(Start of Act 1)
Out in space somewhere, a golden light zipped around the starry vastness. Several small lights shone before fading away. In his super form, Sonic the Hedgehog emerged amidst the wreckage of several strange robots, panting from the exertion. Even fighting Eggman's robots hadn't made him this tired, so if he was panting like that, it meant that the foe he was facing was a lot tougher than he ever could anticipate. He's tougher than I thought, he said to himself. I'd better finish this.
He looked up at his floating adversary nearby-- Dark Oak, leader of the Metarex. Uncrossing his arms, he brought out a large golden sword. The two then charged towards each other and collided, a bright light forming. Super Sonic was thrown backwards, panting as Dark Oak floated down, his cape rippling. "Your defeat is certain," he said. "Give me the Chaos Emeralds, and I will spare your life."
But Super Sonic had other plans. He spread out his hands, letting the emeralds orbit around him. Then, with a cry of "Chaos Control!", he instead scattered the emeralds across the universe. Without their power, Sonic plummeted down to Earth below.
Dark Oak watched the whole thing before looking down at a sparking injury he'd received from Sonic. "Sonic has only delayed my triumph," he said. "Those Emeralds will be mine."
He then began broadcasting a message through the entire galaxy: "Alert my forces across the galaxy. Begin the search for the Chaos Emeralds at once. Do not rest until you bring them all to me."
Several red lights flashed behind Dark Oak, who flew away from Mobius, but not before contacting the rest of his army: "Remove the Planet Egg."
As he disappeared in a red twinkle, something big began descending towards Mobius. As he fell, Sonic reverted back to his normal blue form. Little did he know, a certain girl sensed his trouble from another world and immediately went to tell her fellow Guard…
Back on Earth, Amy Rose the Hedgehog, Cream the Rabbit, and her best friend Cheese the Chao were with Miles "Tails" Prower the Fox stargazing. He had a camera set up and ready to record something while a picnic was spread out on the ground. "How much longer do we have to wait, Tails?" asked Cream.
"I'm not exactly sure, Cream," Tails answered. "Not too long."
That's what he was hoping, at least. "This would be so romantic if Sonic were here to see it with me!" said Amy dreamily. "Soon the whole sky will be filled with shooting stars!"
Tails looked up from his camera. "According to the astronomers," he said, "we'll only get a meteor shower this humongous once every 500 years or so. We're really lucky to be here."
He looked back through his camera as he finished. "I certainly wouldn't want to wait that long to see it again, would you?" Cream asked.
"Chao!" Cheese agreed.
"We should all make a wish!" said Amy.
"Why should we do that?" Tails asked, looking up confused.
"Chris told us when you make a wish whenever you see a shooting star, it'll come true, remember, Tails?" Cream reminded him.
"Yeah," Tails agreed as he remembered. "It's too bad that Chris and Chuck aren't here to see this with us. Same with Creecha and her family."
"I miss them," Cream agreed. "I wish we could go back to their world for a visit. And I wish that Creecha and her family could maybe visit us."
Just then, as if a wish was granted, a portal opened behind them. The four friends looked behind them in time to see something or someone approach them. "Hey guys," Creecha waved as she stepped out. "Not too late for anything, are we?"
"You're back!" Cream cheered as she ran forward.
Creecha laughed as she caught the little bunny in a hug. "It's good to see you again," she said. "Honestly, we've missed you."
"We've missed you too," Cream replied, Cheese responding with a happy "Chao!"
"Where're the others?" Amy asked.
"Oh, they'll all get here shortly," Creecha answered. "Just gotta adjust the portal here so you won't get collided into."
With that, she used her telekinesis to move the portal away from their spot in time for the rest of the gang to come shooting out of there and tumble to the ground. "Oof," Grace groaned. "Is this seriously what it feels like to go tumbling out of a portal?"
"Yeah, still working on that," Trixie said with a nervous chuckle.
"Uh huh, sure," Rainbow teased.
Eventually, they all managed to untangle themselves out of the pile up they created, which was a little difficult due to the Equestria Girls' tails in their half-pony forms, which were pretty much hair extensions. Fluttershy and Twilight were the first ones out and were dusting themselves off when their eyes landed on a dear friend. "Tails!"
Said fox smiled as he greeted them both with a hug of his own. "Good to see you again," he said. "Just in time for what's about to happen."
"What is it?" Junior asked curiously.
"A humongous meteor shower," Tails answered as the rest of the gang greeted them warmly.
"Meteor shower?" Grace was confused. "Is that when-?"
"It's not what you think it is," Creecha chuckled, interrupting her. "It's basically when a bunch of meteors fly right past Earth. From down here, we're basically gonna see a bunch of shooting stars pass by."
" *Phew* That's a relief," Grace sighed. "I thought that a bunch of meteors were gonna come crashing down on Earth."
"I don't know who put that thought in your head," Tom laughed goodnaturedly, ruffling his daughter's hair. "But I assure you that it isn't true."
Grace chuckled at the contact as they all gathered at their spot. Just then, a shooting star came flying by, causing them all to look up. "Ah!" Amy and Cream exclaimed.
"It's starting!" Tails exclaimed.
Sure enough, more shooting stars were flying by. Grace was in awe. She'd never seen a sight like this before. None of the Guard had. "Whoa," Dorothy breathed out.
"They look like fireworks!" Cream exclaimed happily.
"I'm sure glad I brought a camera," Tails commented.
Just then, Grace spotted something unusual: one shooting star was going in a completely different direction. "Umm, isn't that not supposed to happen?" she asked, pointing upwards.
That got everyone's attention. It did seem a little out of the ordinary. "That sure is a weird looking meteor," Amy said.
"If I didn't know better," Cream said, "I'd say it's heading straight for us!"
And indeed it was. "Everyone, get down!" Wallflower exclaimed as she pounced on Grace, tackling her.
No one argued with her. They all ducked down to the ground, with Creecha shoving Tails down as he looked upwards. The object, whatever it was, sailed right over their heads and exploded into the distance. Smoke billowed up as they all raced over to the crash site. "What the heck was that?" asked Lightning.
"I don't know, but whatever it was, it's definitely no shooting star," said Amy.
And she was right. In a forest clearing lay not a meteor, but a crashed spaceship. Junior went to check it out when he saw something laying nearby. Upon getting a closer look, his eyes widened in surprise. "Hey! Look what I found!" he called.
Upon hearing him, they all ran over, Wallflower and Grace getting there first. And there, near where the ship crashed, was a young alien-like girl. She was unlike anyone they'd ever seen before. Her skin was a pale peach color, and her eyes had one long eyelash each. Her bright green hair (which was darker in comparison to Creecha's green hair color) was short and had a pair of pink paradise flower buds held by golden hair ties, once on each side of her head. She wore a dress that was green and white with long sleeves, gold cuffs at the end, and gold trimming. The skirt part of the dress looked like several white flower petals with green trimming on the ends. In addition, she had an egg-shaped paradise-pink amulet on the front, white tights, and a pair of green shoes that were either flats or ballet shoes. She was lying unconscious on the ground, clearly having been thrown from the ship.
Twilight, Sunset, Bob, and Larry caught up with them, all looking in wonder at the newcomer. "Who is she?" Grace asked.
"I honestly don't know," Wallflower answered. "But I bet that you don't see something like that everyday."
"Same here," Twilight replied. "Sunset, how about you? Do you know what kind of girl this is?"
"Well…" Sunset said, "to be honest, I don't know either. Where I originally came from, I've traveled to different parts of the galaxy a lot more times than some of you combined and have met my fair share of different alien species. But I've never seen anything like that either."
Tails and the others soon arrived at the site. Tails held her up in his arms, causing her to stir. "She's still alive," Dorothy sighed with relief.
"Yeah, but she needs help," Tails replied.
"Your house is the closest one around here, Cream," said Amy. "I think we should take her there."
"We'll go tell Mother you're coming," Cream said.
With that, she flew away by flapping her ears as she took off with Cheese. I wonder who she is and where she came from, Tails thought to himself as he looked up at the stars.
Wallflower and Grace were thinking the same thing.
Meanwhile, Sonic woke up to find himself in some sort of room, blinking at a bright light above him. He looked around at his new surroundings, wondering where he was. "It's about time," said a voice.
Sonic turned to see none other than Dr. Eggman in a nearby seat. He was in Eggman's new tower base. "Eggman… what happened?" he asked.
"I've been sitting here for the better part of a week waiting for you to wake up and tell me," Eggman replied. "I was out jogging to maintain my perfect physique when I spotted something. You were in pretty bad shape, Sonic. You were battered like a fish stick. It was a tough decision. I didn't know whether to save you, or wait for the tide to come in. Ha!"
"You were in terrible shape, Sonic," said Orbot. "Dr. Eggman saved your life."
"If he hadn't, he wouldn't have anyone to pick on," added Cubot, rubbing behind his head.
Bokkun floated down to Sonic's bed with a mug. "So how'd you end up passed out on the beach, anyway?" he asked.
"I was fighting somebody," Sonic answered.
Suddenly remembering what happened, Sonic jumped up, accidentally splashing the drink onto Bokkun's face. "Hey, sorry," he apologized with a shrug, "but I can't say anymore."
He dashed away, causing Bokkun to spin around until he got dizzy. "You're leaving?" asked Eggman.
Sonic rushed back to Eggman. "See you later, Eggman," he said before rushing away.
"Hey! You owe us, Sonic!" Cubot exclaimed.
"You run fast," Orbot added, "but when it comes to paying your debts, you sure are a slowpoke!"
"What a deadbeat! Guhh!"
"Sonic, you ingrate!" Bokkun put in.
"That is the last time we will help you!"
"Yeah! Patients like you make us sick!"
Eggman didn't say anything, but unbeknownst to him, Rouge the Bat had been spying on him the whole time.
Meanwhile at Cream's house, Wallflower was sitting in a bedroom keeping an eye on the alien girl, who was laying in bed. Grace came in shortly after with a cup of water. "How is she?" she asked.
"Still hasn't woken up," Wallflower answered. "I know it hasn't been long, but I'm worried for her. Whatever happened to her that caused her to crash here must've been awful."
"You're telling me," Grace replied. "I'm just surprised that she was able to survive a crash. I thought that people commonly die from crashes. And even if they don't die, they end up seriously injured; that's what Uncle Ripslinger once told me when he was giving me a safety lesson during my training."
"That's only because there's people out in the world who don't follow any sort of safety precautions," Wallflower said. "Unfortunately, they end up paying a price for it-- one that's often fatal."
Grace gulped nervously at the thought as she set the water cup down on the nightstand. The two girls then spent the next few minutes waiting. Wallflower was reading something on her phone while Grace was practicing her fighting technique. Just then, the girl began stirring a little. That caught Wallflower's and Grace's attention. "Is she waking up?" Grace asked.
"I don't know," Wallflower answered. "But you might want to get the others here, just in case."
Nodding, Grace raced off while Wallflower turned her attention to the young girl. Upon getting a closer look, she realized that she was suffering from a nightmare:
A young alien girl was running down the hall from something when suddenly, the wall nearby exploded, knocking her to the ground. Looking on in fear, she saw a Metarex creature turning to look right at her with red eyes glowing. "Cosmo! Run away!" someone shouted.
The girl, named Cosmo, couldn't move. She was scared for her life as a white light washed over her…
A gasp left as her eyes snapped open, revealing a pretty powder-blue color. She found herself not laying outside near a crashed spaceship, but laying inside in a bed looking up at the ceiling. "Look; she's waking up," said a voice.
Looking to the side, she saw two rabbits, a fox, two human girls, and a hedgehog, who were all looking at her with concern. She attempted to sit up, wincing a little at the pain shooting through her. "There my dear, don't try to get up," cautioned Cream's mother Vanilla the Rabbit.
Cosmo looked around her. "Where am I?" she asked. "What happened?"
"You're in Cream's house," said Wallflower, catching her attention. "We found you unconscious next to your crashed spaceship and brought you here. You were out for sometime."
"Yeah, you were in a pretty big crash," Amy added. "You're really lucky that you didn't have any serious injuries."
"Maybe you can tell us your name and where you and your ship came here from," Cream suggested.
"Yeah, what brings you here?" asked Grace curiously.
Cosmo slowly nodded before covering her mouth, her eyes trembling as if tears were filling them. Grace and Wallflower immediately took notice of it. "You okay?" Grace asked.
"Wanna… talk about it?" Wallflower added.
"I can't," Cosmo answered.
Cream and Grace were confused. "You mean… you can't remember?" asked Cream.
"Or you don't want to talk about it?" Grace added in. "We all totally understand if you don't want to."
"I can," Cosmo said, "but I… can't tell you."
The others were surprised. "Why?" Tails asked.
"I'm looking for somebody on this planet called Sonic the Hedgehog," Cosmo answered. "It's very important that I speak with him as soon as possible before it's too late."
"You can tell us," Tails offered while Amy was impatiently tapping her foot in jealousy. "We'll help you if we can. What's the matter?"
"I can't tell you," Cosmo said, looking down ashamed.
"Well, I have a right to know what this is all about!" Amy angrily snapped.
"Huh?" said Cosmo.
"Sonic's my boyfriend," Amy went on, "and you better not be trying to move in on him!"
"Amy, she didn't come here to date him!" Cream said, placing a hand on Amy's chest in an attempt to calm her down.
Cosmo blinked in surprise. "Cream's right, Amy. That isn't the reason why she's down here," said a voice. "She's down here for a reason, but if I were you, I wouldn't go around jumping to conclusions."
They turned to see Creecha herself entering the room, having hung around outside. "Sorry about that," she apologized to Cosmo as she knelt down next to the bed. "Some of my friends can sometimes be pretty judgmental. It hasn't been the first time it's happened."
"We're friends with Sonic," said Tails, "so maybe we can help."
"Friends?" Cosmo asked.
Tails nodded. "My name's Miles Prower, but everybody calls me by my nickname Tails," he said.
"I'm Creecha," said Creecha, "and these two are my friend Wallflower Blush and my daughter Grace respectively."
Wallflower nodded while Grace gave a friendly wave. "I'm Cream," said Cream. "We're very happy to meet–"
"And my name's Amy Rose!" interrupted Amy snappily, still upset. "You aren't gonna be here long, are you?!"
"Amy," Creecha said sternly. "Now's not the time to get angry at her."
Cosmo just slowly nodded. Tails scratched the back of his head in confusion. Suddenly, they heard a noise from outside. "What the…?" Wallflower muttered.
They all headed over to the window. "What's that?" Cream asked.
She was pointing out at where clouds were gathering. A dark figure was descending into the Earth's atmosphere. "I don't know," Creecha said.
"Well, whatever it is, it's something big," Tails said.
"You should stay in bed," said Vanilla as she helped a shaky Cosmo stand.
With Vanilla's help, Cosmo was able to walk to the window. Now that it was more prominent since it was out of the clouds, they saw that it was made of metal. A fearful Cosmo recognized it. "It's another Metarex…" she said.
Meanwhile, at Angel Island, Knuckles the Echidna was sleeping on the altar in front of the Master Emerald when a sound woke him up. Sitting up, he saw the metallic monster, Metarex Carrer, descending into the forest below. It unlocked its arms, dwarfing the entire forest. "This looks like… trouble," Knuckles said, worried.
Then, its red eyes began glowing. "Preparing area for Planet Egg removal," it said.
Suddenly, the horns on its head began glowing, and red lightning streaked across the forest, destroying the whole place. "If that thing isn't stopped, it's gonna burn every tree in the forest!" Knuckles exclaimed.
At that point, the entire forest was already on fire. "Hey! Knock it off, ya firebug!" Knuckles yelled.
Leaping down from the island, he attempted to punch the Metarex Carrer, but it ended up being completely unharmed. It just swept Knuckles away with its left hand, the Echidna flying a long distance away. Luckily, he managed to land on his feet. Just then, several rockets came speeding through and struck the Metarex Carrer, but they didn't do any damage either. Regardless, Knuckles looked up and was relieved to see that it was a familiar plane, the X-Tornado; he immediately knew who was flying it. "Knuckles!" said Tails, speaking through his communicator.
"Alright," said Knuckles. "Maybe we can stop him together."
Cosmo was sitting behind Tails in the plane while Grace and Wallflower were standing on either side of it with strong vines tied around their waists in case they ended up accidentally flying off. "This doesn't look good," the fox said.
"No kidding," said Wallflower. "Look at all the damage it's causing."
"Is it all going to grow back?" asked Grace.
"Even if it did," Wallflower answered, "it would take a long time before it'd be back to normal."
The Metarex Carrer continued destroying the forest, Cosmo watching on in horror. Knuckles charged at it in an attempt to attack it again. "Looks like our only choice is to keep pounding away!" he said.
"We're going on the attack," Tails informed the three girls. "Are you ready?"
"Yep," Wallflower nodded.
"Ready as I'll ever be," said Grace.
"Yes," answered Cosmo.
As Tails turned the X-Tornado back towards the Metarex Carrer, Amy, Cream, Cheese, Twilight, Sunset, Creecha, Bob, Larry, and Junior approached. Saddened and shocked looks were on their faces as they watched the forest being repeatedly struck by lightning. "The whole forest's on fire," said Cream woefully.
Oh great. It's like Piston Peak all over again, Junior thought. Like I needed a repeat of that one.
"This can't be a coincidence," said Amy as the X-Tornado looped around the Metarex Carrer. "I have a feeling that girl may know why this is happening. I wish there was a way to convince her to talk to us."
Cosmo watched tensely as Knuckles leapt towards the Metarex Carrer, only to get swept away. And the X-Tornado still didn't do any damage. "Our lasers have no effect," said Tails.
"Well that stinks," said Grace. "Now what?"
"You need to use much stronger attacks if you're ever going to beat a Metarex," advised Cosmo.
"Do you know why it came here?" Tails asked.
"Or why it's destroying all the trees?" Wallflower added.
"Its mission… is to find the life force of this planet and steal it away," Cosmo answered.
Just then, a blue blur blazed past the X-Tornado and slammed into the Metarex Carrer with incredible force, knocking it over. "It's Sonic!" Amy and Cream exclaimed happily.
"It's about time," Creecha said with a smile.
"Chao!" Cheese exclaimed happily.
Tails and the girls also spotted him. "He's back!" Tails said.
In her excitement, Cosmo leapt up, only to bang her head on the canopy. "Ouch," Grace winced.
"Are… you okay?" Tails asked.
"Yes," Cosmo answered, rubbing her head.
She looked up. "So that's Sonic," she said. "Our final hope."
The Metarex Carrer promptly stood back up, but it was still smoking from the intense damage Sonic had done to it. "Looks like you're the one who's goin' down in flames now!" he said, smugly rubbing his nose.
Meanwhile, back on Earth in Station Square, a young man was working on something on a computer while eating a burger. He looked at his progress more closely. "Hey I know," he said. "Maybe if I increase the energy to the transport circuit…"
Upon doing that by recording part of the program, it was soon in working progress. "That's it!" he exclaimed happily. "Alright! It's finally time to try this out."
The young man was none other than Chris Thorndyke, now 18 years old. It'd been 6 years since his last adventure with the blue blur and his friends, and during those years, he'd gained a lot more maturity and experience. Standing up, he walked over to a portal that he'd been working on for sometime. "My machine's like the one Grandpa and Tails built to send Sonic and the others back home," he said, "but it doesn't need Chaos Emeralds. If it works, I'll finally see Sonic again!"
Happy at the prospect of seeing his old friend again, he turned to a picture he had near an open window. It was an old family photo of him when he was still 12 years of age with Sonic, Amy, and Tails. Just then, a gust of wind blew the picture off the window still. The instant it hit the floor, the glass protecting the picture shattered. Chris hurried over and picked it up. "I'm coming…" he said, taking a long look at the photo.
Back at Sonic's world, the fight was still going on, with everyone giving it everything they've got. Just then, as Wallflower was about to jump off the plane and attack with her lightsabers, a huge rock suddenly collided right into it. Surprised at the sudden attack, Wallflower turned around in time to see the rest of the Guard arrive, led by AJ, who had thrown that rock in the first place. "Hey guys!" Rainbow called with a smirk. "How can you fight a huge robot and not invite us?"
"Finally some backup," said Creecha, her wings spreading out. "Come on, boys. Let's help teach that Metarex a lesson."
Junior nodded as his necklace glowed, transforming him into Ricochet before jumping onto Creecha's back as the young woman took off. Bob and Larry followed suit as Thingamabob and Larryboy respectively after Matt and Shari picked them up. At Buzz-saw's command, Spike blew his fire breath onto the Metarex Carrer, only to no effect. "Rats," he said. "My fire breath isn't causing any damage to it."
Twilight flew up and attempted to use her lightsabers on it. It didn't work either. "And my lightsabers aren't making a scratch on this thing," she said. "How is that possible? I thought lightsabers could cut through anything."
"Must've slipped my mind," said Sunset sheepishly. "Sorry."
"Heads up, Sonic!" Tails called as the X-Tornado launched a power ring to Sonic.
The hedgehog grabbed it. "Thanks, Tails!" he said.
He attempted to execute a ring-powered spin dash towards the Metarex Carrer, but the giant Metarex's armor only caused him to bounce off. Then, the Carrer opened several compartments in its chest, releasing several claws. Creecha was the first to take notice. "Everyone, watch out!" she ordered. "We've got giant claws coming our way!"
Everyone didn't need to be told twice. Now they were occupied with fighting the giant metarex while avoiding the sharp claws. Sonic easily dodged them alongside Rainbow thanks to their agility. Knuckles and AJ both flew towards the Carrer, but they were punched back with one of its claws. They both landed roughly next to Sonic and Rainbow. While AJ was alright, Knuckles was looking bruised and battered. "Are you okay, guys?" Sunset asked, full of worry as she landed next to them.
"We're alright," AJ assured her, standing up. "Lil' bruised, but alright. We've handled much worse."
Knuckles nodded. "It's… pretty tough," he said.
"Yeah," Sonic agreed, "but we can beat him, buddy."
Knuckles stood up. "Got a plan?" he asked.
"Double team him," Sonic answered. "Let's go!"
With that, he raced back into battle, followed by Knuckles and the girls. In the meantime, in the X-Tornado, Cosmo was looking down at the blue blur. "I thought Sonic would move much more quickly than he does," she said.
At that, Tails, Grace, and Wallflower glanced down to see that Cosmo was right: Sonic was moving at a much slower pace. "Weird," Grace said. "I thought Sonic was supposed to be a lot faster than that."
"Something's not right," Tails agreed. "Sonic isn't moving as fast as he usually does."
"Yeah, he's running at the speed of a normal human, which is very unusual," Wallflower added. "Something must've happened before we got here."
The Metarex Carrer then supercharged its horns and unleashed red lightning around Sonic, Knuckles, Rainbow, AJ, and Sunset. The three girls were able to get out of the way, but Sonic and Knuckles weren't so lucky. At Creecha's command, everyone all fired magic colored beams at it while at the same time, Creecha herself went for a combined element attack, but even that didn't work. "This is impossible," Tails said, shocked. "No matter how hard we hit that thing, it keeps going!"
"You'll have to use the Chaos Emeralds to stop this thing," Knuckles told Sonic. "I'll distract it with a frontal attack so you can move in and finish it off."
"I'd like to," Sonic said, "but I don't happen to have the Chaos Emeralds with me right now."
Knuckles paused, a look of mixed shock and confusion written on his face. "Wh… where are they?" he asked.
"Well, I kinda got into this fight out in space," Sonic explained, rubbing his head, "and the bad guy was gonna take 'em from me, so I sent 'em away."
Knuckles blinked. "You finally had all 7 Chaos Emeralds together… and you threw them away?" he asked in disbelief.
"Exactly," Sonic answered.
Knuckles snapped. Angered, he grabbed at Sonic. "ARE YOU CRAZY?!" he exclaimed. "WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?!"
"I guess we're gonna have to find 'em again!" Sonic replied.
They were so busy with their squabbling that they didn't notice the Metarex Carrer's claw swinging at them. Rainbow was the only one who took notice. "Guys! Watch out!" she exclaimed.
But it was too late. The Carrer punched both of them away with its claw, prompting Rainbow to go after them. Amy and Cream, having been on the sidelines the whole time, ran to the edge of a cliff. "Oh no!" exclaimed Amy.
"Are you OK?" Cream asked.
Just then, another claw headed right towards them. "Look out!" Amy yelled as she tackled Cream to the ground.
The claw soared right over their heads. "Chao-chao-chao-chao!" Cheese exclaimed frantically.
Suddenly, a bright blue light emerged out of the ground in front of the Metarex Carrer. Smoke was rising everywhere in the area. "Proceeding with Planet Egg removal," it said.
Where the light was coming from, the ground began to open up. "Oh no!" Cosmo exclaimed, horrified. "We're too late!"
And she was right. As the light intensified, Amy, Cream, and everyone else had to shield their eyes so they wouldn't go blind. As it died down, it revealed a huge, smoldering crater. A glowing stone rose from the crater and began floating upwards. "What in the world is that?" asked Tails.
"He's found the Planet Egg," Cosmo answered.
"Huh?" Wallflower and Grace said in usion. They were confused.
So was Tails. "What's a Planet Egg?" he asked.
"It's the life force that sustains your world," Cosmo answered.
As a result of the Planet Egg's removal, the ground began to become parched, and the trees began dying. "The Planet Egg is what gives your world the power to support life," Cosmo explained while it was happening. "Without it, every living thing here will soon perish."
Everyone watched on in horror and shock as the sky turned from red to blue. "Oh no," Creecha whispered, devastated.
The others didn't say anything. They didn't have to. Their facial expressions and the looks in their eyes said everything. "Procedure complete," said the Metarex Carrer. "Lift off!"
With that, it began levitating. "Hold it!" Sonic said.
He spun into the air, but one of the Metarex Carrer's claws shocked him, causing him to fall back down to the ground. "I got ya," Knuckles said.
Diving towards Sonic, he was able to catch him at the last possible moment. "Sonic!" Amy exclaimed as she, Cream, and everyone else ran over to check on him.
Meanwhile, the Metarex Carrer turned around and took off into the air. "I'll stop that thing!" Tails declared.
The Metarex Carrer folded up its claws and blasted off into space. As their necklace and geode respectively glowed, magic surrounded Grace and Wallflower, protecting them from suffocation. In the meantime, Tails was beginning to feel the turbulence of Mobius's upper atmosphere and had to pull power. "Tails, what's the matter?" Grace asked. "You're slowing down!"
"I can't go any higher 'cause this plane wasn't designed to travel into space!" Tails answered.
At that, he heard someone tapping on the canopy. Glancing beside him, he saw that it was Wallflower, who was pointing at something behind him. Looking that way, Tails saw why Wallflower had gotten his attention: poor Cosmo wasn't looking so good; it was as if spirals were in her eyes. "Are you alright?" he asked.
"I'm just… a little… dizzy," Cosmo managed to say, shaking her head to alleviate the dizziness.
"I'm sorry," Tails apologized. "I just wish I got the Planet Egg back."
"It's alright Tails," Grace assured him. "We all did."
Wallflower nodded in understanding. Then, Cosmo reached up to the canopy. "Could you… open this for a moment please?" she asked.
Tails turned to look at her, as did the girls. "You can open it while you're flying, can't you?" she asked.
"Yeah," Tails answered hesitantly, "but I'm not sure it's a good idea to do it at this altitude."
"Please, Tails," Cosmo insisted.
She was so polite about it that Tails couldn't refuse. "Okay, if you really want me to…" he said.
As soon as the canopy was open, they felt the wind blowing through. At the same time, Grace and Wallflower were untying the vines from around their waists, Grace carefully heading to the other side of the plane. "There you go– Whaah!"
Tails wasn't expecting what would happen right after that. One moment, Cosmo was in the plane. And the next, before he knew it, there was the alien girl, leaping out of the Tornado and diving towards the ground below. Wallflower and Grace were on either side of her, following her down. Tails was speechless.
Meanwhile, back on the ground, everyone else was concerned about Sonic. "You didn't put up much of a fight against that thing, Sonic," said Knuckles. "Are you sure you're feeling okay?"
"You don't seem like your old self," Amy added.
"It's been a long day," Sonic admitted, "so I guess I'm a little tired."
Just then, Cosmo floated to the ground in front of them. "That was so cool!" Grace gushed excitedly as she and Wallflower landed behind her. "Her skirt was acting like a makeshift parachute!"
Wallflower didn't say anything out of pure bafflement from what she saw. Dusting herself off, Cosmo then turned her attention to Sonic. "My name is Cosmo," she said. "I've come a long way to see you. I need to speak with you, Sonic."
"Cosmo?" Wallflower said. "Huh. Nice name."
"O- Okay," said Sonic, a little confused.
"I have sought you out because I know you have the power to control the Chaos Emeralds," Cosmo explained. "I have come here because you are the one who can rescue the galaxy."
Sonic was surprised. "I am?" he asked. This was rather, well, unexpected.
Meanwhile, Tails noticed something on Angel Island. "What's that?" he wondered.
Flying in for a closer look, that when he saw: the Master Emerald was pulsating with light. After landing the plane, he raced over to where everyone else was. "Guys! It's happening!" he called as soon as he was in earshot.
"What's happening?" Knuckles asked.
While the Master Emerald continued glowing in bursts, back in his world, Chris was standing in front of a now powered-up portal. In a bright light, the portal consumed Chris before vanishing. On his desk was a letter he'd written beforehand:
"Dear Mom and Dad and everybody…
I'm sorry to leave without saying goodbye. I knew if I said anything, you'd try and stop me from traveling to Sonic's world. It's very important to me, so I hope you'll understand. Don't worry. I'll be fine. And… I'll be back. I'll miss you all. Mom, and Dad. Grandpa, Danny, Frances… and Helen. I love you.
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P.S.: I'll tell Sonic and the others you said hello."
Back in Sonic's world, everyone was now gathered at the Master Emerald, watching as it pulsed irregularly. Just then, a figure could be seen within the Emerald. As it became more prominent, everyone was surprised. "Hey, that's Chris!" Sonic and Knuckles said in usion.
"It… worked!" Chris said to himself. "I… did it! I actually did it!"
He was so happy, even more so when his eyes landed on his old friend. "Sonic!" he said happily.
Suddenly, Chris fell to the ground. He caught himself, only to find out, to his horror, that his lab coat was too big for him. As the glow of the Master Emerald died down, Chris discovered that now, for some reason, he was back in his 12-year-old form.
To be continued...