In the Typhoon, everyone gathered on the bridge. Bokkun played Eggman's message from the Crimson Egg over a TV for them to see. "I've secretly been working to infiltrate the Metarex and find out what they're up to," said Eggman. "But it seems they finally found out I've been deceiving them."
Just then, Orbot and Cubot came into view in the background. "Dr. Eggman, a huge Metarex battleship is closing in fast!" exclaimed Cubot.
"Its laser cannons are pointed right at us!" added Orbot, panicked.
Eggman cocked a brow as he turned to them. "Your panicking is pointless. Defeat is inevitable, so let's face it with dignity," he said.
As Orbot and Cubot began panicking and running around in circles, Eggman continued: "The Metarex are on the move, heading towards galactic coordinates 00-00-00. One of their legends talks about a time when a thousand-year wait ends, and night and day become one. I'm not sure what it means, but my guess is something extraordinary happens in that region of space once every thousand years, and it's about to happen again. The Metarex are sending every ship in their fleet to rendezvous there. You'd all have to be out of your minds to try and stop them, so I assume that's what you're going to do."
He laughed as the message ended. "I got away just as they began attacking," said Bokkun.
"Good thing you did," said Creecha. "Because if you hadn't, we'd never know what was going on."
"Aha! Knew it!" said Twilight with a triumphant grin. "I knew Eggman didn't join the Metarex willingly! I knew there was a reason for it!"
Rainbow just rolled her eyes. But then, Cosmo noticed something. "Um, I hope you don't mind my asking, but why are those numbers on your TV counting down?" she asked.
Bokkun looked down at the numbers. "Whoops," he said sheepishly. "I forgot to warn you that these messages self-destruct at the end."
Everyone panicked; they outright knew what was gonna happen. "Cover your ears!" said Bokkun. "It's gonna be a big bang!"
The TV exploded. Luckily, no one was hurt. "Heheh…" Bokkun chuckled. "Betcha you didn't know watching TV could be so exciting."
Everyone else was not amused. "That was not fun!" said Cream.
"I'll never tune in to that channel again," said Amy.
Later, everyone was gathered in an empty room. Tails had gotten an idea. "You can't operate the ship from here," Knuckles was saying. "There's no controls anywhere."
"Oh, there are controls here; they're just hidden away," said Tails, pressing a button on his comlink.
Suddenly, a command chair and several screens appeared. "I built this secret bridge just in case the original one ever got wrecked," he said.
Sonic beamed with pride. "Tails, this is amazing!" he said as he picked up the surprised fox in a hug and spun him around in the air. "I'm so proud of you, little bro!"
Tails laughed as he returned the embrace. "But can this beaten-up barge fly?" asked Rouge.
Chris sat in the seat. "It will," he said as he typed on the computer. "The ship's engines were damaged pretty badly, but we still have enough power."
"Then what are we waitin' for? Let's do this thing!" Sticks cheered.
Shanti laughed. "You've just read my mind, girl," she said.
"Put it into launch mode, Chris!" said Tails.
Chris did so, and the Typhoon lifted into the air. From the ground, Shadow watched them go, causing Chris to take notice. "Shadow…" he said, looking out the window.
"Um, you're not worried about what'll happen to Shadow, are you, Chris?" asked Cream.
"Chao," said Cheese.
"He always had his own way of doing things," said Sonic. "We're gonna give it our all like always, guys."
Chris nodded. "You're right, Sonic," he said.
Sonic smiled. "Now then," he said, "let's take the battle to Dark Oak. We can't let him win, so stay strong."
Knuckles stepped up beside Cosmo. "Now Sonic, don't upset her," he said, putting an arm in front of her.
"Oh, you don't have to worry about me," said Cosmo.
"I'm impressed," said Rouge. "You've certainly improved the way you treat a lady."
"You've really got the wrong idea, you know," said Knuckles, not wanting to steal Tails' girl.
"You mean you wanna flirt with someone different?" teased Sonic.
That sent everyone laughing. "I wasn't referring to you," said Knuckles amid the laughter. "Hey, don't laugh! It's not funny! I'm being serious!"
During this, however, Cosmo walked away. Seeing this immediately got Tails concerned, so he followed her.
Meanwhile, Cosmo was walking down a hall, feeling glum, depressed, and nervous; all in one fell swoop. Maybe I didn't come on this adventure to avenge everything and everyone I loved, she thought to herself. Maybe the real reason I came was to prove I can do things right.
She looked at her reflection in her amulet, which she had taken off. So when I looked in the mirror, she continued, I'd see someone worthwhile.
Pinning her amulet back on, tears streamed down her face as she looked up to the ceiling. But what if I'm wrong? she thought. What if I saw nothing?
Her thoughts were interrupted by someone calling out to her: "Cosmo! Wait up!"
And there was Tails, running to catch up with her. "Wait, Cosmo," he said. "What's wrong?"
"If I stay with you in the oncoming battle," answered Cosmo, looking down, "I'll only get in your way."
Tails took her hands into his own. "Cosmo, you won't get in the way," he said, causing her to look up. "I promise, this'll be our last time fighting the Metarex. I want to help you fight against them for what they did to you."
He then looked away for a moment, cheeks red as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck. "Maybe," he suggested, "when all this is over, you can live on my planet with me and the others and be happy again."
Cosmo smiled tearfully, also blushing. "Tails…" she said, kissing his cheek, "thank you."
Smiling, the two shared a kiss in the hall.
"We're starting up the engines," said Chris. "Speed is increasing."
Everyone was ready. This final battle would determine the fate of the galaxy. Smiling, Cosmo closed her eyes as her mind flashed back to their previous adventures. I hope you can see what I'm seeing, Dark Oak, she thought. I have total confidence we'll defeat you. No one can take away the strength and fighting spirit my friends have. As long as they're around, you'll never win and conquer the galaxy.
She and Tails gave each other an encouraging smile.
Up in space, Dark Oak's battleship and his fleet were in position. "The end is at hand!" proclaimed Dark Oak.
The wall behind him broke apart to reveal a giant tree with a Planet Egg inside it. "The forestation of the galaxy is about to begin!" said Dark Oak triumphantly. "Soon, the Metarex will be all-powerful!"
At Planet Green Gate, Shadow started to walk away when he heard someone approach him. "Hold it, hedgehog!" said a voice.
No hard guess as to figure out who that voice belonged to.
In the Typhoon, everyone could see many explosions in the distance. "There's a big fleet of Metarex ships ahead!" said Cream. "Their coordinates are 00-00-00."
"That's just where Eggman said they'd be," said Sonic.
The Blue Typhoon flew towards Dark Oak's battleship, which was flanked by countless Metarex Fighters, MTRX-1 craft, and even Eggman's old mothership. "I wish I knew what Dark Oak's next plan was," said Cosmo.
"Increase engine speed to full power!" said Tails. "Set the course for Dark Oak's command ship!"
"Roger!" said Chris.
"Begin the attack," said Dark Oak.
"We'll wipe them out!" said Black Narcissus over video.
Pale Bayleaf replaced Narcissus' image on his screen. "No survivors!" he added.
Oak nodded.
Pale Bayleaf and Black Narcissus flew out of their battleships and towards the Typhoon, holding swords of some kind.
"Two Metarex are heading right at us!" said Chris.
Junior looked through his binoculars. "They're Black Narcissus and Pale Bayleaf!" he exclaimed. "They've been sent out to destroy us permanently!"
"We have to stop 'em before they attack!" said Sonic.
Tails agreed. "Get to your ships and launch a counterstrike!" he said.
"Roger!" said the gang.
Chris' ship rose to the runway, Sonic and Bokkun standing on either wing. Amy's and Cream's ships were next, followed by the EGs' ships. Soon, all aircrafts took off. "It's time to go wreck those Metarex!" said Sonic, leaping towards the generals.
"Sonic, catch!" Chris called, shooting a ring to Sonic.
"Thanks, Chris!" said Sonic.
He proceeded to spin towards Bayleaf, who threw his two swords at him. They bounced off the hedgehog, who was swatted back by the Metarex General as he summoned his swords again. "I'm okay!" said Sonic.
"Sonic's attack didn't work!" said Bokkun.
"Fire lasers!" said Tails.
The dual laser cannon fired at Narcissus, who used a mirror on his staff to deflect the laser back at the cannon, destroying it.
"We lost the dual laser cannon!" said Tails. "Rouge, Knuckles, get to the flight deck and stop those Metarex!"
The two nodded and took off.
Narcissus landed on the runway, looking at himself in the mirror. "My looks are even more striking than my attacks," he said; he was one of those people that was always vain of their looks.
Knuckles and Rouge approached him. "Let's charge him together!" said Knuckles.
"Ready when you are!" said Rouge.
Narcissus was still admiring himself in the mirror when he saw Knuckles and Rouge through its reflection. "Aren't you even gonna put up a fight?" Knuckles challenged.
"If you insist," said Black Narcissus, "but you weaklings can't possibly harm me."
"You won't think so high of yourself after I knock you down!" said Rouge.
Aiming for his mirror, she proceeded to Screw Kick it to pieces. "You broke my mirror!" exclaimed Black Narcissus.
"Be grateful you don't have to look at yourself anymore," said Rouge teasingly.
"This is no joke," replied Black Narcissus. "Soon, you'll be howling…"
With that, he proceeded to swat Rouge away with his staff. "... in pain!"
"Now you're makin' me angry!" growled Knuckles, drawing out his shovel claws.
He lunged for Narcissus, who easily blocked his attacks. Meanwhile, Sonic was having no better luck with Bayleaf, who swatted him away. "Sonic!" called Chris, managing to reclaim him.
"Are you ready for THIS?!" Amy yelled. "This is for hurting Sonic!"
She fired numerous missiles at Bayleaf, which also did no damage to his armor.
Meanwhile, the Chaotix's ship pulled out of hyperspace. "We're comin' out of warp space now," said Vector as they saw the battle. "If you need a ride back, we got a round-trip special today!"
"It's a 45% discount off our standard fare!" added Charmy.
Shadow just smirked briefly. "He's a tough sap," Charmy commented.
"Luckily for you, there's no charge for first-time customers," said Vector before adding to Espio, "That's the last time I ever give a lift to a hitchhikin' hedgehog."
"I'm sick of taking jobs where we lose money," said the chameleon.
"Our business is goin' bust–" Charmy started to say.
"I ain't interested in your opinions! I'm the boss around here!" Vector interrupted before asking Shadow, "Where do you wanna get dropped off, buddy?"
Shadow answered by grabbing the controls and steering the ship towards the battle. "Heeey!" yelled Vector, having not expected it.
"You better buckle up," Shadow warned. "We could be in for a rough landing."
The ship flew inside Dark Oak's battleship– and crashed inside.
Luckily, no one was hurt, and the ship was mostly undamaged, but the Chaotix's detective house was completely gone. "At least we made it here in one piece," said Vector, "but now we gotta build ourselves a new detective office."
Shadow started to walk away. "Yo, pal. Wait!" Vector called. "A thank you wouldn't cost ya nothin'!"
"You should at least tell us why you crash-landed us on this ship," added Espio.
Shadow turned around. "I have to find Dark Oak and have a showdown," he said as he zipped through the wall, destroying it.
The Chaotix looked at the hole Shadow made. "Well... as long as we're here, we might as well battle the Metarex too!" decided Vector as he walked through the hole.
"All right! This'll be fun!" said Charmy excitedly as he followed.
Espio shrugged. "That depends on how you define 'fun'..." he said as he also followed.
Meanwhile, Shadow was leaving fires in his wake.
In Eggman's cell, the ground shook from the impacts of the war and Shadow. "I wish there was some way we could abandon ship," said Cubot.
"Yeah," Orbot agreed.
"You know, that isn't such a bad idea," said Eggman, pressing a hidden button in his coat.
Outside, sirens appeared in Bokkun's eyes. "Hey... Dr. Eggman is sending out a rescue signal," he said.
"Sonic," said Chris, "I'm gonna fly into the command ship and set Dr. Eggman free."
"I'm coming with you!" Grace called, flying after them. "You might need some help just in case we run into any more Metarex!"
"Okay!" said Sonic.
"Amy, continue the attack with Sonic!" said Chris as Sonic landed on her ship.
"Roger!" said Amy. "Sonic and I will conquer those Metarex using the invincible power of our love!"
"Amy, what did we just talk about back on Planet Marmolim?" asked Creecha through the radio.
Amy chuckled sheepishly. "Sorry," she said. "Force of habit."
Inside the battleship, a platoon of Metarex Troopers fled from Shadow, who obliterated them with a wave of Chaos Spears. "Where's Dark Oak?" he asked.
Meanwhile, the Chaotix were also dealing with a couple Metarex Troopers. Espio became invisible, allowing two of them to run into each other and explode. "Now that was a smash," he said as he appeared again.
Elsewhere, Chris and Grace located Eggman. "It's all clear," Chris said.
"Great," said Eggman. "With those Metarex gone, we can break free!"
"You'd better stand back," Chris warned.
"Oh, it's alright," said Eggman. "We can blow up these bars ourselves. Orbot! Cubot!"
"Yes, Doctor!" said the hench-bots in usion.
"Now we finally get to show our explosive side!" said Cubot excitedly.
Pressing a button, they suddenly transformed into stronger robots. Cubot stretched his body so it was taller, and supported it on Orbot's hands. "Begin merge!" they said.
Cubot's new chest plate opened. "Assuming headshot position!" said Orbot, inserting his head into Cubot for further support.
"Cubot Orbot Brain Bazooka, fire!" cried Cubot.
Cubot's head opened and fired a shell, destroying the bars. The three walked out. "Wow," said Grace. "That was quite a spectacle."
"Thanks," said Cubot, who was back to his normal size with Orbot. "That was indeed awesome, but I do have a bit of a headache now."
"We are cute on the outside," added Orbot, "but on the inside, we are mean machines."
"It was very brave of you two to come here," said Eggman. "You've both got a lot of guts for a couple little kids."
"Thanks, Doctor," said Chris.
"Yeah, thanks," Grace agreed. "We've just gained some much-needed experiences differently over the years."
Orbot and Cubot looked confused. "Now, let's hack into their system," said Eggman, entering a code on a wall panel.
"Destruct code verified," said a voice. "Detonating Corridor D."
At that, explosions ensued, destroying many Metarex Troopers. "Eggman, what did you do?" asked Grace as the five ran down the hall.
"I altered this ship's energy output," Eggman explained. "The ship's main power circuits are overloading now."
"Brilliant idea, Doctor!" said Orbot and Cubot as they all outran the explosions.
Bayleaf and Narcissus noticed the explosions happening all over the mothership. "Surprise–!" called Cream, firing a pair of missiles at Narcissus' face. "A bullseye!"
"Chao-chao-chao!" Cheese cheered.
But Narcissus was only battered. And he wasn't amused. "How dare you try to damage my perfect face!" he yelled, flying after Cream.
Luckily, Knuckles had an idea. "Quick, give me your hand!" he told Rouge.
"What an odd time to suddenly get romantic," quipped Rouge as she did so.
"Hold tight!" said Knuckles, grabbing her and swinging her around in circles.
With a cry of "Spin Throw!", he threw her hard at Narcissus. She Screw Kicked him in the back, which caused him to slam into Bayleaf, sending them both flying away, saving Cream's life.
Shadow tried speaking to a decapitated Metarex Trooper head. "Tell me where Dark Oak is!" he demanded.
However, he looked up to see a whole army of them. "Never mind," he said as he threw the head behind him, which exploded, and prepared to take on the new platoon.
"Sir, Shadow is heading for the bridge!" said a Metarex Trooper.
"Dismantle the hull and outer structure of the ship," said Dark Oak.
"Yes, sir," said the Trooper.
Suddenly, the ship started breaking apart in perfectly square chucks. "Whoa! What's happening?!" asked Chris, surprised.
"The ship is falling apart!" cried Orbot.
"They're wrecking their own ship, just to get rid of us!" exclaimed Eggman.
The floor opened up, sending the five of them (Grace saved herself with her wings) falling into the room where the Chaotix were. Chris landed on Espio as Grace fluttered into the room. "You okay?" asked Vector, only to get crushed by Eggman, causing Grace to giggle.
Meanwhile, Shadow destroyed the Metarex Troopers. When the ship started to break apart, Shadow was able to ride one of the segments away.
Thankfully, Chris and the Chaotix were safely away from the broken ship. All that was left was the giant tree. Dark Oak was standing atop the tree. Bayleaf joined him at his left side while Narcissus did the same on his right. Sonic saw this. "You guys went to all this trouble just to build a treehouse?" he teased, only to sweatdrop as Dark Oak spread forth his hands.
"Somethin's distorting the gravity in this part of space!" said Tails.
Then, he also saw a huge glow. "It's expanding rapidly!" he exclaimed. "What's going on?!"
The Planet Egg glowed intensely bright. "The thousand-year wait ends!" declared Dark Oak. "Night and day become one, and two worlds come together!"
An area on either side of Oak rippled and glowed. Now, a giant water planet appeared, looking like it had two suns, one on either side of the planet. This was called Planet Aqurius, rightfully named because it was nothing but water.
"That's a Planet Egg…" said Cosmo. "The thousand-year wait ends. Night and day become one, and two worlds come together."
"... I don't get it," said Robyn.
"Neither do we," said Dorothy.
There was a giant ripple at one part of Aqurius. At the planet's north pole, the tree could be seen, its roots spreading across that part of the planet.
"Of course!" said Eggman, realizing what this meant.
"What is it?" asked Grace, who was with him and the Chaotix.
Eggman explained: "Once every thousand years, a space-time rupture must occur in this part of the galaxy. That light is breaking through from an entirely different universe. We're all doomed!!"
Grace gasped.
Chris was watching Tails on his screen. "There's a huge amount of energy that's coming from that thing!" said Tails. "Our sensors were overloaded when I tried to get a reading!"
"This must be what the Metarex were waiting for!" said Chris. "Sonic!"
"Don't have to tell me twice," said Sonic. "I better end this before Dark Oak ruins the galaxy forever."
He spun towards Dark Oak, who was still standing atop the tree. Meanwhile, Shadow was still standing on a broken chunk of what used to be Dark Oak's battleship. "I've got to stop them before forestation starts!" he said, also leaping towards Dark Oak.
"You fool," said Dark Oak. "We are on the verge of a galactic transformation! No one can stop us!"
The tree contained not only the Planet Egg, but also all seven Chaos Emeralds. They glowed so brightly that Sonic and Shadow were thrown back. Sonic landed on Chris' spaceship while Shadow landed on Amy's. "This can't be good," said Rainbow.
"Planet Egg is water," said Pale Bayleaf.
"Chaos Emerald is light," said Black Narcissus.
"They both give us power," they said in usion.
"This water and light that make all plants grow will now give birth to... FORESTATION!" Dark Oak proclaimed, spreading out his arms.
The roots spreaded deep into Aqurius. "The Metarex have long awaited this moment," said Dark Oak. "We will now bring perfect order and peace to this galaxy, and to the entire universe! Forestation has finally begun!"
"Long rule the Metarex!" Pale Bayleaf and Black Narcissus proclaimed.
The armor of the three highest-ranking Metarex collapsed as they entered a similar stage to Mova Mode. They began to grow larger and more bark-like. Everyone stared as the tree-like Metarex destroyed the entire Metarex fleet, destroyed the EGs' ships (luckily, they were able to get out in time), and even nearly destroyed the Crimson Egg. The roots spreaded across the entire planet. Sonic had to cover his eyes on account of the glow. The fake Chaos Emeralds on destroyed planets also began glowing. Soon, the mutation was complete, and what used to be Dark Oak, Pale Bayleaf, and Black Narcissus was now a three-headed dragon. Final Mova was born. The seven Chaos Emeralds were embedded in Dark Oak's forehead. Everyone could only stare in shock and horror.
"No way!" exclaimed Tom, shocked.
"What are they?" asked Tails.
"They are in the last stage of the Metarex forestation project," said Eggman over video. "The galaxy will be taken over by plants, and all animal life forms will be wiped out."
Now it was Fluttershy's turn to gasp. "We have to attack!" exclaimed Cosmo.
"All ships launch missiles now!" cried Tails.
Everyone fired missiles at once, striking Pale Bayleaf and, as usual, doing no damage. He roared, sending the Chaotix's spaceship away from it. Sonic and Shadow leapt toward Final Mova, which grew giant roots to block the attack. Chris and Amy pulled up to avoid it. Sonic sawed through the roots while Shadow Chaos Speared them and the EGs cut through them with their lightsabers (which were fortunately not destroyed with their ships). The Blue Typhoon fired several smoke bombs at Final Mova, which was able to clear themselves from it. "Farewell, White Seed!" said Dark Oak as he stretched towards the Typhoon.
Wallflower's eyes widened. "Oh no! They're gonna try and kill Cosmo!" she exclaimed.
Rarity immediately took action. "We'll see about that!" she exclaimed.
Without hesitation on her part, she and Sonic grabbed on to him. "Let go, Sonic!" called Amy.
"Rarity! Be careful!" called Pinkie.
Dark Oak penetrated the hull, throwing Sonic and Rarity down the corridor. Then, he breathed an energy beam onto them. Tails and Cosmo clung to each other, cowering at the attack. Lockdown was initiated as Oak fired another beam.
"Not only are they trying to kill Cosmo! They're also going after the Master Emerald!" Knuckles realized.
Dark Oak fried the ship's engines. A safety barrier was lowered around the Master Emerald as Sonic and Rarity arrived. "We won't let you take it!" said Sonic, the two clinging onto the head of Dark Oak as it freed itself from the Typhoon.
Chris watched in horrible fascination as the stern plummeted towards Aqurius. It was on fire at the time. "Tails! Cosmo!" he called.
Luckily, by working together, Twilight and Creecha used their telekinesis to get the ship level again. Then, Creecha used her waterbending abilities for two things: first, she created a landing pad out of thick, strong ice for the Typhoon to safely land on. Next, she used water lines to put out the fire, extinguishing it. "Success," she said. "Thanks for the help, Twilight."
"You're welcome," said Twilight, the two sharing a high-five.
Amy and Pinkie were busy dodging debris. Pinkie was able to handle it by using her lightsabers, which were coated with her explosive sprinkles which exploded the debris on impact. However, Amy was having a much harder time. "Hang on, Amy!" Sonic called as he and Rarity managed to get Amy out of the ship as it was destroyed by debris.
All four of them landed on a tree root. Pinkie was okay, but Sonic, Amy, and Rarity were all panting. "Rarity! Are you okay?" asked Pinkie, rushing to Rarity's aid.
Rarity nodded, managing to stand up. "Just a bit roughed up is all," she said. "This is even harder than fighting Darth Sidious himself. And he was the most evil man in our home galaxy."
"You can say that again," agreed Pinkie.
"It looks like we're losing," said Amy.
"I wouldn't say losing," said Rarity. "More like we're severely outnumbered in terms of strength and power."
Oak stared down at them. "You pitiful animals," he said. "Now that you are vanquished, you see the true superiority of the Metarex! But you still have one last chance to save yourselves from certain destruction. Come to your senses, Sonic and Rarity! Join us, and we will bring order and peace to the galaxy!"
Still panting, Sonic and Rarity just glared up at him. "Sonic!" said Amy.
Pinkie was watching breathlessly. "I'll never join you!" he said.
"Same here!" said Rarity. "We'd rather die as heroes, not traitors!"
Dark Oak cocked his head. "Don't fight them, Sonic and Rarity!" cried Amy. "They're so powerful now you'll both be destroyed for sure!"
"Sorry," said Sonic. "We can't let them take over the galaxy without a fight. If you wanna rule, you'll have to get rid of us first!"
Rarity nodded. "So be it, Sonic and Rarity," said Dark Oak. "If you two wish to be eliminated, we will be happy to help you. Farewell, hedgehog and Equestrian-Jedi Girl!"
Small geysers of water gushed up around them. "Just don't hurt Amy and Pinkie!" said Sonic as he and Rarity managed to throw them away to safety as a giant geyser of water pushed them into Dark Oak's mouth.
"Soniiiic!" cried Amy.
The two were washed down his throat… "Sonic, noooo!" cried Amy.
"Rarity! RARITYYYYYYYY!!!" screamed Pinkie, watching helplessly as her friend and sister suffered the same fate.
… before landing in Aqurius' waters. At this point, the planet was glowing with the power of the Planet Egg, and now had a whitish hue. This was all done in the name of tranquility and order.
"You have lost, Sonic and Rarity," Dark Oak said. "Water is your weakness, and our strength. We will now spread across the galaxy, and there will be no one to stop us!"
To be continued…