "Huh?"
"When you were built, I put special self-destruct circuits inside your bodies in case of an emergency such as this. I could set you off to break through the gravity field."
Orbot and Cubot were alarmed. Bokkun sweat-dropped. "But Dr. Eggman, that would destroy us too!" cried Cubot.
"And besides," added Orbot, "that gravity field is really powerful…
…so it would take a huge amount of energy to break through!"
"Good point!"
Chris spoke up. "Eggman…" he said, "please don't carry out that plan."
"Don't worry, kid; I won't," said Eggman. "The explosion wouldn't be strong enough to penetrate through the field anyway."
"Well, don't you have another plan up your sleeve?" cried Knuckles impatiently. "We're running out of time here!"
"You claim to be a scientific genius," said Rouge. "This would be the perfect time to prove it to all of us."
Outside, things were getting tense. "Uh, suggestions, anyone?" asked Creecha.
No one had any. Shadow was about to take off his limiter when suddenly, Sonic spoke up. "Don't use that ring yet!" he said. "In a few seconds, we're gonna need all the power we can get."
Shadow nodded. "Sonic, what are you doing?" asked Rainbow.
"Listen up, everybody!" said Sonic.
"Our only hope of saving the galaxy is to throw all the energy we've got into this gravity field in one shot. Use the Sonic Power Cannon… and launch me at it!"
Gasps were heard. "But that's way too risky!" Tails objected. "We've never launched you from the Power Cannon before when you were Super Sonic. We don't have any idea what'll happen to ya!"
Chris agreed. "That gravity field's extremely powerful, Sonic," he warned. "If you smash into it, the force could be too much for your body to take!"
Realization hit them all like a bag of bricks. "You mean to tell us there's a good chance Sonic won't even survive the attack?" asked Knuckles.
Tails froze at this. His brother, his hero, the one he looked up to for so long… was going to die? "He can't do it!" cried Amy desperately. "We have to come up with another plan!"
"I don't know if I can save the galaxy," said Sonic bravely, "but I have to try!
"And there's no way anybody's gonna talk me out of it, so save your breath. Now are you gonna help me or not?"
Amy just stared. Tails was in shock. "Sonic…" was all he could say, fighting back tears desperately.
"Tails, I know you didn't want this to happen," said Sonic, "but there's no other option here. I'm sorry. But whether I make it or not, I want you to know that you're the best little brother I've ever had. Everything we've been through together over the years… I don't regret them for even a second. If I die, I'll die happy that you've been given a better life. Stay strong… for me. I love you, Tails. And I'll always be with you."
Tails sniffed. "I… I love you too, Sonic," he said, his voice shaking.
Chris made up his mind. "Let's do it," he said, running over to a computer.
"Great!" said Sonic.
Chris instantly got to work. "I'm routing all the energy in the network to the Power Cannon," he said.
Taking deep breaths, Tails was able to keep himself under control while typing, Robyn rubbing his back comfortingly. "We… We only have one chance to break through that field," he said. "So we'll need all the energy we can get."
"Shanti," said Dorothy, "how many rings do we have left?"
"I don't know," Shanti shrugged. "Maybe about… 163? I haven't kept track."
"Well, whatever many we have left," said Dorothy, "get them all in the cannon. Buzz-saw, help her out."
She looked out the window. "You all heard Tails," she said. "We've only got one shot at this. Let's make it count."
"Prepare to transfer all power to the Blue Typhoon," said Cubot.
"Cutting off the ship's energy supply now and sending it to the Sonic Power Cannon," said Orbot.
With a pull of the lever, the lights turned off. The Blue Typhoon did the same. "Now what?" asked Robyn.
Dorothy sighed. "Now we wait for the inevitable," she said.
Tails looked on sadly, tears filling his eyes. Now that he wasn't busy with anything, the sadness was coming back to him in full force. Knuckles noticed this. "Tails," he said, kneeling down to his level, "if anything happens to Sonic, I'll take care of you."
Tails looked at him. "Really?" he asked.
Knuckles nodded. "Really," he said.
That struck an emotional cord in Tails, who began crying. His heart breaking for his little brother, Knuckles picked him up and hugged him close, feeling Tails curl into him as he sobbed.
In the Crimson Egg, Bokkun was scared. "Be honest, Doctor," he said. "I wanna know what you think. Does Sonic have a chance at saving the galaxy?"
Eggman didn't know what to say. But what would happen next would shake everyone to their core…
Outside the ship, the four friends were anxiously waiting for what was to come. "I'm so nervous I can't even look," said Cream.
Grace rubbed her back while Cosmo looked on upwards. "I feel helpless…" she said.
At that moment, just when all seemed lost, her amulet glowed, and Earthia's spirit could be heard. "Cosmo," she said. "This is the moment we've been waiting for. You can help save the galaxy and our clan if you only believe in yourself."
Realization hit Cosmo as she heard those words. "Of course," she said. "This is why I was sent here."
Grace and Cream looked up. "What?" Grace asked.
"Are you okay, Cosmo?" asked Cream.
Cosmo turned to Grace. "There's still a way to save the universe, Grace," she said. "I know what I have to do."
She then looked over at Cream. "I understand now," she said. "There can be peace in the galaxy, and I have the power to make it happen, Cream."
"Cosmo…" Grace whispered, speechless.
"What do you mean?" asked Cream.
But Cosmo only smiled as she levitated into the air, her amulet glowing. Surprised, and quickly realizing what she was going to do, Grace moved and grabbed her wrist, stopping her. "Wait, wait, wait," she said. "What about you?"
"You are my friend…"
"Cosmo… please don't…"
"Your life and the lives of our friends and the rest of the universe are my only concern…"
"No, no, no! Stop! I'm not gonna–"
But Cosmo was determined. "I have a destiny to fulfill," she said.
"No!" said Grace desperately, tears smarting in her eyes. "There's gotta be another way, Cosmo! I'm not gonna let you do this! I'll think of something!"
"There's no time," said Cosmo. "I have to do this."
"Please… no," Grace cried, sadness taking over. "I nearly lost you twice! I can't lose you for real!"
"Grace…" said Cosmo gently, "I will always be with you." The whole time, she didn't raise her voice.
Tears now streaming down her face, Grace looked deep into Cosmo's eyes and realized that she was right: there was nothing she could do to stop her. Crying, she wrapped her arms around her little sister and hugged her tight. Cosmo returned the embrace just as tight. As they separated, Grace tried to stay strong for Cosmo's sake. "Goodbye, Cosmo," she said, her voice quivering. "Good luck."
Cosmo smiled in reply. She continued to float upwards, her hand separating from Grace's. No longer taking it, Grace ran into the ship, crying. "Cosmo, where are you going?" Cream called.
She ran after her at first, but stopped short. "Now no one will stop me!" said Final Mova. "Who besides you heroes is still foolish enough to do so?"
"I am!" called a voice. "If you want to destroy them and the galaxy, you will have to destroy me first!"
Glancing in the direction Cosmo was in, Final Mova prepared to destroy her first-- just as she intended. Meanwhile, in the air, Cosmo allowed her amulet to break apart and began to enter her own stage of Mover Mode. Her hips widened, her breasts grew, and the flowers in her hair began to bloom.
Grace ran into the bridge sobbing and collided right into Dorothy, who was startled at first, but quickly calmed down when she saw Grace clinging to her. "What is it, Grace?" she asked. "What's the matter?"
Grace tried to answer, but her blubbering was preventing her from doing so clearly. That was when Cream and Cheese returned to the bridge. "No! Cosmo, come back, please!" Cream cried.
She was crying harder than Grace was. "What's wrong?" asked a concerned Tails.
"Cosmo's heading out there to help stop Dark Oak!" Cream replied.
The Guard looked around, confused. "Did you guys hear that?" asked Fluttershy.
"Sounded like Cosmo," said Tom, "but I thought she was back on the ship with everyone else. This is too dangerous for her to deal with." He knew what he was talking about; he was a father, after all.
Then, Butch looked behind him to see something green enter the scene. His eyes widened as he recognized it. "You know," he said, "if I didn't know better, I'd say that person behind us looks like Cosmo!"
"Huh?" Everyone was confused.
But when they looked at where Butch was pointing, they got the shock of their lives. "COSMO?!" they exclaimed.
It was her indeed. Never before had Cosmo looked more beautiful, with blooming roses and a mature appearance. She was shining like a beacon of hope in the darkness. Sonic also saw this. "Why are you here?" he asked, surprised.
Cosmo flew towards Final Mova, looking genuinely happy for the first time since that fateful day. Mother, I feel really happy now because I finally know what my purpose is! she thought joyfully.
Approaching the energy field, she easily penetrated it and flew through it like it was a soft stick of butter, making Butch flabbergasted. My friends mean more to me than anything, she continued. That's why I give up everything, even my life, to save them.
As she approached the planet, it suddenly began glowing white, shocking the heroes. Cosmo landed on top of Final Mova, ready to play her part. "This will not work, White Seed," said Dark Oak from deep inside of Final Mova. "The minute you let me go, I'm going to blast all of you and this entire universe into nothing."
"I know," said Cosmo. "So I'm not going to let go."
"What?" said Dark Oak, confused.
Then, it all came rushing back to him. She was going to stop everything he had set out to do: by killing herself and taking him with her. "No!" he cried. "Curse you for still following in your wretched mother's footsteps! They'll kill us both, you fool!"
"That's exactly what I'm going for," said Cosmo as she began merging herself into him. "I'd rather die a hero than a cowardly traitor. I ran from my destiny before, but I am not doing so again."
That's when he felt it. She was overpowering him easily. Her power was surpassing his own. "Foolish child!" he said. "Do you really think you can stop me?! Surrender, and I will allow you to rule by my side!"
"Like I told you: I'd sooner die," Cosmo said firmly. "I'm not afraid of you anymore. You have to be stopped, and if it'll take my death to save my friends, then I am willing to die. Tails, Cream, Amy and the others have to live."
"They're animals!" Dark Oak argued. "They destroy our kind, and kill their own!"
"And how is that any better than you?" Cosmo asked.
Dark Oak realized that Cosmo was beginning to weaken him enough that they could destroy him. Could ruin everything. "Don't you understand? I did this for your mother, your brother, and your sisters!"
"How can you say that, after what you did?" Cosmo said, tears smarting in her eyes. "I cannot forgive you."
"You'll be weakening fast in not too long!" Dark Oak pointed out. "In a few more moments, I will destroy you unless you vow allegiance to me!"
"I will never serve you," Cosmo declared calmly. "And besides, you would have killed me anyway."
"You can't do this to me!" Dark Oak cried out, suddenly desperate.
He was not yet ready to free himself of her and defend himself. "I am your father!"
"No," she said, a tear trickling down her face. "You are my enemy, and if I am going to die… I will take you with me."
Angered, Final Mova tried to get her off, but it was no use. She was far too strong. "ARGH!! I should have destroyed you long ago!" he screamed.
For the first time, his plans were coming to a permanent ruin.
Grace approached the window of the Typhoon, placing a hand on the glass. "Cosmo…" she said, tearfully. "Please…"
She wasn't ready to accept this.
Sensing this, Cosmo closed her eyes and sent out a telepathic message that only Grace could hear: Don't worry, Grace. I know you and everyone else will be sad, but I promise, this will be a happy ending despite the cost. Take care of Tails for me, and never forget who you are. Goodbye.
All Final Mova could do was scream in defeat, horror, and shock as he was consumed by a bright, white light. A single rose petal floated nearby.
Tails watched in shock and awe. "What's she doing?" he asked.
Meanwhile, Cosmo found herself walking in a white void, looking around her. "Wallflower was right," she said. "I've come a long way from the person I used to be. It seemed as if only yesterday, I was traumatized by what happened and didn't have the courage to face the Metarex. But now, thanks to my new friends and the adventures we've been on helping everyone and fighting the Metarex, I've gained enough courage to face anything without fear."
She smiled at the thought. "And now, I'm doing this to help my friends in return after everything they've done for me," she said. "I don't regret it for a second."
Images of her life appeared, from when she was born to now. As Cosmo continued walking, she gazed at them all, remembering everything:
There was when she first lived on the refuge ship from when she was a baby with Galaxina and the rest of the female Seedrians.
🎶Sleeping peacefully
The light that shines inside me
Born from whispering trees
What would set me free?
Then, there was when she crash-landed into Sonic's world and met him and his friends. There was also when she was a little reckless when they were in the jungle planet because she wanted to save the Planet Egg that would later give her, Grace, and Wallflower their powers.
🎶I found a place to breathe
Fell into your world
Love still in my reach
Though I feel so cold
There was when, through her friends and sister figures, her courage and confidence had steadily grown despite the many obstacles that she had to overcome. Through these times, she learned that she never had to do anything by herself, even saving the galaxy. She could count on her friends to help her.
🎶Now I can feel it– your hope how it illuminates
Down here, my spirit can glow, never fading
The fate of the galaxies can never be mine alone
The universe will be saved, I know
There were those horrible nightmares and flashbacks she would occasionally have about that dreadful day; when everything was taken from her in one fell swoop. They had all traumatized her deeply.
🎶Nightmares still decay
All my dreams were scattered
Don't let me drift away
'Cause any moment my heart could shatter
There were the times when her friends comforted her and gave her the strength to never give up and keep on moving forward.
🎶But now I can feel it– your hope, cosmos unveiled through your grins
Down here, my spirit's engraved with all our sins
The fate of the galaxies was silence and beautiful
I'd fix the faults, but I'm just so small
Then, Cosmo saw a lovely image: it was of her family and friends from the refugee ship looking down at her proudly. They didn't say anything, but it was clear through their facial expressions that they were encouraging her to push forward and fulfill her destiny. Wallflower's words could be heard echoing back to her, regainng her confidence instantly: "Remember, Cosmo, you never need to be afraid to do what's right."
🎶Maybe we don't have to say goodbye
I loved traveling through eternal night
Everything became wonderful with you
How we helped the planets find their life
And the winds returned with a cry
But I can never escape the truth
Of what I must do
Smiling, Cosmo also saw memories of all the times she and her friends helped the planets that had their Planet Eggs stolen get their lives back, saving everything and everyone that lived on said planets. Finally, there was that moment: the moment when Cosmo finally discovered her destiny.
🎶Now I can never let sadness and hate tear me down
I am the light that I need, I will let it out
The fate of the galaxies let me carry on our legacy
Seeing her transformation in her memories, she knew that at that point, she was ready to play her part to not only end the war, but to also let the light inside her shine, save her people and, through her spirit, restart her clan.
🎶Thank you for making the stars shine
Don't forget me, live a future that's bright🎶
She smiled happily as she found the Planet Egg. Placing a hand on it, her mind at that moment was made up. "I give my powers back to you," she said. "It's time to fulfill my destiny. I only ask that you help me accomplish it and restore my clan."
A bright glow from the Planet Egg came in reply as the power Cosmo had after all that time was given back to it, strengthening it more. "It's finally your time to shine, Cosmo," said a voice.
Smiling, Cosmo knew it was Galaxina as she let the glow consume her.
In reality, as the light began fading away, Earthia's spirit could be heard: "Cosmo, you can transform and pass through the gravity field. In your new form, you will be like me. Your destiny will be fulfilled. You have the power to stop Dark Oak, and bring new life to our clan."
As she was saying this, Cosmo appeared on top of Final Mova, now having turned into a beautiful cherry tree with many cherry blossoms blooming on it. Her roots were spreading halfway across the artificial planet, restraining Dark Oak and Final Mova. Everyone was surprised and awed at the sight. "That's the most beautiful cherry blossom tree I've ever seen," said Spike, breathlessly.
The tree sprouted a few rose petals outwards, two floating near Sonic and Wallflower. The green girl let the petal fall into her hand and looked up, shocked at what Cosmo did. She had restrained that planet as if it were nothing. Then, Cosmo's spirit appeared. "It's all right, everyone," she said. "By fusing myself into Dark Oak, I now have him immobilized. Now you'll be able to destroy the Metarex and save the galaxy. It's okay. Don't worry about me. Just go ahead and fire the Power Cannon now."
Everyone was unsure. "But if we fire the cannon," asked Chris, "what'll happen to you?"
"Cosmo…" Amy whispered, shocked.
Vector couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Is she really… planning to die?" he asked.
"Dr. Eggman?" asked Bokkun, looking up at his boss.
But though Eggman was just as shocked, he didn't show it, but what he said was enough to know how he felt about it: "Yes, I'm afraid so. And I'm afraid that there's nothing we can do to save her. If we try to separate her from Dark Oak, all of the compressed energy will explode, thereby letting him win. Moreover, she's already in her final phase; the day she would become an adult, she'd be doomed.
"It's the fate of her entire species."
Robyn was shocked. "So what you're saying is… COSMO WAS DOOMED TO DIE RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING?!" she practically screamed.
"Wait a minute," said Charmy. "He's lying! He's gotta be… right?"
"I wish he was," said Shanti, "but he isn't. He's telling the truth. Cosmo was destined to die right from the start, and we didn't even realize it."
Robyn was shocked. "No… No…" she whispered, tears streaming down.
Knuckles wasn't having any of it. "We can't let her carry out what she's planning," he said. " There must be another way!"
"Knuckles–" Dorothy tried to say.
But Knuckles didn't want to hear it. "I know there's another way!" he insisted. "Cosmo doesn't have to do this! Sonic and Shadow can do it!"
He turned to Chris. "Right, Chris?" he asked, hoping he'd agree with him.
But Chris had already figured it out. "I'm sorry…" he said, sniffling.
Knuckles was shocked. "That's it?" he asked in disbelief. "You're gonna carry through with this?! You're kidding me!"
He turned to Tails, who had been in shock the whole time. "Tails, you know this isn't right!" he insisted, snapping him out of it.
That was when a tearful Rouge spoke up. "Ugh, that's enough!" she said. "You're not the only one who wishes this wasn't real! Now listen, we'll find a way to work this out together."
"How?" sniffed Grace. "Cosmo's gonna die either way, and there's nothing we can do about it."
Everyone was silent until Tails finally spoke up. "Everyone… could you please leave me?" he asked.
"You sure 'bout this?" asked Sticks.
Tails nodded. "If she says not to worry, I have to trust her," he said.
A single tear fell on the ground. Hesitantly, everyone left regardless, but Knuckles stayed behind so he could give Tails a hug. "If you ever need to talk to us, don't hesitate to do so, okay?" he said.
Tails could only nod. Understanding, Knuckles kissed Tails' cheek before leaving. Now that he was alone, Tails hesitated before pressing a button, pulling up the targeting computer. His hand was on the trigger, but it grieved him to pull it. "Tails, we must act immediately!" said Eggman through the radio, snapping him out of it. "Prepare to fire the cannon at my command!"
In space, Sonic, Shadow, and the Guard had overheard everything via radio. Sadness and disbelief hit them all, but there was nothing they could do about it; either way, Cosmo would have to die. Already having made up his mind, Sonic took off towards the Typhoon. While dusty, the Sonic Power Cannon was activated. "Plug cannon into place and take aim," said Eggman.
Sonic flew into the cannon. Everyone looked out the window sadly, knowing that in a short time, they'd lose a very special friend.
Dorothy had her hands on Chris' shoulders for silent comfort.
Amy and Cream hugged each other, both girls sobbing.
Robyn sniffed before looking away, Shanti silently hugging her while Sticks hugged her leg, shedding a few tears herself.
Buzzsaw felt something wet in his eyes. Upon touching his face, he was surprised to see that, despite him being a toy, he was somehow crying.
Topsy let out a loud wail of sadness before throwing himself on top of Spike, who despite stumbling back a bit, was able to pat his shoulder.
Soon Sonic was ready to be fired. "Get ready, Sonic," said Eggman.
Just then, a star twinkled outside before something came zooming into the cannon. Sonic looked up in time to see that Shadow was now joining him. Smiling silently at each other, both hedgehogs spin at an insane rate inside the cannon.
"Sonic and Shadow are attacking together!" exclaimed Orbot.
"Which means this blast will be twice as powerful!" added Cubot.
As energy was drawn into the cannon, the Guard watched helplessly. "You guys might want to get back to the Typhoon," said Eggman. "Sonic and Shadow have got this under control."
As they did so, Wallflower looked back at the cherry tree. "Cosmo…" she said tearfully. "I'm sorry… I wish there was another way… you're our friend… I really didn't want it to end like this…"she
Cosmo's spirit appeared to her. "It's okay, Wallflower," she said. "I understand. Having you guys as my friends more than made up for it. And I'm so happy that it led me here. I will have the chance to save my clan, my people, on my own terms."
Wallflower smiled, though it was wobbly. "I trust you…" she said, "but you meant a lot to me… to all of us… I- we- don't wanna lose you, Cosmo."
Cosmo smiled and kissed Wallflower's forehead, her eyes shining. "You won't, Wallflower," she said. "You'll defeat the Metarex, and spread the seeds of my clan through the galaxy. Thanks to you and your friends' efforts, the Planet Eggs will all be restored to their rightful home planets so they can recover, and my clan will have a chance to regrow and be what it was meant to be– people that believe in peace and harmony."
Wallflower wiped her eyes, smiling as past memories of their time together flashed through her mind. "I believe in you, Cosmo," she said. "Your friendship and sisterhood has meant a lot to me, to all of us. I wish we could spend more time together, but I understand; this is your only hope to save the galaxy and bring your clan back. I'm sure your seeds will find a place to grow and find a new home."
She struggled to not let her voice break as she gave her a hug. "Good luck, Cosmo," she said, her voice cracking, "and goodbye."
Cosmo smiled and hugged her back. "Goodbye, Wallflower," she said. "Thank you for being my sister."
At that, she disappeared. Wallflower sniffed sadly before heading back to the ship.
Upon arrival, Sunset didn't hesitate to bring her into a hug, something that Wallflower accepted and returned. The cannon glowed bright gold with energy. It was time. "Here goes…" said Chris.
Even Knuckles closed his eyes in grief. The inevitable had arrived, and there was nothing any of them could do about it."Sonic Power Cannon," said Eggman, "fire!"
Tails looked up, opening the safety, and got ready. "Roger!" he said.
But he was extremely conflicted as the full reality of the situation hit him. His command said one thing, but his mind and body… his heart… screamed no. He tried to pull the trigger, but he couldn't bring himself to kill the one he loved most. Frustrated, angry, and sad all at once with his eyes beginning to water, Tails finally let out a heartwrenching scream and slammed his head on the console. Why did this have to happen? Now, of all times? "It's too much. I can't do it," he said, voice breaking as his tears ran down. "No… I can't kill Cosmo. We made a promise together."
Crying, he glanced up at the window. "When all this was over…" he said, voice rising in anger as he slammed his fist on the console, "YOU SAID THAT YOU COULD COME AND LIVE WITH US!!!"
This was too much for him to take in. How could he do something like this, after everything they've been through together? "Tails," said Eggman, "I know this is difficult, but the galaxy is in danger, and time is running out! You must fire now!"
Saddened, Tails closed his eyes, letting more tears out. "But I-I can't…" he said, shaking his head. "What about Cosmo…?"
"She knows what she's doing," Eggman reassured him. "Cosmo is carrying out her destiny. She was meant to save the galaxy, and we have to help her."
Sniffling and whimpering, Tails looked back up at the beautiful cherry tree that was Cosmo. "I know what's right…" he said. "But… I can't…" His voice trailed off.
Cosmo's spirit appeared. "Trust me, Tails…" she said gently. "You have to fire. It's the only way to save all of us."
Tails' eyes widened, a soft breath entering him. "Cosmo…" he said, "before you go on and say it, I want you to know that there's nothing to apologize for because you never caused me any trouble. I've been happy with you."
Cosmo smiled. "Please…" she said. "Tails, shoot at me. Kill me so that you, your friends, and everyone in the galaxy can continue living."
Tails gasped, tears streaming down at full force. The cannon continued to glow with energy. The conflict in Tails grew stronger. "I CAN'T!!" he cried, closing the safety trigger.
But there was no other way to do this. Time was running out. Everyone watched from the Typhoon, saddened but staying strong for Cosmo's sake. Even Eggman's hench-bots were getting teary-eyed themselves. "It's because…" Tails tried to say, struggling as memories of Cosmo and their time together flashed through his mind.
Even Eggman was saddened. Finally making a decision, Tails could only say this: "Cosmo… I… I LOVE YOU!!!!"
🎶Watashi-tachi no sekai wa mahō o kakerarete
Finally getting his feelings out, Tails decided to just get it over with. He opened the safety trigger… and pressed the button, firing Shadow and Sonic at Final Mova… and Cosmo. The blast was so strong that it destroyed the Sonic Power Cannon.
🎶Aisuru tokimeki sae namida ni fūjirareteru
As Sonic and Shadow zoomed through the air before separating into a spiral line, Tails silently screamed. No words could describe how he felt at that moment.
Futari de jumon o sagashi ni ikou
Finally, with a mighty hit, Sonic and Shadow managed to completely destroy Final Mova, Dark Oak, and the Metarex once and for all-- while Cosmo was willingly but sadly vaporized to death in the process.
🎶Kinjirareta yume o kanaerareru kuni e
In a white void, a few more cherry blossoms floated by before Cosmo's spirit met up with Tails' spirit. "Thank you, Tails," she said. "You did it."
🎶Dare ni mo naisho de ashita machiawase shiyou
She looked so much more happy than before that Tails smiled too. "I'll never forget you," he promised.
🎶Itsuka kotori o umeta yoake no mieru oka de
"Yes," Cosmo agreed. "We've had lots of fun."
Her mind went back to good times, especially to that party. "I'll never forget it," she said, "especially just how happy everyone is. It means all the world to me."
🎶Tsumetai asamoya kimi to te o tsunaidara
As they took each other's hands, Tails was still smiling, but was also crying.
🎶Hikaru michi no fūin ga tokeru yo
"Cosmo…" he said.
"Tails…" Cosmo replied.
No words needed to be said; their eyes said it all for them. Cosmo spun around a few more times before vanishing, but not before saying these four final words: "I'll always love you."
To be continued…